Gestão e Economia | Artigos em revistas internacionais / Papers in international journals
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- Organizational purpose and employee motivation: an fsQCA analysisPublication . Porfírio, José; Rodrigues, Ricardo; Magalhães, Filipa; Carrilho, TiagoPurpose – Organizational Purpose (OP) has become increasingly important in the organizational context. This research focuses on how OP can contribute to employee motivation, using personal and institutional OP factors and considering the importance of employee motivation toward organizational success. Design/methodology/approach – To conduct the research, we selected a branch of a leading multinational company in the chemical sector. Based on data collected through a questionnaire sent out to employees and using fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA), we identified combinations of individual and institutional OP factors leading to high (or low) employee motivation. Findings – The results reveal that individual and institutional OP factors synergistically promote high employee motivation. The employees’ contribution to the OP and the integrity of the organization’s leadership are two key motivating factors. Practical implications – Organizations struggle to develop sustainable competitive advantages in an ever competitive environment. Focusing on the “why” instead of the “how” may help organizations differentiate and achieve higher employee motivation. This research clarifies how to turn purpose into an asset to improve employee motivation. Originality/value – The conclusions highlight the need to share the OP through leadership actions and the importance of helping workers recognize the OP and its values, integrate them into their actions and feel how they contribute to its achievement.
- Exploring migrant entrepreneurship and innovation in ultraperipheral regions: an investigation on opportunity and necessity-driven entrepreneurshipPublication . Porfírio, José; Felício, J. Augusto; Rodrigues, Ricardo; Carrilho, TiagoMigrant entrepreneurship involves the indigenous population and migrant communities, exerting a profound influence on the host country or region. This phenomenon is particularly relevant in ultraperipheral areas, as in this research exemplified by the Autonomous Region of Madeira (Madeira), which recently wit nessed an intensification of migrant inflow, many originating from countries with a deep historical connection to the region. This research characterizes the entrepreneurial migrant community to discern factors that may contribute to formulating and enhancing political-social policies to foster entrepreneurship success, broadly relevant to generating wealth but of particular importance in facilitating migrants’ integration. The analysis focuses on understanding the motivations that drive entrepreneurial initiatives among migrants, recognizing the predominance of necessity-driven entrepreneurs, and that migrant entrepreneurs often take advantage of historical and familial ties to the region to overcome the obstacles specific to migrants.
- Guest editors’ introduction: digital society and e-TechnologiesPublication . Issa, Tomayess; Isaias, Pedro; Kommers, PietIt is evident that E-Technology (i.e. The Internet, social media… etc.) play a significant role in maintaining and supporting our digital society in various sectors from business, education, health and government and others. E-Technologies are now available worldwide for numerous numbers of universal users to increase collaboration, communication, interaction, creativity, critical thinking and problem solving in developing and developed countries. It is anticipated, and there is evidence gathering that E-technologies use will increase work performance, productivity, innovation, workers’ satisfaction, reduce cost and maintenance. On the other hand, adopting e-technologies will bring various negative aspects in relation to security, privacy, legal aspects and users’ frustration, as majorities of these e-technologies are still neglecting important aspects, i.e. Human Computer Interaction and usability. It is anticipated that these aspects will assist to improve the system functionality, which can be used efficiently, effectively and satisfactorily by universal users, including people with disability.
- O ensino on-line na sociedade do conhecimentoPublication . Martins, António Eduardo Pais Falcão Barbosa; Lopes dos Reis, FelipaA sociedade do conhecimento em permanente evolução obriga a uma crescente racionalização e optimização do tempo. O presente artigo pretende ilustrar a dinâmica associada ao tempo e espaço na educação à distância, vectores essenciais desta metodologia. Numa primeira etapa, é abordada, sumariamente, a evolução do ensino e a transição da educação presencial para a educação à distância. As caraterísticas associadas à formação ocupam a parte seguinte deste trabalho, que igualmente, apresenta um estudo comparativo do tempo dispendido nas aulas presenciais versus as aulas à distância, que resulta da experiência dos autores ao longo do tempo, constituindo-se como validação empírica. Na verdade, várias têm sido as investigações sobre estas temáticas, assumindo especial importância o facto dos autores poderem partilhar os dois sistemas de ensino, comparando as diferentes realidades.
- Aprendizagem colaborativa no ensino a distânciaPublication . Lopes dos Reis, Felipa; Martins, António Eduardo Pais Falcão BarbosaA utilização das várias formas de interacção e comunicação em rede institui uma nova modalidade de educação que é denominada de educação à distância. O crescimento exponencial que ocorreu nas últimas décadas desta metodologia de ensino deve-se aos avanços tecnológicos, sobretudo nos espaços virtuais da Internet que resultam em novas abordagens pedagógicas e inúmeras possibilidades de acesso rápido e fácil às informações. A selecção desta temática é motivada pela experiência como professores no ensino em regime de E-Learning na Universidade Aberta e pelo reconhecimento da relevância dos fóruns na construção de ambientes de aprendizagem.
- The model of intellectual capital approach on the human capital visionPublication . Martins, António Eduardo Pais Falcão Barbosa; Lopes dos Reis, FelipaThe management of human capital had passionate scholars all over time. The managers have taken a long time to find the best way to monetize their human assets. The era of knowledge is fundamental to know and identify the vectors of intellectual capital associated with organizational productivity. In this article the dynamics associated with empirical research capable of produce an explanatory model is the subject. These studies are part of a major line of research initiated by António Martins in 2000 and has been the subject of numerous publications.
- Virtual teaching in a society of learningPublication . Martins, António Eduardo Pais Falcão Barbosa; Lopes dos Reis, FelipaEducation is a social practice historically placed and goes beyond all human activity, spreading to the network of relations that takes place in the social fabric, mediated or not by some kind of technology. Online education - that is, computer mediated communication - for educational purposes carries with it questions relative to its teaching and the overall nature of online learning. Online education constitutes a new professional configuration, a possibility of the effective use of teaching and the effective construction of knowledge from another spatial-temporal logic, without losing sight of the objective conditions of social networks, in particular new forms of social connections brought out by wider social changes, strongly marked by a technological presence.
- "National frozen fish distributor”: paradigmatic case study of an african company for operational productivity improvementPublication . Lopes, Albino; Acabado Romana, Fernando; Barrosa, Luis Filipe Mendes; Martins, António Eduardo Pais Falcão BarbosaThis paper develops a case study regarding the intervention requested by the leader of the Mozambican company "DNPC" (to consolidate the leadership and management of the company, in the context of the transition to the situation of a large company). In terms of diagnosis, there are four aspects that emerge as the most salient of this business initiative: (i) the differentiation of the company in relation to the commercial orientation of the company in order to respond to the most basic needs of the poor population (provide the supply of frozen fish); (ii) the traditional African culture centred on "affections", with the perverse effect of inducing a very high absenteeism of drivers, which would, in turn, make the flow of supply from popular markets unfeasible; (iii) the response to the initial chaos by the development of a business culture in an entrepreneurial network, both internally (drivers) and externally (sales companies and security elements of the financial flows generated); (iv) promotion of an organization of work based on a meaning based on autonomy and liberation from the hierarchical submission of the worker, and designed not to force him to exclusion from society and to move away from traditional African values.
- Connecting neuroscience principles and education people profile of culture and leadership: a labour market approachPublication . Lopes, Albino; Barrosa, Luis Filipe Mendes; Acabado Romana, Fernando; Martins, António Eduardo Pais Falcão BarbosaNeurosciences, based on the founding idea of “neuroplasticity”, have helped to clarify the issue of initial (and integral) training of individuals based on the balanced structuring of the respective brain system. From what has been said, we would say that initial parental education, in times of an increasingly urban life (where parents delegate the education of children to school) does not seem to facilitate this balance of integrated development. It is important to discuss the connection between the neurosciences and education, concluding that this joint approach would be essential to guide quality levels and the researchers admit that the applicability of neuroscience research, for the improvement of pedagogy, has been, paradoxically, very limited. In general, we can define organizational culture as a set of beliefs, values and norms that influence the climate of a company, aligning employee behaviour and the strategic way in which the company positions itself in the market. Organizational culture is the essence of an organization. The supportive culture or clan culture presents a pleasant work environment, with a united organization that endures through loyalty and traditions, where interpersonal relationships are created, success is defended by teamwork, participation and consensus between employees and the organization. Leaders are considered mentors and there is a high level of commitment. In accordance with the updated works of Miranda, which seeks to reconcile the previous author and the OCAI model of R. Quinn and collaborators, a questionnaire was constructed, with twenty-eight questions, involving as many others adjectives that characterize a cognitive profile. In a first approximation, and taking only the descriptive statistics data into account, and taking only the sample data, there is a striking curiosity: the respondent students consider that the school made a visible and verifiable effort to correct the dominant profile. limbic pointing to a right cortical profile: intuition, entrepreneurship, vision.
- Editorial: tomorrow's IT leadership for sustainable developmentPublication . Issa, Tomayess; Issa, Theodora; Isaias, PedroDevelopment; entitled Tomorrow’s IT leadership for sustainable development comprises five papers that provide cutting edge information and knowledge of sustainability development for business and education as well. The guest editors selected these papers from the International Conference on Sustainability, Technology and Education 2013, that was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ( The papers have been extended significantly and peer-reviewed further to achieve a final high publication standard.