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- From face-to-face to online learning: designing a pedagogical model for an higher education contextoPublication . Loureiro, Ana; Messias, Inês; Rocha, Dina; Oliveira, Nuno RicardoNowadays, online and virtual platforms play a key role in contemporary society. Digital technology has become ubiquitous and indispensable to our daily routines, whereas the educational field is not an exception. Higher Education Institutions (HEI), due to the transition to emergency remote learning during CoViD-19 pandemia, had to change the way programmes were delivered. At this moment, this fact has triggered on the part of HEIs, decision-makers and the educational community in general, the need to invest in the development and redesign of Pedagogical Models, as a social responsibility of the institution, besides the legal compliance with the accreditation agencies, of courses and institutions that promote distance learning. Online learning became a methodology that was acquired and that, in some situations, prevailed on time. However, delivering online learning has its own specificities and requires certain pedagogical adaptations, to which, sometimes faculty is not aware of. According to Decree-Law 133/2019, which approves the legal system of higher education provided at a distance, certain criteria are required to be reflected in the HEIs' official documents on this teaching-learning modality. Therefore, the design and conception of a pedagogical model for online learning and distance education is crucial, since HEIs have the responsibility, regardless of the contexts, to provide quality and inclusive education. Many online programmes are available for training but HEI have a significant role in providing a formal and certified training, founded on criteria of quality, flexibility and effectiveness and based on virtual learning platforms, grounded on adapted and personalised pedagogical models. This paper aims to present the distance learning pedagogical model of a HEI which is being developed for a quality distance learning offer. An extensive literature review was carried out, which allowed to know different pedagogical models applied in diverse contexts. A comparison of the different models was made, according to a set of defined criteria that emerged from the needs diagnosed in the HEI. This resulted in a proposal for a pedagogical model, based on the following principles: quality and learning experience; ethics and academic integrity; digital inclusion and accessibility; open science and environmental sustainability; flexibility; and interaction. The model will be validated by eLearning and pedagogical experts before it can be implemented as a model in the HEI.
- Online communication and interaction during the COVID-19 pandemic: perceptions of tourism higher education faculty and studentsPublication . Paiva, Ana Maria Videira; Runa, Ana; Loureiro, Ana; Seco, Carlos; Mendes, Elizabeth; Pereira, Hugo; Messias, Inês; Paz, João; Morgado, Lina; Vieira, Márcia de Freitas; Oliveira, Nuno Ricardo; Cardoso, PaulaThis proposal is part of an ongoing research and presents the results of the perceptions on online communication and interaction by students and faculty of Tourism undergraduate degrees, during the first period of confinement enforced by the Portuguese government as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic. The main objective of the general research was to understand how Higher Education faculty and students experienced the digital transition to emergency education and the pedagogical practices adopted during the period.
- Facebook, educação a distância e envolvimento do estudantePublication . Messias, Inês; Morgado, LinaA tecnologia digital é hoje vista como parte integrante e definidora da sociedade em que vivemos, e tem vindo a ser utilizada, cada vez mais, no ensino, de forma a que este consiga dar resposta às exigências de formação dos estudantes, quer devido aos seus perfis mais tecnológicos, como às exigências do cada vez mais inovador mercado de trabalho. A educação tem vindo a mudar já desde há um tempo, pretendendo acompanhar a sociedade em que está inserida. Já em 2001 Prensky referia que a educação ambicionava tornar-se mais pessoal, reflexiva, envolvida, focada no conhecimento e na conectividade, dizendo-se inclusiva quer dos nativos digitais, quer dos imigrantes digitais (Prensky, 2001). Mas será que em 2017 a integração destas caraterísticas da tecnologia digital estão de facto presentes no ensino? A ambição de tornar o ensino mais adequado à sociedade em que vivemos, requer a existência de determinadas competências, por parte dos estudantes e dos docentes, que permitam ensinar e aprender em ambientes digitais, grande parte, já fazendo uso da web 2.0. Assim, hoje, ensinar exige ao docente possuir conhecimento das diversas ferramentas existentes, selecionar as mais adequadas aos conteúdos que pretende lecionar, adaptar os recursos e as suas metodologias de ensino às plataformas adotadas, não podendo esquecer os diferentes perfis de entrada dos estudantes, que podem ser ou não nativos digitais, e as competências académicas, digitais e o conhecimento académico que estes devem adquirir, para que correspondam aos perfis de saída pretendidos pelo mercado de trabalho. Desta forma, não é só o ensino que sofre alterações, a aprendizagem passa a não depender apenas da aquisição individual de conhecimento académico, centrado Facebook, educação a distância e envolvimento do estudante no armazenamento ou recolha de informação, e passa a depender também da aquisição de competências digitais, da conetividade entre pares, da utilização de plataformas, da capacidade de seleção, análise e reflexão de informação disponível, em plataformas formais e informais. Numa sociedade que se diz digital, saber usar as ferramentas disponíveis de forma eficaz é uma necessidade, mais ainda para o estudante que frequenta o Ensino a Distância (EaD) ou o ensino mediado pela tecnologia, uma vez que muito do contacto que faz com pares e docentes é precisamente mediado por plataformas de aprendizagem e redes sociais, estas últimas, vistas em muitos casos como meras ferramentas de entretenimento.
- Facebook + Moodle : environments to foster student´s involvement in distance learningPublication . Messias, Inês; Morgado, LinaWeb 2.0 has changed our daily lives, and is now part of our society, both professionally and for entertainment. As Education changes, accompanying society, it has evolved to become more personal, focused on knowledge, reflexive, socially connected and involved, as to include not only the digital natives, but also the digital immigrants [1]. Students are now acquiring skills and competences that allow them to use digital tools to research, select information and reflect upon it, work collaboratively and share their created knowledge online. As the use of Web 2.0 tools increases in Higher Education Institutions for learning and knowledge creation, to be connected is now a relevant skill, especially for students in Distance learning, not only to overcome isolation, but also to help create online informal communities using 2.0 tools, giving a sense of belonging, fostering involvement and collectively create and share knowledge. According to Forbes, in December 2013, Facebook is still the online social network with more users “Facebook continues to lead the pack in terms of number of active monthly users (1.15 billion at last count).” [2]. As for Moodle, it is the most used open source LMS in Higher Education Institutions. This paper reflects on the possible implications that the use of formal and informal learning platforms can bring to online distance learning in higher education, and discusses how the complementary use of these two platforms (Facebook and Moodle) can contribute to the students’ involvement and effective learning.
- Competences and learning profiles of digital age's studentsPublication . Loureiro, Ana; Messias, InêsIn the connected world we live in today, people no longer look for information only in formal places. Internet has become a place of choice to gather information. Social networks have grown from places for socialization to platforms where knowledge is created and shared, where connectivity and collaboration are natural. Many people look at the web as a place for learning, using it to create a network which allows them to gather, select, share, reshape ideas and create knowledge to then replicate on social networks. Students' learning profile is becoming more proactive in the search for information and constructing valid knowledge. The demands of the information age raise the necessity of students to acquire different skills and competences – 21st century skills. This chapter aims to present the different students' learning profiles and the type of learning environments available online.
- Moving on towards ‘New Normal’ in education - ICEM2022 Conference: book of abstractsPublication . Loureiro, Ana; Rocha, Dina; Messias, Inês; Oliveira, Nuno; Lopes, RuiThe Conference is dedicated to the main theme “Moving on towards ‘new normal’ in education”. With ICEM Conference there is the opportunity for presenting and discussing new educational tools and environments, experiences and best practices and case studies on innovative technology-based learning strategies, and institutional policies on educational media and computer supported education. It will provide an overview of current technologies as well as upcoming trends, and promote discussion about the pedagogical potential of educational environments and technologies in the academic field. The Conference programme will include presentations of research results and best practice, hands-on workshops, poster session, roundtable sessions, media festival and school visits.
- 2nd International Congress on 21st Century Literacies: book of abstractsPublication . Loureiro, Ana; Rocha, Dina; Messias, Inês; Oliveira, Nuno Ricardo; Lopes, Rui
- Mov2EAD. Move to distance education: emergency teaching & digital transformation in higher educationPublication . Morgado, Lina; Paiva, Ana; Paz, João; Loureiro, Ana; Runa, Ana; Afonso, Ana Paula; Seco, Carlos; Pereira, Hugo; Mendes, Elizabeth; Messias, Inês; Vieira, Márcia de Freitas; Rocha, Maria Antonieta; Spilker, Maria João; Oliveira, Nuno Ricardo; Cardoso, PaulaThe project MOv2EAD- Move to Distance Education: Emergency Teaching & Digital Transformation in Higher Education is a project integrated in Laboratory of Distance Education and eLearning (https://lead.uab.pt/mov2ead) started in the heart of the pandemic and with the involvement of 8 Portuguese public and private higher education institutions. Its goal was to understand the experiences of HE teachers and students and the digital transition of face to face teaching to Distance Learning (DL) during the pandemic and post-pandemic period. The results gathered a robust overview of the pandemics experience and relevant indicators to enhance the digital transformation of the HEIs involved. It also helped to develop new inter-institutional cooperation and produced several publication outputs and transformational actions in institutions.
- Facebook + LMS: scenarios for student´s engagement in distance learningPublication . Messias, Inês; Morgado, Lina
- Transformação digital no ensino superior: desafios e contradiçõesPublication . Morgado, Lina; Aires, Luísa; Paz, João; Afonso, Ana Paula; Loureiro, Ana; Messias, Inês; Oliveira, Nuno RicardoA partir de um contexto de ambiguidades e contradições, com esta comunicação pretende-se contribuir para a estabilização do universo associado à Educação a Distância, à Educação Híbrida e à Digitalização da Educação, dando particular ênfase às variantes pedagógicas e mediadas que estes conceitos representam.