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- Perceptions of populations and technicians in waste management in Nampula, MozambiquePublication . Tocoloa, Alexandre; Martinho, Ana Paula; Fernandes, Ana PaulaUrban solid waste management systems (MSW) in developing countries are characterized by inadequate service delivery, low waste recovery, operational inefficiencies and inadequate waste disposal. The presence of urban solid waste poses a threat to public health and the environment if not managed properly. In Nampula city, in Mozambique, peri-urban popula-tions live near open dumps with open burning. The present study aims to analyze the implica-tions and perceptions about the effects on health and on the environment of these populations that lives close to MSW dumps in the city of Nampula. A mixed survey was used with data col-lection instruments: an epidemiological questionnaire and interview guides. The common ques-tions of these two tolls were analyzed and compare the perception of the population with the perception of health and environmental technicians of the municipality of Nampula.
- Le comportement d’achat du consommateur portugais à l’égard des promotions des ventes en grande surface : cas de la grande distribution dans la région de Porto-PortugalPublication . Moura, Ana Pinto deCette étude s'inscrit dans un courant de recherche dont l'objectif est d'expliquer le comportement d'achat du consommateur à l'égard des promotions.
- Conflicting demands of agricultural production and environmental conservation: consumers’ perception of the quality and safety of foodPublication . Cunha, Luís Miguel; Moura, Ana Pinto deConsumer studies in industrialised countries document widespread concern about and distrust on food products and on production methods in the agriculture and in the food industry. These attitudes tend to be reinforced by the absence of face to face contact between buyers and sellers during the process of food selection, leaving the burden of assessing product quality entirely in consumers hands. Both sociological and psychological studies indicate that shopping under these circumstances is a stressful activity, while the lack of trust in agricultural and industrial methods of production and food quality gives rise to feelings of uncertainty and insecurity. In this context, consumers perceive organic products as one way to reduce this anxiety. For this reason, consumer’ behaviour related to organic foods will be examined in some detail in this paper. This work draws a direct confrontation between the European policy and legislation regarding agricultural production and environmental protection related to organic products, and the way consumer’s perceive organic product quality and safety.
- Determinantes do consumo alimentar sustentável: caso dos produtos oriundos do modo de produção biológicoPublication . Moura, Ana Pinto de; Cunha, Luís MiguelO presente trabalho encontra se estruturado do seguinte modo. Numa primeira parte será analisado o comportamento do consumidor em relação aos bens agro alimentares, considerando as suas reacções antes e durante um período de crise alimentar. Subsequentemente, será abordado o conceito de consumo sustentável e, em particular, do consumo alimentar sustentável, avaliando, para o efeito, os principais determinantes associados à compra/consumo de produtos oriundos do modo de produção biológico.
- Perceived importance of fish sustainability: the impact of consumers’ benefits and risk perception regarding farmed and wild fish consumptionPublication . Moura, Ana Pinto de; Cunha, Luís Miguel; Bacelar, Margarida; Lima, Rui CostaThe aim of this research is to explore the concept of sustainability as new paradigm regarding fish consumption by comparing Portuguese consumers' views about the benefits and risks regarding wild and farmed fish consumption.
- Why consumers eat what they do: an approach to improve nutrition education and promote healthy eatingPublication . Moura, Ana Pinto de; Cunha, Luís MiguelThe current article discusses the major barriers to the adoption of a healthy diet and the main factors that influence individual food choice. Different approaches and actions to be taken for modifying consumer’s food intake in the direction of healthy eating are discussed.
- Reducing food waste in the food service sector as a way to promote public health and environmental sustainabilityPublication . Oliveira, Beatriz; Moura, Ana Pinto de; Cunha, Luís MiguelThe global food system makes a significant contribution to climate change, affecting greenhouse gas emissions and other major environmental impacts, along the entire food chain. The present study evaluated the determinants and the consequences of food waste at the food service sector, while considering potential solutions. It takes into account the fact that reducing food waste is an important part of the effort to attain environmental goals and to promote public health.
- Consumer’s valuation and quality perception of kid’s meat from traditional “Cabrito da Gralheira”: protected geographical indicationPublication . Ribeiro, António Lopes; Moura, Ana Pinto de; Cunha, Luís MiguelDuring the last years, there has been an increased interest in traditional food products (TFP), which are linked to a place or region of origin. Two main drivers may explain this trend: the increasing policy support, particularly within the European Union (EU), and the consumer demand for TFP.
- Understanding the role of printed media in the social amplification of food risk during the new MillenniumPublication . Moura, Ana Pinto de; Cunha, Luís MiguelThe aim of this exploratory study is to characterize the nature of the reporting of food-related hazards in cover news from the major daily Portuguese newspaper.
- Epidemiological risk perceptions of people living close to open dumps in Nampula, Mozambique: a case study controlPublication . Tocoloa, Alexandre; Martinho, Ana Paula; Fernandes, Ana PaulaWhile the municipal solid waste management systems (MSW) dominated by the informal sector makes positive contributions to the environment, they are also characterised by inadequate service delivery, low waste recovery, operational inefficiencies and inadequate waste disposal. The presence, of municipal solid waste poses a threat to public health and the environment if not managed properly. Tocoloa, Martinho and Vaz-Fernandes focus on the detrimental impact of the MSW in Nampula city, in Mozambique, where populations live near open dumps with open burning. There chapter aims to analyze the perceptions about the effects on health and on the environment of these populations that live close to MSW dumps in the city of Nampula. Employing an epidemiological questionnaire to individuals residing in four different geographical areas, they find that the exposed populations may suffer some illnesses and injuries from living closer to the MSW but showed lack of awareness about it. The fact that waste collection is undifferentiated and the different types of MSW are all placed in these locations, it is expected that in addition to contamination by different vectors (mosquitoes, rats and domestic animals) that can cause different tropical diseases in these populations, other contaminants such as heavy metals and persistent organic compounds cannot be excluded. As uncontrolled waste burning is reported, these populations may also be exposed to dioxins and furans. These results point to the issues related to environmental justice and unequal exposure to the environmentally detrimental impact of a MSW dominated by the informal sector.
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