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- Os santos negros: reverberações históricas e da sua representação no cinema brasileiro como fator de promoção da espiritualidade negraPublication . Marcos, Adérito; Pereira, Selma; Ferreira, Ricardo Alexino; Luiz Prudente, Celso; De Almeida, RogérioNeste capítulo os autores visam contribuir para a discussão e pesquisa da importância histórica dos santos negros na Europa e no Brasil, e como as suas representações e construções no cinema brasileiro constituem fatores importantes da espiritualidade negra brasileira onde impera um forte sincretismo religioso de interseccionalidade com santos orixás, ligando a religiosidade ancestral africana e aquela da Igreja Católica.
- Resonant aesthetics: attention and synaesthesia in digital media artPublication . Veiga, Pedro Alves da; Castilho, Luísa Correia; Dias, Rui Sampaio; Rocha, Luzia; Dias, António de SousaThis article posits the creative exploration of the interconnections between image and sound, as well as the intricate interplay between aesthetics and poetics within the contemporary landscape of new digital artistic formats. To facilitate this exploration, it analyses the nuanced roles attributed to visual and sonic elements and their cognitive effect as attention grabbing mechanisms, in order to discern their mutual interferences and the consequential amplification of their artistic resonance. Moreover, it extends its purview beyond the visual and auditory domains, contemplating the ramifications for the broader spectrum of human senses. Through this analysis of aesthetic dimensions, including sensory experiences that transcend the Aristotelian realms of perception, it seeks to unravel the cognitive and communicational implications inherent in the synergistic employment of these media and the transformative potential encapsulated within the convergence of digital formats, unearthing the profound sensory, cognitive, and communicational impacts that resonate within the realms of art and human perception.
- Digital narratives & urban artivist networks: a theoretical-methodological approachPublication . Carvalho, Isabel Cristina; Viegas, Sílvia LeiriaThis article explores the disciplinary and thematic convergences of digital media art, urban life and social activism (in the digital plan), merging into a cohesive exploration of digital narratives and their role in supporting and boosting urban artivist networks. In fact, digital tools provide unique opportunities to broaden the scope and impact of socially-engaged art, primarily through artivist practices, while highlighting and emphasising inspiring existences and positions concerning urban rights and building citizenship. As such, in this exploratory essay, we seek to stress the importance of building counter-narratives from the grassroots based on ways of life, habits, customs and everyday experiences historically overlooked by dominant systems while at the same time building theoretical-methodological framework to deconstruct urban strategies and practices and support different forms of self-representation. We will use two complementary dimensions to build our approach: (1) collecting, interpreting and processing data and (2) giving visibility to the referred alternative narratives. Regarding urban processes and physical spaces, these dimensions follow Lefebvre’s structural thinking on the production of social space and the right to the city, pointing out activist methodologies, e.g. those following principles of social justice, human rights, inclusion and equity, among others giving voice and space to the vulnerable individuals and communities.
- When in Memeland, speak in memes: contributions of design towards the betterment of online behavior regarding public healthPublication . Alvelos, Heitor; Pereira, J. F. B.; Chatterjee, Abhishek; Barreto, Susana; Veiga, Pedro Alves; Lima, Cláudia; Santiago, ElianaThis research tackles a current tendency towards scientific mistrust among segments of the population: we posit that channels traditionally employed by scientists and policy-makers may not be sufficient to reach skeptical individuals and communities, as exponentially and pervasively evident in social media circles. We thus propose to explore informal online channels and formats such as memes, short videos, and forums, where the involved demographics tend to obtain information they deem reliable and relatable: in fact, formal channels of scientific communication are often regarded by skeptics as authoritarian and driven by obscure agendas. In this research, we focus on health policy behavior as a locus of conflict in recent years due to the pandemic, with Portugal as a case study. Informed by both online field work and in-person interviews with health policy skeptics, the project has so far produced a collection of visual artifacts for social media circulation. Validated specimens aim to become templates for the adoption of health policies.
- Uma visão internacional da inovação nas Cidades MIL de UNESCO: reflexões e casosPublication . Chibás, Felipe; Marcos, Adérito; Leonardi, Andrea; Pantaleon Matamoros, EfrainO presente artigo é fruto do painel Visões internacionais da Inovação desde a perspectiva das Cidades Inteligentes/ MIL de UNESCO, apresentado pelos autores no marco do 1ro Simpósio de Avanços em Inovação e Ciências Tecnológicas, celebrado na Escola de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Federal de Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) no 29 de fevereiro de 2024. O objetivo principal do mesmo é mostrar as novas oportunidades que abre para os espaços urbanos a inovação vista desde o paradigma das cidades MIL de UNESCO. Durante o mesmo se discutem os conceitos de Cidade MIL, Alfabetização Mediática e Informacional (AMI) e se apresentam o Curriculum AMI de UNESCO e a Carta da Diversidade Cultural de UNESCO. Também se apresentam o Sistema dos 13 Indicadores e 252 métricas das Cidades MIL, a Metodologia das 20 Barreiras à Comunicação e 5 Dimensões de Criatividade (20 BCC - 5 DCR) e a metodologia das Narrativas Biográficas, no intuito de analisar a importância de entender a inovação e o uso da Inteligência artificial nos novos espaços urbanos híbridos, presencias e digitais.
- Cinema negro contra a segregação da multicoralidade do ibero-ásio-afro-ameríndio na COVIDPublication . Prudente, Celso Luiz; Marcos, Adérito; Souza, João ClementeEssa comunicação demonstra que a crise mundial da Covid 19 aprofundou com a escolaridade a desigualdade social, inserindo alguns países de economias em desenvolvimento da lusofonia na era da Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação TICs. No caso do Brasil, um país poliétnico de economia dependente, a contradição social tem configuração de coralidade racial. O modo de produção determina a forma social, pautando a seleção racial. Os segmentos raciais que são mais próximos da semelhança com os fenótipos eurocoloniais são privilegiados. Os grupos distantes da analogia com os traços fisionômicos do branco europeus são mais marginalizados. Raça e cor formam uma pirâmide social, que é clara encima e vai escurecendo na medida em que desce. A monocoralidade eurocaucasiana ancorada no mito de superioridade racial estabelece-se com violenta segregação da multicoralidade, formada pelas culturalidades raciais estranhas ao eurocaucasiano.
- Post-fake artivism: how activism and art can break reflexivityPublication . Veiga, Pedro AlvesThis text explores the historical evolution and intertwinement of propaganda, black-boxing, and attention control over the last century, and their combined roles in influencing the masses, more specifically through the spread of fake information in various media formats. In this scenario, artivism (art + activism), in its many forms, hacks the black boxes and exposes their inner workings, algorithms, and strategies. Thus, the author highlights key aspects of propaganda, as posited during the Second World War, and their subsequent spread into advertising, becoming an intrinsic part of global politics and businesses. The concept of black-boxing, as introduced by Latour to designate an opaque process that takes input A and transforms it into output B, while hiding its inner workings or hidden purposes, is then extended and applied to all modern content and media production – including propaganda and advertising – that occludes its sources and information transformation from the public. The reflexive use of these extended back-boxes, together with technological determinism, is fostering what is presented as a widespread phenomenon, turning fake into real, largely supported by a culture rooted in propaganda, thriving in attention-capturing mechanisms and in the conscious use of logical fallacies to maximize public impact, epitomized by the phrase “if faking it gets the job done, who cares?” Form has become more important than function, in the pursuit of goals. The appeal to emotion – overriding reason and fact – is privileged in public communication. Recent advances in generative AI black-boxed systems have densified the scenario, making it nearly impossible to distinguish between highly polished, often hyper-realistic, machine-generated deep-fakes and actual, human-generated media. In a post-fake reality punctuated by a barrage of cognitively overlaid buzzwords – from the simpler like, friend, or tag to the more complex Internet of behaviors, artificial intelligence, extended reality, or enhanced connectivity – created and controlled by dominant cultures to inculcate habits and norms, and to consolidate power, the dismantlement of this unprecedented curtain of clichés becomes urgent, and post-fake artivism (art+activism) may be a step in the right direction.
- Generative video artPublication . Veiga, Pedro AlvesGenerative art is historically and widely used for the production of abstract images and animations, each frame corresponding to a generation or iteration of the generative system, which runs within the aesthetic boundaries defined by its author. But rather than being limited to image or sound synthesis, generative systems can also manipulate video samples and still images from external sources, and include vectors that can be mapped to the concepts of shot, sequence, rhythm and montage. Furthermore, generative systems need not be limited to the visual plane and can also render audio, either through sound synthesis or by manipulating sound samples. And in this case, since the output is a constant and uninterrupted audio-visual stream, is it not possible to speak of generative video art, as it becomes indistinguishable from its modern-day video art digital counterparts? Within this perspective, this article traces back the historical roots of generative video art, and proposes a theoretical model for generative video art systems, as a creative intersection of two artistic genres, often seen as disjoint.
- Cadavre Exquis: Forking Paths from surrealism to interactive filmPublication . Silva, Bruno Mendes da; Tavares, Mirian; Costa, Susana; Araújo, António
- In[The Hate Booth]: a case study on how to deal with online hate speechPublication . Costa, Susana; Tavares, Mirian; Bidarra, José; Silva, Bruno Mendes daIn today's hyper-connected world, digital games and online gaming communities occupy a prominent place in the communication system, in social media, forums or Internet communities, where online hate speech (OHS) takes place, frequently and publicly, triggering toxic environments. In this chapter we present a case study based on interviews, distributed in two sessions, to ten participants with 12 and 13 years old, and an experience over the SG In[The Hate Booth], as a counterproposal to address OHS. The qualitative data approaches three aspects: the experiences with OHS, the perspectives about OHS and the possible solutions to counteract OHS. We conclude that OHS is a common complaint from players and a characteristic behavior in game communities. Data shows that even users who don’t identify themselves with this behavior accept it as part of online environments and agree that this toxicity continues outside the in-game screen with effects in everyday life. The pedagogical approach, namely through SG, is perceived as a possible measure to counteract the OHS.
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