A sociedade do conhecimento em permanente evolução obriga a uma crescente racionalização e optimização do tempo. O presente artigo pretende ilustrar a dinâmica associada ao tempo e espaço na educação à distância, vectores essenciais desta metodologia. Numa primeira etapa, é abordada, sumariamente, a evolução do ensino e a transição da educação presencial para a educação à distância. As caraterísticas associadas à formação ocupam a parte seguinte deste trabalho, que igualmente, apresenta um estudo comparativo do tempo dispendido nas aulas presenciais versus as aulas à distância, que resulta da experiência dos autores ao longo do tempo, constituindo-se como validação empírica. Na verdade, várias têm sido as investigações sobre estas temáticas, assumindo especial importância o facto dos autores poderem partilhar os dois sistemas de ensino, comparando as diferentes realidades.
The knowledge society requires a growing rationalization and optimization of time. This paper aims to illustrate the dynamics associated with time and space in distance education. As a first step, is discussed, briefly, the development of education and the transition from education to the presence distance education. The characteristics associated with training are the next part of this work, which also presents a comparative study of time spent in e-learning class versus time spent in face to face classes, which results from the experience of authors over the time, and also with empirical validation. Indeed, several investigations have been on these issues, taking on particular importance that the authors can share the two education systems, comparing the different realities.
The knowledge society requires a growing rationalization and optimization of time. This paper aims to illustrate the dynamics associated with time and space in distance education. As a first step, is discussed, briefly, the development of education and the transition from education to the presence distance education. The characteristics associated with training are the next part of this work, which also presents a comparative study of time spent in e-learning class versus time spent in face to face classes, which results from the experience of authors over the time, and also with empirical validation. Indeed, several investigations have been on these issues, taking on particular importance that the authors can share the two education systems, comparing the different realities.
Ambiente síncrono e assíncrono Educação à distância Novas tecnologias Sociedade do conhecimento Environment synchronous and asynchronous Distance education New technologies Knowledge society