Browsing by Issue Date, starting with "2019-02"
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- Parcerias para o apoio ao autoempregoPublication . Carrilho, TiagoNas parcerias de apoio ao autoemprego de desempregados com baixas qualificações escolares, consideramos as seguintes fases: seleção, formação, preparação do projeto, financiamento e acompanhamento. A integração eficiente das várias fases depende de parcerias que se traduzam em projetos coerentes mobilizadores e em vertentes sociais, culturais e institucionais que complementam o enquadramento económico em prol da atividade empreendedora.
- Crise económicaPublication . Carrilho, TiagoO abrandamento tendencial do crescimento económico é, simultaneamente, causa e consequência da evolução tendencialmente mais instável do investimento e procura globais. A instabilidade é, igualmente, explicada pela crise financeira e produtiva do Estado-Providência, terciarização da economia, pelas dificuldades na internalização dos custos sociais e ecológicos pelas empresas, e pelos problemas associados à organização científica do trabalho.
- Do we have today a reliable method to detect the moment of loss of consciousness during induction of general anaesthesia?Publication . Ferreira, Ana Isabel Leitão; Nunes, Catarina S.; Mendes, Joaquim; Amorim, PedroThis review aims to give an overview of the current state of monitoring depth of anaesthesia and detecting the moment of loss of consciousness, from the first clinical signs involved in anaesthesia to the latest technologies used in this area. Such techniques are extremely important for the development of automatic systems for anaesthesia control, including preventing intraoperative awareness episodes and overdoses. A search in the databases Pubmed and IEEE Xplore was performed using terms such anaesthetic monitoring, depth of anaesthesia, loss of consciousness, as well as anaesthesia indexes, namely BIS. Despite the several methods capable of monitoring the hypnotic state of anaesthesia, there is still no methodology to accurate detect the moment of loss of consciousness during induction of general anaesthesia.
- Cummings e a responsabilidade do humanoPublication . Rodrigues, Cristiana VasconcelosA partir de dois sonetos do poeta americano e. e. cummings, breve comentário sobre a mensagem de “conversão ecológica” da carta encíclica «Laudato Si’. Do Santo Padre Francisco sobre o cuidado da casa comum».
- Dataset of socio-economic and waste collection indicators for Portugal at municipal levelPublication . Oliveira, Verónica; Sousa, Vitor; Ferreira, CéliaThis data article presents demographic, socio-economic and wasterelated data at municipal level for Portugal. The dataset includes raw data collected from 4 main sources: (i) the annual reports of waste management companies; (ii) the database of the Portuguese water, sanitation and waste regulatory entity; (iii) the Portuguese Environmental Agency; and (iv) national statistical data. Relevant indicators for waste generation and for the separate collection of waste are proposed and calculated using the raw data. The dataset comprises municipalities with high, medium and low separate collection yields, providing socio-economic and waste infrastructures data that can be used for benchmarking. The dataset can also be used to define a baseline against which the progress of the collection of packaging waste can be assessed over time, or else serve as input to mathematical models predicting waste generation and collection. Moreover, data can serve as the base to calculate new waste-related indicators. In addition to being a valuable input to the waste topic, the dataset can also be used in a large range of other topics where demographic and socio-economic parameters are relevant. The data presented herein are associated with the research articles “Model for the separate collection of packaging waste in Portuguese low-performing recycling regions” [1] and “Artificial neural network modelling of the amount of separatelycollected household packaging waste” [2].
- Design of pedestrian network friendliness mapsPublication . Sousa, Nuno; Pais, Filipe; Jesus, Eduardo Natividade; Rodrigues, João CoutinhoThis article introduces the concept of pedestrian, or walking friendliness, and presents a methodology for obtaining maps thereof. Walking friendliness is a quality of walking indicator, defined for any given origin in a city, which combines accessibility measures, based on impedance between that origin and destinations, with performance scores for the pedestrian infrastructure linking those origins and destinations. The methodology uses geographic information systems to obtain walking friendliness values and represent them in a map. The approach is demonstrated through a case study for the city of Coimbra, Portugal, for which friendliness maps were derived. The procedure and maps that were produced can be scaled to any size of city.
- Kauffman FoundationPublication . Carrilho, TiagoO trabalho da Kauffman Foundation no empreendedorismo é realizado à escala nacional e tem impacto a nível global. A estratégia para o empreendedorismo visa apoiar empreendedores nos EUA através do desenvolvimento e alargamento de programas educativos e da dinamização de comunidades empreendedoras que apoiem empreendedores de forma mais eficaz no arranque e crescimento das suas empresas.
- Artificial neural network modelling of the amount of separately-collected household packaging wastePublication . Oliveira, Verónica; Sousa, Vitor; Ferreira, CéliaThis work develops an artificial neural network (ANN) model using genetic algorithms to estimate the annual amount (kg/inhabitant/year) of separately-collected household packaging waste. The ANN model comprises one input layer, one hidden layer with seven neurons and one output layer. Ten variables affecting the amount of separately-collected packaging waste were identified and used in the ANN model. These variables are related to the level of education of the population, the size and level of urbanisation of the municipality, social aspects related to poverty and economic power and factors intrinsic to the waste collection service. A comparison between ANN and regression models for the estimation of packaging waste is also carried out. The performance of the proposed ANN model for a data set of 42 municipalities located in the centre of Portugal, measured by the R2 , is 0.98. This value is 34% higher than the best regression model applied to the same data set (R2 ¼ 0.73), indicating that ANN has a significantly higher explanatory power than traditional regression techniques. Another advantage is that ANN is not as sensitive to outliers as regression. However, ANN is more complex, has a higher number of variables, and the model development and interpretation of the results are more difficult. Nevertheless, the higher performance of ANN makes it a valuable tool in the definition of strategies to increase recycling and achieve circular economy goals.
- Tipos de discurso e géneros: para uma abordagem didática integrada de duas classificações textuaisPublication . Silva, Paulo Nunes daNos últimos anos, deu-se um significativo desenvolvimento no âmbito dos estudos sobre os géneros (Adam & Heidmann 2007, Swales 2004, Maingueneau 2014). Consequentemente, os Programas e Metas Curriculares da disciplina de Português do Ensino Básico e Secundário concedem já um lugar central aos géneros no processo de ensino-aprendizagem. O objetivo do artigo consiste em fundamentar e sistematizar um conjunto de ideias centrais acerca deste tema, para que os docentes de Português dos diversos ciclos de ensino procedam ao aproveitamento didático de algumas teorizações. É proposta uma abordagem didática dos géneros em que se articula uma classificação em tipos de discurso (jornalístico, literário, etc.) com a classificação em géneros (notícia, editorial; romance, conto; etc.). Parte- se, portanto, da caracterização das situações de comunicação em que os textos ocorrem para a explicitação das propriedades especificamente textuais.
- Avaliação externa de escolas (3º ciclo): perspectivas de avaliaçãoPublication . Henriques, Susana; Seabra, Filipa; Abelha, Marta
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