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Línguas, Literaturas e Culturas Estrangeiras | Artigos em revistas nacionais / Papers in national journals

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  • Gamificação e formação de professores em letras e educação: mapeamento sistemático de literatura
    Publication . Larré, Julia; Relvas, Maria de Jesus; Oliveira, Susana
    Este artigo apresenta os resultados de um mapeamento sistemático da literatura (PETERSEN et al., 2008) que identificou documentos científicos escritos em português e relacionados com o tema da Gamificação (BUSARELLO, 2016; ALVES, 2015; DETERDING et al., 2011) e da formação docente vinculada aos cursos de Letras e Educação. Para isso, definimos strings de busca, critérios de inclusão e exclusão e realizamos um mapeamento de documentos científicos para três grandes repositórios digitais: Repositórios Científicos de Acesso Aberto em Portugal (RCAAP), Banco Digital de Teses e Dissertações (BDTD – Brasil), SciELO – Brasil (Scientific Electronic Library Online). Os resultados mostram um pequeno número de documentos que surgiram nos últimos cinco anos (2018-2022), tratando do tema da Gamificação na formação de professores no contexto dos cursos de graduação em Letras e Educação. Devido à pequena quantidade de documentação no repositório, verificamos que ainda há muito espaço para pesquisas que analisem as possibilidades e limitações da Gamificação no contexto da formação de professores. Além disso, no contexto acima, concluímos que existe um amplo campo de experimentação sobre as formas de ensinar e aprender, e sobre a adaptação de ambientes virtuais de ensino-aprendizagem para a Gamificação de práticas didático-pedagógicas na formação de professores.
  • Cummings e a responsabilidade do humano
    Publication . Rodrigues, Cristiana Vasconcelos
    A partir de dois sonetos do poeta americano e. e. cummings, breve comentário sobre a mensagem de “conversão ecológica” da carta encíclica «Laudato Si’. Do Santo Padre Francisco sobre o cuidado da casa comum».
  • Emotions, online teaching and online evaluation in higher education during a pandemic
    Publication . Runa, Ana; Oliveira, Susana; Cardoso, Carla
    The present exploratory study aims to identify and assess positive and negative emotions felt by students from two higher education institutions regarding the change in the evaluation paradigm (from on-site to online) during the lockdown period resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. A questionnaire with two Likert scales (emotional Well-being and emotional Ill-being) was applied for data collection. The results reveal the experience of more positive than negative emotions, indicating that online evaluation does not intensify negative emotions besides those usually associated with the evaluation process itself. On the contrary, there is a higher record of positive emotions related to the newly instituted evaluation model. The exploratory study also suggests that the new teaching and evaluation model may benefit students' emotions and improve their academic success, promoting emotional well-being.
  • Géographie et littérature dans les compositions de Georges Brassens
    Publication . Lúcio, José; Gonçalves, Luís Carlos Pimenta
    L’essor dans les années 1970 de la géographie culturelle a vu surgir d’importantes contributions dont la géographie de la couleur, la géographie de la musique (Claire Guiu), la géographie du cinéma et la géographie de la littérature (Michel Collot). Cet article s’inscrit dans une certaine mesure dans le droit fil de deux de ces courants qui sont à la croisée de savoirs provenant de la musique et de la littérature avec ce que l’on nomme communément le « savoir géographique » (Orlando Ribeiro). Nous nous proposons de construire un « parcours territorialisé et littéraire » s’appuyant sur le répertoire des chansons de Georges Brassens. Un itinéraire où se croisent et se superposent des savoirs et des connaissances provenant des études littéraires et des études géographiques, où les paroles et la musique de Brassens assurent le point d’intersection nécessaire conférant un sens plus vaste au travail que nous nous proposons de développer.
  • Représentations croisées du vin et de l’alcool chez Davodeau et Kundera
    Publication . Gonçalves, Luís Carlos Pimenta
    Après une brève présentation du thème du vin et de l’alcool dans la littérature (hyper)contemporaine et la bande dessinée, cet article s’intéressera plus particulièrement aux représentations de l’alcool et du vin chez l’écrivain Milan Kundera, notamment dans son avant-dernier roman L’Ignorance (2000), et chez le dessinateur et scénariste Étienne Davodeau dans Les Ignorants, récit d’une initiation croisée (2011) où le vin et le travail de la vigne apparaissent comme les thèmes principaux de ce roman graphique.
  • A aquisição das consoantes laterais do português europeu por aprendentes chineses
    Publication . Zhou, Chao; Freitas, Maria João; Castelo, Adelina
    The present study examined the production of European Portuguese (EP) lateral consonants by 14 Chinese learners, through a picture naming task eliciting the target segments in all possible syllable and word-level positions. Our results illustrate that /l/ is stable in singletons (100% target-like) due to the positive transfer from Mandarin Chinese. However, it is very often vocalized in codas (only 16.7% target-like production, [ɫ]), which might be attributed to a phonetically based tendency (Graham, 2017; Johnson & Britain, 2007). The high accuracy (97% target-like) of /l/ in onset clusters, an absent structure in the L1, can be the result of the heterosyllabic nature of EP obstruent-liquid sequences (Veloso, 2006) or of the association of two segments to a single skeletal position, which was also argued as an intermediate stage in EP L1 acquisition (Freitas, 2003)./ʎ/ is still in acquisition (52.4% target-like), and is often produced as an L1 category [lj], due to acoustic and articulatory similarity.
  • A RAF: Baader-Meinhof entre mito, documentário e cinema de ação
    Publication . Bär, Gerald
    Vários filmes e documentários foram rodados sobre a luta armada da RAF na República Federal Alemã, como por exemplo, Deutschland im Herbst (Alemanha no Outono, Kluge, Schloendorff, Fassbinder e Reitz, 1978), Die dritte Generation (A Terçeira Geração, Fassbinder, 1979) e Die bleierne Zeit (Os Anos de Chumbo, von Trotta, 1981). Recentemente, o filme Der Baader Meinhof Komplex (Edel, 2008), uma adaptação do livro homónimo de Stefan Aust, antigo editor da revista Der Spiegel, reaviva o tema, granjeando um sucesso mundial, sendo até nomeado para um Óscar. Este ensaio focaliza as produções Alemanha no Outono e O Complexo Baader-Meinhof. O outono retratado no primeiro filme é o de 1977, a fase mais dramática dos "anos de chumbo" com atividades terroristas cujo objectivo foi a libertação dos principais membros da primeira geração da RAF, detidos na prisão de Stammheim.
  • Language and identity in multimodal text: case study of Tailand´s Bank Pamphlet
    Publication . Pruekchaikul, Korapat; Marques, Isabelle Simões
    With the main objective of presenting a linguistic model for the analysis of identity construction in multimodal texts, particularly in advertising, this article attempts to integrate three theoretical frameworks, namely the types of discourse of the Socio-Discursive Interactionism, Greimas’ actantial roles and the symbolic processes of the Grammar of Visual Design proposed by Kress & van Leeuwen. The first two theories are used to analyze verbal language form whereas the third is exclusively for images in advertising. The data sample is a Thai bank pamphlet of Siam Commercial Bank, collected in Bangkok, Thailand, in June, 2015. According to the data analysis, the theoretical frameworks employed here proves that identity, the psychological product, exists in the human mind and can be indexed by language in interaction. Also, the analysis found that identity could be projected as multimodally as language manifestation, of which forms are not only verbal but also pictorial.
  • (Co)narrações de viagens para Portugal por lusodescendentes no Facebook
    Publication . Marques, Isabelle Simões; Koven, Michèle
    This article combines the study of online narratives as social practices and the linguistic anthropological study of imagined communities, to examine a set of non-canonical narrative practices in a Facebook group for the Portuguese diaspora in France. Instead of reports of individual members’ past experiences, these narratives function as invitations to other group members to co-tell typical, shared experiences. Specifically, we investigate how group members share vacation trips to Portugal with each otherin ways that produce a sense of collective and simultaneous experience. They accomplish this through deictically-based narrative strategies that shift the social, spatial, and temporal perspectives of narrating and narrated frames in ways that link the following: individual I’s with collective we’s, one-time events with timeless event types, and co-presence on-line with co-presence on vacation. Through these strategies, participants connect Facebook narrations of vacations to the larger social project of diasporic longing for and return to Portugal.
  • “On such a full sea are we now afloat”: travelling through Oceans, writings and images in early modern times
    Publication . Relvas, Maria de Jesus
    For centuries, the Western notion of exoticism and otherness comprehended a relatively limited space, whose epicentre was the Mediterranean Sea. With the maritime expansion on the Atlantic, initiated by the Iberian nations in the fifteenth century and afterwards undertaken by other European countries, deep changes would occur in every domain. Horizons were broadened, geographically, and conceptually, to an unprecedented scale, and an immensity of amazing realities was disclosed. Vessels went far beyond the boundaries of a preconceived universe, at a unique time when innovation was wisely amalgamated with tradition. In the aftermath of such an important human conquest, a natural urge was felt to register what was being witnessed. The complex notions of otherness —as well as of selfhood and identity— became consequently rather striking, once they involved not only the Europeans’ interaction with the New World (and vice versa), but also the interaction among themselves, while disputing the oceans, the recently found territories and the natural resources. Early modern texts, many displaying invaluable illustrations, proliferated and would constitute important data, both on the maritime expansion and the worldview. Bearing in mind the early modern context and the different stages of the Discoveries, this essay is focused on diverse written and iconographic works by European authors of heterogeneous back- grounds— cartographers, engravers, travellers, courtiers, scholars— and on their contribution to the new understanding of the world.