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LE@D - Laboratório de Educação a Distância e Elearning | Artigos em revistas / Papers in journals

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  • Escala de Usos da Internet: validação da versão portuguesa
    Publication . Aires, Luísa; Almeida, L.eandro; Instituto de Educação, Universidade do Minho
    A evolução tecnológica e a crescente pressão social para o uso da Internet têm evidenciado desigualdades no seu uso, tanto nas condições de acesso, como das competência de uso e usufruto. Estas desigualdades impactam na vida das pessoas, em particular na sua formação e atividade profissional. O conceito de fosso digital tem evoluído, passando do acesso básico às tecnologias digitais (1º nível) para as competências de uso destas tecnologias (2º nível) e, mais recentemente, para os resultados tangíveis do uso da internet (3º nível) (Scheerder et al., 2017). No presente estudo foi aplicada e validada uma escala de Usos da Internet. A Escala de Usos da Internet adaptada ao contexto português mostrou-se robusta e adequada para avaliação dos padrões de uso entre os estudantes universitários.
  • Location-based games as tools for leisure in a military community
    Publication . Jenkinsa, Anabela Pimentel da Silva; Aires, Luísa
    Digital media increasingly affect how people interact with their surroundings, leading to rising levels of indoor screen time. This study examines how locative media technologies can enhance meaningful leisure and learning experiences in outdoor settings. Our goal is to understand the role of location-based games in improving outdoor leisure by implementing a geolocation program within a military community at an Armed Forces base. Therefore, we conducted a qualitative case study based on the principles of the design-based research (DBR) method. By developing, implementing, and using a location-based game prototype, we increased contact with nature and found that locative play encourages learning in outdoor leisure contexts. We also found that the digital locative game promoted a sense of social belonging and positively impacted intergenerational activities, highlighting the immense potential of locative media and ubiquitous learning in outdoor leisure experiences and the creation of new educational opportunities.
  • A learning design to promote changes in teacher´s digital assessment practices
    Publication . Pereira, Alda; Oliveira, Isolina
    In this article, we present the design of an ongoing training course for teachers in non-tertiary education with the aim of promoting a change in their assessment practices towards digital assessment of competences from a sustainable assessment perspective. Using a qualitative approach, we analysed the interactions that took place in the different virtual forums, as well as the reports produced at the end by the participants. Our aim was to find out what the main challenges were for these teachers, while at the same time trying to understand which dimensions of the training process enabled the teachers involved to design and implement strategies for assessing competences using technology. We found that the participants' main difficulties were in changing the focus of the assessment, going beyond the mere assessment of knowledge, as well as in constructing appropriate rubrics for the assessment of competences. Important aspects of the training programme were i) the dimension of collaboration between peers, ii) flexibility in terms of the technologies to be used, considering different digital literacy profiles and iii) the creation and application of pedagogical strategies by the teachers during the training.
  • O Laboratório de Educação a Distância e eLearning
    Publication . Morgado, Lina
    Breve apresentação do LE@D - Laboratório de Educação a Distância e eLearning unidade de investigação e desenvolvimento com o registo FCT nº 4372, sediada na Universidade Aberta. Criada em 2007, como uma das ações do Programa de Inovação em EAD, teve como objetivo principal apoiar a virtualização da Universidade Aberta (UAb), monitorizar a implementação do Modelo Pedagógico Virtual, desenvolver produtos e aplicações para o ensino online e apoiar a formação docente avançada. Para além disso, propunha-se ser um observatório internacional de acompanhamento de tendências e práticas internacionais na área da Educação a Distância e eLearning. Presentemente, o foco de investigação do LE@D centra-se em torno das temáticas que envolvem a Educação a Distância, a Educação Aberta, eLearning e os vários fenómenos que abrangem a cibercultura e a Sociedade em Rede. No âmbito do processo de avaliação das Unidades I&D, levado a cabo pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), que terminou no presente ano de 2019, o LE@D obteve a classificação de BOM e financiamento para o desenvolvimento das suas atividades de investigação.
  • Educación mediática en contextos informales: un estudio de caso de la transmisión cultural portuguesa a través de Assassin's Creed
    Publication . Cerezo-Pizarro, Mario; Morgado, Lina; Revuelta-Domínguez, Francisco-Ignacio; Guerra-Antequera, Jorge
    Los videojuegos son una herramienta de difusión educativo-cultural valorada dentro de la denominada educación mediática informal por su alto potencial para adquirir aprendizajes. El número de videojugadores ha crecido de forma exponencial en las últimas décadas convirtiendo las representaciones sociales y culturales que se realizan en este medio en objeto de estudio y análisis educativo. Los investigadores consideran necesario identificar los rasgos culturales transmitidos a través del videojuego como objeto de estudio, y de la representación cultural portuguesa realizada en este medio. En el análisis realizado se utiliza el estudio de caso y el método analítico cualitativo de Hofstede, desde el enfoque antropológico y cultural que identifica elementos y representaciones de la cultura portuguesa en los videojuegos. Identificando y discutiendo rasgos y elementos culturales que permitirán a investigadores y educadores establecer una base sobre la que construir aprendizajes informales mediados con videojuegos.
  • Improve teachers´ innovative digital skill across Europe: the role of IDEAS project
    Publication . Afonso, Ana Paula; Carvalho, Isabel Cristina; Bidarra, José; Morgado, Lina; Rocha, Maria Antonieta
    The Innovative Digital Education and Skills (IDEAS) ERASMUS+ project aimed to improve teachers' digital skills and competencies by directly responding to the EU's Digital Education Action-Plan (2021-27) Strategic-Priority 1. It involved the design of a 30-hour micro-credentialed teacher training course consisting of a digital toolkit with 14 bite-sized modules using adaptive learning models with the support of the IDEAS Mentors and implementing a pilot program that was tested and evaluated. To carry out the course's instructional design, a needs analysis was conducted based on a literature review and a baseline survey to assess teachers' strengths, weaknesses, and needs in implementing digital pedagogy. After identifying teachers' needs, specific content was conceived, designed, and made available on a platform that allows access to the knowledge society. The study showed four areas of digital competencies needing training, and a learner persona was profiled following a gap analysis of the 99 responses. This data informed a pilot program with 80 Vocational Education and Training and Higher Education teachers to test the functionality of the digital Toolkit, the e-learning platform, design, quality, and impact of the content. Data analysis indicates that participating teachers improved their digital competencies and facilitated innovative learning experiences in their practices.
  • The effect of leadership style on firefighters well-being during an emergency
    Publication . Curral, Luis; Carmona, Laura; Pinheiro, Raquel; Reis, Vitor; Chambel, Maria José
    Leaders are crucial to ensuring the well-being of their subordinates. This study aims to understand the effects of two leadership styles (empowering vs. directive) on subordinates’ well-being in an emergency situation (i.e., rural fire). A simulation study was conducted with two experimental conditions (empowering vs. directive leadership), and the subordinates’ stress levels were measured before and after the simulated episode. Contrary to expectations, empowering leadership had no significant effect on subordinates’ stress levels, while directive leadership contributed to reducing them. As expected, this effect was stronger for the subordinates with higher levels of stress prior to the simulated episode.
  • Códigos de ética e organizações: revisão integrativa pelo Método PRISMA
    Publication . Cruz, Gualter; Rouco, Carlos; Reis, Vitor
    A ética profissional afeta qualquer organização em todas as suas vertentes, na medida que garante a qualidade dos serviços prestados e é um pilar fundamental no processo de tomada de decisão de qualquer colaborador. O objetivo desta revisão integrativa foi identificar as vantagens da implementação de um código de ética numa organização. Realizou-se uma revisão integrativa da literatura (RIL) usando as bases de dados eletrónicos (Pubmed, Web of Science, plataforma EBSCOhost, CINAHL e na plataforma b-on) mediante uso de descritores e operadores booleanos. A procura foi apresentada através do diagrama PRISMA para apresentar o fluxo de busca por evidências. A procura recuperou um total de 1865 artigos e após avaliação dos critérios de elegibilidade, 22 artigos foram incluídos. Os resultados demonstraram que a adoção de códigos de ética pelas organizações é uma prova firme de declaração da organização comprometer-se em respeitar os direitos dos cidadãos e da sociedade.
  • O impacto da ética na cultura organizacional dos bombeiros: revisão sistemática pelo Método PRISMA
    Publication . Cruz, Gualter; Rouco, Carlos; Reis, Vitor
    A ética é essencial nas organizações e estas operacionalizam a sua introdução através da adoção de códigos que orientam o agir dos seus colaboradores. A adoção de um comportamento ético torna-se assim um pilar fundamental, em particular para os bombeiros. É objetivo desta revisão identificar o impacto da ética na cultura organizacional dos bombeiros. Para o efeito realizou-se uma revisão sistemática pelo método prisma através da busca nas bases de dados eletrónicos Biblioteca virtual em saúde, CINAHL, MEDLINE e APA PsycInfo através do uso de descritores e operadores booleanos. De um total de 2422 artigos, após aplicação dos critérios de elegibilidade apenas foram incluídos 17 artigos. Os resultados demonstram que a adoção de um código de ética nos bombeiros apresenta vantagens ao nível da cultura organizacional, comando, chefia e liderança, desempenho éticoprofissional e também no conhecimento ético. Existe sempre uma responsabilidade ética associada a qualquer ação durante uma missão.
  • Exploring immersive multimodal virtual reality training, affective states, and ecological validity in healthy firefighters: quasi-experimental study
    Publication . Oliveira, Joana; Dias, Joana Aires; Correia, Rita; Pinheiro, Raquel; Reis, Vitor; Sousa, Daniela; Agostinho, Daniel; Simões, Marco; Castelo-Branco, Miguel
    Background: Firefighters face stressful life-threatening events requiring fast decision-making. To better prepare for those situations, training is paramount, but errors in real-life training can be harmful. Virtual reality (VR) simulations provide the desired realism while enabling practice in a secure and controlled environment. Firefighters’ affective states are also crucial as they are a higher-risk group. Objective: To assess the impact on affective states of 2 simulated immersive experiences in a sample of healthy firefighters (before, during, and after the simulation), we pursued a multivariate approach comprising cognitive performance, situational awareness, depression, anxiety, stress, number of previous adverse events experienced, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) severity, and emotions. The efficacy and ecological validity of an innovative VR haptic system were also tested, exploring its impact on performance. Methods: In collaboration with the Portuguese National Fire Service School, we exposed 22 healthy firefighters to 2 immersive scenarios using the FLAIM Trainer VR system (neutral and arousing scenarios) while recording physiological data in a quasi-experimental study. Baseline cognitive performance, depression, anxiety, stress, number of adverse events, and severity of PTSD symptoms were evaluated. Positive and negative affective states were measured before, between, and after each scenario. Situational awareness, sense of presence, ecological validity, engagement, and negative effects resulting from VR immersion were tested. Results: Baseline positive affect score was high (mean 32.4, SD 7.2) and increased after the VR tasks (partial η2=0.52; Greenhouse-Geisser F1.82,32.78=19.73; P<.001). Contrarily, mean negative affect score remained low (range 11.0-11.9) throughout the study (partial η2=0.02; Greenhouse-Geisser F2.13,38.4=0.39; P=.69). Participants’ feedback on the VR sense of presence was also positive, reporting a high sense of physical space (mean score 3.9, SD 0.8), ecological validity (mean score 3.8, SD 0.6), and engagement (mean score 3.8, SD 0.6). Engagement was related to the number of previously experienced adverse events (r=0.49; P=.02) and positive affect (after the last VR task; r=0.55; P=.02). Conversely, participants reported few negative effects (mean score 1.7, SD 0.6). The negative effects correlated positively with negative affect (after the last VR task; r=0.53; P=.03); and avoidance (r=0.73; P<.001), a PTSD symptom, controlling for relevant baseline variables. Performance related to situational awareness was positive (mean 46.4, SD 34.5), although no relation was found to metacognitively perceived situational awareness (r=–0.12; P=.59). Conclusions: We show that VR is an effective alternative to in-person training as it was considered ecologically valid and engaging while promoting positive emotions, with few negative repercussions. This corroborates the use of VR to test firefighters’ performance and situational awareness. Further research is needed to ascertain that firefighters with PTSD symptomatology are not negatively affected by VR. This study favors the use of VR training and provides new insights on its emotional and cognitive impact on the trainee.