Browsing by Issue Date, starting with "2022"
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- Susceptibility and exposure to sea level rise in the Sado estuary and in the Arrábida coastal zonePublication . Zêzere, José Luís; Cruz de Oliveira, Sérgio; Pereira, Susana; Melo, Raquel; Santos, Pedro Pinto dos; Reis, Eusébio; Garcia, Ricardo; Trindade, Jorge; Morais, Rita; Rocha, Jorge
- Lessons Learned from Initiatives to roll out digital credentials in EuropePublication . Bruno, Maria Luiza; Morgado, LinaDay by Day, society is becoming more digital in almost every aspect. Education is also increasingly becoming digitized, considering the acquisition of skills mediated by technology, both in formal and informal learning. In order to recognize the achievement of proficiency in a given competency, it is critical to adopt a digital credential model. Digital credentials are a disruptive model of accreditation, more suited to the digital world we currently find, which can evidence learning through the issuance of a Badge, containing relevant information about the learner, the acquired skill, and the issuing institution. Important aspects to be considered are the interoperability, recognition, and validation of digital credentials between institutions. Badge recognition should be as widely accepted as the scope of technology-supported or technology-based educational activities. This paper presents a study on the main initiatives to implement digital credentials within Europe, considering the policies and guidelines of the European Commission. Based on the report of the experiences and results obtained, it is possible to point out the most relevant aspects and challenges related to the adoption of digital credentials. One of the key lessons learned from this study is the importance of using shared and standard frameworks, whose quality is recognized by all EU member countries, aiming at credential interoperability. Another relevant takeaway is the need to establish a digital credential ecosystem (Rossiter & Tynan, 2019), to overcome the challenges involved in managing, verifying, and sharing badges, considering all stakeholders involved in the digital accreditation process.
- Pickpocket de Robert Bresson: niilismo, amor e redençãoPublication . Bello, Maria do Rosário Lupi; Marra, Suzie
- Miguel Real, um iluminista na hipermodernidade portuguesa: um louvor tempestivoPublication . Franco, José EduardoAo percorrermos o mar imenso das suas obras, mesmo que não concordemos com tudo, verificamos que as palavras de Miguel Real são do “tudo ou nada” e constituem um alerta forte que apregoa ser este o tempo de nos reerguermos da cova para onde nos têm empurrado. O seu exemplo de intelectual, à luz das suas convicções e causas, tem contribuído arduamente, heroicamente, para ser uma voz cultural esclarecida e esclarecedora. Uma voz mobilizadora também! Miguel Real tem dado exemplo de trabalho intenso e de dedicação à cultura e aos outros na partilha generosa ao serviço do saber, como é raro encontrar. A voz de Miguel Real tem sido da maior relevância para nos ajudar a fazer uma leitura crítica do presente, para animar a nossa resistência contra o perigo iminente da alienação e para enfrentarmos o futuro com o compromisso renovado de construirmos um Portugal que recorra ao melhor da sua herança histórica capitalizada ao longo do último milénio – usando da nossa liberdade, da qual Fernão de Oliveira, no século XVI, na primeira História de Portugal, disse ser a herança matricial que nunca poderíamos perder para sobrevivermos como povo livre. Nesta liberdade essencial está o segredo para lutarmos contra todos os determinismos e resistirmos àqueles que quiseram e querem, contra a nossa vontade, determinar o nosso rumo histórico...
- Joint ICES/EUROMARINE: Workshop on common conceptual mapping methodologies (WKCCMM; Outputs from 2021 meeting)Publication . Afonso, Filipa; Belgrano, Andrea; Clay, Patricia; DePiper, Geret; García de Vinuesa, Alfredo; Kellner, Julie; Kenny, Andrew; Jørgensen, Lis; Lucey, Sean; Marcone, Oceane; Melkert, Renee; Mikkelsen, Nina; Olsen, Erik; Ramirez Monsalve, Paulina; Schwermer, Heike; Seixas, Sónia; Silva, Angela; Tam, Jamie; Tyrell, Abby; Valman, MatildaThe Joint ICES/EUROMARINE Workshop on Common Conceptual Mapping Methodologies (WKCCMM) aimed to advance approaches to support inter- and transdisciplinary science via qualitative conceptual models to inform Integrated Ecosystem Assessment (IEA) throughout Eu-ropean seas and beyond. The workshop focused on developing a common understanding of conceptual mapping meth-odologies, their key uses and limitations, and processes for effective conceptual modelling with stakeholders for a variety of applications (e.g. developing food-webs, socio-ecological modelling, scoping exercises, rapid/initial management action and/or impact evaluations). Discussion in-volved presentation and discussion of a range of conceptual modelling approaches and contexts through the examination of case studies. These case studies gave rise to a suite of recommenda-tions, including the development of a workflow for IEA, and more generic guidelines and best practice advice for the use of conceptual modelling approaches with stakeholders. Although stakeholders were not able to be included in this workshop, they were very much at the heart of discussions, with the challenges and good practices of stakeholder inclusion addressed. WKCCMM also investigated how the methodologies can be best used to contribute to IEA, and may otherwise be applied throughout the ICES community, including identifying opportunities for cross-collaboration and knowledge transfer within the network.
- Unit 2.6: Open Educational Resources (OER) and MOOCs in online-oriented STEM teaching (Lecture Notes)Publication . Teixeira, António; Paz, João; Pinto, Maria do Carmo TeixeiraObjective 1: to recognise the different movements promoting openness in science research, innovation and education and identify synergies and interconnections between them. Objective 2: to characterize Open Educational Resources (OERs) and identify its typical features and contexts of use. Objective 3: to distinguish MOOCs according to different design patterns and select the most appropriate to each given learning need. Objective 4: to search, find and assess OERs and MOOCs for STEM teaching and learning situations. Objective 5: to implement Open Educational Practices in STEM teaching and learning.
- Architectural design of classroom to stimulate learning in higher education: an approach connected with neuroeducation and neuroarchitecturePublication . Passos, Aline de Queiroz; Jorge, Eduardo; Moreira, J. António; Miranda, José Garcia; Sales, Kathia; Saba, HugoThe architectural design of learning spaces in higher education has undergone profound changes with the new educational perspectives that break with traditional pedagogical practice supported by control, hierarchy, and information dissemination. Educational institutions are gradually seeking disruptive models that enhance new learning experiences. This article presents references of innovative projects of learning and interaction spaces, that have been added to the principles of Neuroeducation and Neuroarchitecture for the development of architectural strategies for a new classroom proposal for the Bahia State University. As a result, the project brings preliminary studies to the Learning Environment Model for Higher Education (LEMHE). A flexible model, divided into three learning areas: flexible zone (active); introspection zone, and relaxing zone. This zoning aims to provide diverse experiences of pedagogical practices, added to respect the physiological needs of its users to enhance well-being and learning in higher education.
- Fostering entrepreneurship intentions: the role of entrepreneurship educationPublication . Porfírio, José; Carrilho, Tiago; Jardim, Jacinto; Wittberg, VolkerTo foster economic development, entrepreneurship is a crucial pillar. Young people and especially students are potential entrepreneurs, whereas education is crucial to promote capabilities and to pursue intentions. In this research we study the importance and effect of the personal characteristics of students, the inherent psychological factors, and the influence of education and training to promote entrepreneurial intentions. From our sample of 1750 students, we conclude about the importance of entrepreneurial education to promote entrepreneurial spirit and develop entrepreneurial intentions. Our results highlight the importance of proposing entrepreneurship education, especially to younger girls in regular education but also to older boys in vocational education. In this sense, this research closes a gap in literature by demonstrating that entrepreneurial education is an important aspect to promote entrepreneurial intentions, despite some inherent adverse psychological conditions on these younger students for entrepreneurship development.
- A Gruta do Medronhal (Condeixa-a-Nova) e o povoamento do Baixo Mondego de inícios do I milénio a.C.Publication . Vilaça, Raquel; Cardoso, João Luís; Silva, Ana Maria; Almeida, SaraComo qualquer cápsula temporal, o conjunto recuperado da gruta do Medronhal abre uma janela sobre o passado, um passado mal conhecido, muito distante, nem sempre compreendido e praticamente omisso das referências da actualidade. Ao longo deste livro procurou-se realçar a extrema importância desses achados nas suas diferentes expressões e dimensões de análise. Deste trabalho de investigação resultou a identificação de diversas vertentes fundamentais para o conhecimento das comunidades do Bronze Final e de inícios da Idade do Ferro do Centro litoral do território português e mais genericamente do extremo ocidental da Península Ibérica.
- Online gamification devices as extensions of the educational printed bookPublication . Bidarra, José; Rocio, VitorIn recent years there have been several commercial products designated as "augmented books". These use gamification and augmented reality technologies to provide the reader with more layers of information, thereby fostering the use of the book in new ways. So, in this article we describe part of the research and outcomes of the Portuguese project CHIC – C3, aimed at designing and developing a platform for managing the production of digital content connected with printed books. Furthermore, we developed a model for the gamification of digital content based on the printed book, mainly aimed at educational purposes. A proof of concept for the model was built in the form of a companion platform, supported by the Moodle LMS, fully integrated with the main CHIC website. Readers were able to access the platform, engage in several content related games, and interact with other readers.