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- Requirements for the use of virtual worlds in corporate training : perspectives from the post-mortem of a corporate e-learning provider approach of Second Life and OpenSimulatorPublication . Morgado, Leonel; Paredes, Hugo; Fonseca, Benjamim; Martins, Paulo; Antunes, Ricardo; Moreira, Lúcia; Carvalho, Fausto de; Peixinho, Filipe; Santos, ArnaldoBetween 2009 and 2011, a joint academia-industry effort took place to integrate Second Life and OpenSimulator platforms into a corporate elearning provider’s learning management platform. The process involved managers and lead developers at the provider and an academic engineering research team. We performed content analysis on the documents produced in this process, seeking data on the corporate perspective of requirements for virtual world platforms to be usable in everyday practice. In this paper, we present the requirements found in the documents, and detail how they emerged and evolved throughout the process.
- Good and bad design: some rules about the good and bad design in DSTPublication . Morgado, Lina; Figueiredo, José CarlosThe objective is to created and adapted Open Educational Resources (OERs) for the Open Online Course Introduction to Digital Storytelling for Training (english and portuguese). This is the OER3 dedicated to Some rules about the good and bad design in DST.
- Física : dinâmicaPublication . Sousa, Nuno; Silva, Fátima Ferreira da; Firmino, Joaquim
- A migração de um motivo: Don Juan e as pulsões do femininoPublication . Sequeira, Rosa MariaO herói masculino tem sido privilegiado nos estudos do donjuanismo. No entanto, a expressão feminina é determinante enquanto grupo de um longo catálogo que, já na ópera de Mozart / Da Ponte (1787), continha mil e três conquistas apenas em Espanha. No século XXI os nomes desse catálogo aumentaram nas obras de ficcionais. É o que sucede no romance de João Gabriel de Lima, primeiro publicado no Brasil e depois em Portugal, respetivamente em 2000 e 2003. Sem as mulheres, Don Juan não subiria à cena. Sucede ainda que, na história do mito, a mulher teve o poder de perder ou salvar o herói, antes de, na Modernidade, ela própria se tornar Don Juan. No entanto a perspetiva feminina tem sido até agora negligenciada. Este artigo parte dessa perspetiva para analisar os grandes momentos de viragem do mito no que respeita aos tipos femininos ao longo da história do donjuanismo.
- Colóquio: Fraude alimentar: contextualização, causas e medidas ao seu combatePublication . Moura, Ana Pinto de; Mil-Homens, Ana Sofia; Pimentel, H.No âmbito do curso de Mestrado em Ciências do Consumo Alimentar (MCCA)/DCeT decorreu o Colóquio: "Fraude alimentar: contextualização, causas e medidas ao seu combate ", contando com a participação de um representante da ASAE, e da CENTROMARCA, tendo sido parcialmente emitido na Emissão UAb n.º 114 (minutos:1:02-7:58 )
- Social and spatial continuities and differentiations among Portuguese ciganos: regional profilesPublication . Mendes, Maria Manuela; Magano, Olga; Candeias, PedroThe coexistence of people and societies marked by ethnic, social, cultural, religious and linguistic diversity is a subject that still generates controversies in contemporary societies. The “Ciganos’ situation” is an unavoidable issue that crosses the boundaries of different European countries, which leads to controversy and ambivalence in the so-called multicultural and/or intercultural societies characterised by the principle of universalism. In Portugal, despite the social and economic transformations that have occurred, the problems of exclusion and poverty among Ciganos persist. They are still considered the poorest ethnic group, with the worst housing conditions, lest schooling and the main target of racism and discrimination. The Portuguese Ciganos are not a homogeneous community. The diversity and plurality are not always easy to grasp by the glare generated by the adoption of interpretive perspectives that are reductively linear and deterministic of the Portuguese Ciganos. For the purpose of outlining a national picture of Portuguese Ciganos, a national study was developed that combines both qualitative and quantitative methodological approaches. The central goal of this article is to present the main results obtained through a questionnaire survey carried out to Ciganos persons and to discuss the social and spatial continuities and differentiations among Ciganos in Portugal.
- School pathways and economic practices of Portuguese ciganos: some continuities and changesPublication . Mendes, Maria Manuela; Magano, OlgaThe main aim of this article is to offer a comprehensive perspective to a better understanding of the actual situation of Portuguese Ciganos.1 In Portugal, the lack of recognition of Ciganos (Roma) and the sometimes incorrect ‘knowledge’ about them which are reflected in images that are limitative and distorted, suggest inferiority and are full of disdain, all of which negatively affects and restricts the life of Ciganos persons. This article intends to presents some of the main results of two qualitative studies conducted between 2004–2010, one of which sought to get to know Ciganos’ representations of domains, practices and situations perceived as discriminatory, while the other looked at the social integration paths of these persons. These studies produce new knowledge about both individual academic and occupational trajectories, and some of the main intergenerational changes that have occurred among Portuguese Ciganos. In addition, the article offers a new view about some social policies in Portugal and its impacts on Ciganos singularities. In fact, it’s possible to conclude that the universalism of the national social policies has not produced the desired effects in terms of a reduction in levels of poverty, exclusion, discrimination among Portuguese Ciganos.
- “A escola dos ciganos”: contributos para a compreensão do insucesso e da segregação escolar a partir de um estudo de casoPublication . Abrantes, Pedro; Seabra, Teresa; Caeiro, Tiago; Almeida, Sofia; Costa, RaquelO artigo analisa os percursos das crianças ciganas de uma escola do 1º ciclo, em Lisboa, na qual esta população é francamente maioritária (cerca de 80%), apontando pistas para uma intervenção transformadora. A partir de estudos anteriores sobre o tema e de uma pesquisa de terreno, na qual cruzámos análise documental, entrevistas e observação participante, procurámos descrever e compreender as taxas dramáticas de absentismo, insucesso e retenção, a concentração crescente de alunos ciganos neste estabelecimento de ensino e os parcos resultados das intervenções socioeducativas desenvolvidas no local, ao longo dos últimos anos.
- Física : dinâmica : 2º exemploPublication . Sousa, Nuno; Silva, Fátima Ferreira da; Firmino, Joaquim
- Poetische Perspektiven aus dem (Fessel)Ballon: das Jahrhundertereignis als Eventcharakter und seine FiktionalisierungPublication . Bär, GeraldDer erste erfolgreiche Aufstieg eines Heissluftballons mit menschlicher Besatzung (Pilâtre de Rozier und Marquis D’Arlandes, 15.10.1783) erfolgte nach James Cooks Reisen und koinzidiert mit der abschliessenden Kartographierung dieser Welt. Wenn wir die bemannten Flüge der Montgolfièren im Jahre 1783 als Jahrhundertereignis verstehen, vergleichbar mit der ersten Mondlandung (20.07.1969), dann ergeben sich daraus nicht nur technische (cf. Wieland, Goethe, Kleist) sondern auch poetologische Fragestellungen. Der begeisterte Positivismus wurde selbst durch das ungelöste technische Problem der frühen Luftschiffer, die Steuerbarkeit des Ballons, kaum gebremst. Deshalb sind viele frühe fiktionale und empirische Flugberichte im eigentlichen Sinne keine Reiseliteratur, sondern poetische Reflexionen, die auf einer transitorischen (oft imaginierten) entgrenzenden Erfahrung des Aufstiegs in einem Fesselballon beruhen. Erfinder, Wissenschaftler und Luftschiffer aus dem bürgerlichen Lager wurden zu Helden; diese Aufsteiger tourten durch verschiedene Länder. Es war üblich, aus der aufsteigenden Gondel mit der Landesflagge zu winken, was als Huldigung für etwa anwesende Standespersonen gedacht war. Man warf Blumen auf die zusehende Menschenmenge herab, liess Brieftauben steigen und inszenierte Fallschirmsprünge (Mme Garnerin). Ein Höhepunkt war auch das Abwerfen von auf buntem Papier gedruckten Gedichten, die einerseits die Schönheit des Fluges verherrlichten, andererseits aber den Landesherrn priesen, in dessen Gebiet der Ballonaufstieg gerade stattfand. In diesem transitorischen Raum entstehen also Momente der Inspiration und der poetischen Entwicklung. Besonders Jean Paul, aber auch Karoline von Günderrode und die Flugpionierin Wilhelmine Reichard trugen zur Entstehung eines Sub-Genres der ‚Flugliteratur‘ bei. Der implizite Perspektivwechsel bewirkte nachhaltige Veränderungen im anthropologischen Bereich und in der Weltsicht, obwohl das geozentrische Weltbild schon seit Kopernikus in Frage gestellt wurde. Wie beeinflusst die Bewegung mit diesem neuen ,Transportmittel‘ sinnliche und kulturelle Perspektiven? Welche Rolle spielt die physische Bewegung (des Subjekts, des Transportmittels usw.)? Wie sind Zeit und Raum verbunden? Diese Fragen werden anhand von zeitgenössischen Texten um 1800 erörtert, deren gemeinsame Ausgangsbasis und Referenzpunkt der universelle Menschheitstraum vom Fliegen ist.