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- Attitudes, barriers and motivators as factors for sustainability of higher education e-Learning programmes at Universidade Aberta, PortugalPublication . Nicolau, Paula Bacelar; Caeiro, Sandra; Martinho, Ana Paula; Azeiteiro, UlissesIn higher education distance learning institutions, where studies are carried on through a variety of distance learning regimes, from the correspondence and earlier forms of distance education to fully online e-learning programmes, and where planners and administrators seize the effective adoption and deployment of technology-enabled education, student attitude and motivation assume considerable significance. Attitudinal pre-dispositions, institutional and allied barriers (including appropriate policy initiatives), besides the scientific and pedagogical quality of degree programmes are assumed to play a crucial role in sustainability of higher education systems. This article reports the findings of a study conducted at Universidade Aberta, Portugal—the Portuguese Distance Learning Education University—to examine student attitudes towards e-learning and to identify barriers and motivators of e-learning adoption, which are key factors for decreasing dropout rates of a 2nd cycle degree e-learning programme, analysed as a case study.
- Integrating sustainable approaches in distance learning universities: the experience of Universidade AbertaPublication . Mapar, Mahsa; Nicolau, Paula Bacelar; Ferreira, Célia; Martins, Rute; Martinho, Ana Paula; Pereira, Pedro; Simão, João; Teixeira, Teresa; Trindade, Jorge; Fernandes, Paula Vaz; Caeiro, SandraOne of the key components in practicing sustainability and developing a sustainable Higher Education Institution (HEI) is the role played by the institution community including students and its staff, both administrative and academics according to a whole-campus approach. However, there is still a lack of how to integrate sustainability-related approaches into the HEIs, by involving the whole community of the HEI, in particular in distance-learning institutions. Recognizing this lack, Universidade Aberta (UAb), the Portuguese Distance Learning University, has recently integrated sustainability approaches into the University actions by establishing the “UAb Sustainable Campus Group” in 2021. In line with Agenda 2030, the Group promotes the sustainability approaches at UAb in 5 core elements of sustainability actions at HEIs: i) planning and administration, ii) operation and innovation, iii) academia and research, iv) assessment and reporting, and v) involvement with the community. This paper aims to reveal the recent sustainability initiatives (2021-2023) carried out by the Group and enlighten how a distance-learning University's actions, programs, and approaches have been integrated into the core elements of sustainability actions at HEIs. Several steps were implemented to address sustainability initiatives at UAb based on the proposed framework, considering: 1) “planning and administration”, by the formal commitment to sustainability that arose in the UAb Strategic Plan (2019-2023) to enforce sustainability initiatives centered on people and social commitment; 2) “operation”, by UAb contribution to the resource efficiency programs; 3) “academia and research”, by designing a micro-credential module entitled “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”, that were piloted in the academic year 2022-2023 and were evaluated the students’ knowledge improvement on SDGs and sustainability and their perceptions on the effectiveness of the training through pre- and postquestionnaires; 4) “assessment and reporting”, through self-assessment and reporting tools, among them, Time Higher Education Impact Ranking, which ranked the UAb sustainability initiatives towards SDGs 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, and 17. Also, with the collaboration of the administrative staff, the UAb Ecological Footprint (EF) was self-assessed through the University Ecological Footprint Calculator, which allows HEIs to calculate their consumption of natural resources and ecosystem services within the direct and indirect responsibilities of the administration, by bearing in mind the specific feature of distance learning. The results for “planning and administration” showed the UAb commitment to sustainable campus by the signatory of several associations, e.g., RCS-Portugal, AASHE - Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education, and Lisbon Green Commitment to implement a set of measures to reduce the environmental impacts by 2030. In the “operation” element, the results revealed the UAb contribution to the Resource Efficiency Program in Public Administration - ECO.AP 2030 to reduce the consumption of resources and respective Greenhouse Gas emissions facilities, as well as the Energy Saving Plan (2022-2023). The results of the “academia and research” element based on the SDGs course showed the students’ knowledge improvement of both Sustainability and SDGs and a high level of satisfaction with the training, mainly appreciating the “diversified learning resources”. The results of the “assessment and reporting” based on THE displayed the UAb improvement on SDGs 4 and 5. The results of the EF calculator disclosed that “staff labour” was the main driver of the UAb Footprint in direct responsibility, whereas “energy consumption at home” was the main indirect contributor to the UAb Footprint, which showed the effect of distance learning on the results. Future work of the Group includes offering the SDGs micro-credential, targeting also public and private organizations, and later as a formal curricular unit in various degrees, thus enhancing the “involving the community” element. Also, based on the results of the assessment tools, the major drivers of unsustainability at UAb will be identified to assist the necessary improvement to reduce the environmental impact of UAb, thus reinforcing its commitment to building a more sustainable community. The framework for the implementation of sustainability in UAb can be adapted and tested in other HEI to produce robust knowledge and action in this context.
- A 5Ps approach to teaching and e-learning sustainability: the case of Universidade AbertaPublication . Mapar, Mahsa; Nicolau, Paula Bacelar; Dias, Marco; Ferreira, Célia; Manuelito, Helena; Martins, Rute; Martinho, Ana Paula; Pereira, Pedro; Simão, João; Trindade, Jorge; Fernandes, Paula Vaz; Caeiro, Sandra
- New challenges for e-learning post-graduation in exact and technological sciencesPublication . Caeiro, Sandra; Costa, Fernando Pestana da; Moura, Ana Pinto de; Martinho, Ana Paula; Nicolau, Paula Bacelar; Ramos, Maria do Rosário; Araújo, João; Azeiteiro, Ulisses; Rocio, VitorLearning and teaching in an on-line environment are, in many ways, much like teaching and learning in any other formal education context. However, the pervasive effect of the on-line medium creates a unique environment for teaching and learning (Anderson, 2004). This century will see the emergence of a post-modern era of distance education characterized by increased diversity and choice (Garrison, 2000). Such development is made possible by new communication technologies, as exemplified by the evolution of the open universities in their adoption of new models to replace/complement the traditional self-paced, independent learning model of the industrial era (Davis, 1999). The implementation of these new models to formal master courses in specific areas of life sciences, mathematics and technology is a new challenge, where face to face field and laboratory activities are often compulsory. This paper presents a preliminary reflection on the working experience of three masters courses taught at Portuguese distance learning university. In Portugal those courses are novel both in terms of the e- or b-learning regime, and in terms of curricular contents and professional competence outcomes.
- Um percurso para a sustentabilidade na Universidade AbertaPublication . Caeiro, Sandra; Grilo, Rita; Martinho, Ana Paula; Nicolau, Paula Bacelar; Simão, João; Ferreira, Célia; Trindade, Jorge; Oliveira, Carla Padrel deAs Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) têm um papel essencial na implementação de iniciativas e práticas de Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável (EDS) e no âmbito dos Objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentável, sendo importantes agentes de mudança (Leal Filho et al., 2017, Kapitulcinová et al., 2018). Essas iniciativas podem ser efetuadas em diversos eixos desde o ensino e curricula, às operações no campus, à gestão de organização, à relação com a comunidade externa, à investigação, e à avaliação e comunicação. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar as atuais iniciativas de implementação da EDS na Universidade Aberta (UAb), nos seus diversos eixos, efetuando um balanço das vantagens e barreiras dessa implementação e desenvolvimentos futuros. A UAb é uma universidade pública portuguesa de ensino a distância, com cerca de 6000 estudantes em 23 países, em particular no espaço lusófono sendo constituída por quatro unidades orgânicas e uma organizacional nas áreas das Ciências e Tecnologia, Ciências Sociais e Gestão, Educação, Humanidades e Aprendizagem ao Longo da Vida. A sua sede é em Lisboa, tendo duas Delegações no Porto e Coimbra e dezoito Centros Locais de Aprendizagem (CLA) espalhados pelo continente e ilhas e um em Moçambique. Os CLA resultam da criação de parcerias entre a UAb e a sociedade civil. Toda a oferta pedagógica está integrada no Processo de Bolonha e é lecionada em regime de elearning, sendo uma instituição europeia de referência, no domínio avançado do elearning e da aprendizagem online, através do reconhecimento do seu Modelo Pedagógico Virtual® (Pereira et al., 2007). A UAb tem vindo a desenvolver nos últimos anos diversas iniciativas de implementação nos vários domínios da EDS incluindo a avaliação do desempenho e comunicação da sustentabilidade da instituição. Para o efeito, e mais recentemente, a UAb submeteu a avaliação desse desempenho ao programa Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS). Como resultado, a UAb passou a integrar a Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education, permitindo, assim, o início de um processo de revisão externa desta avaliação. Como resultado importante da revisão foi atribuído à UAb o Selo STARS Bronze pelas atividades verificadas na área da Sustentabilidade do Campus, sendo a primeira Universidade em Portugal a obter este selo. Os pontos fortes da UAb em termos da implementação da sustentabilidade apoiam-se atualmente na sua dimensão académica (com vários cursos formais e não formais na área da sustentabilidade) e na inovação, incluindo a inclusão (permitindo uma educação para tod@s em qualquer etapa da vida adulta, englobando pessoas com deficiência e reclusos), e não tanto na categoria das operações no campus. No âmbito da avaliação STARS, foram identificadas propostas de melhoria do desempenho da sustentabilidade da UAb. Estas resultaram da aplicação, em 2018, de processos participativos direcionados para a comunidade UAb (colaboradores, administração e alunos) e do desenvolvimento e concretização em 2016 de uma formação direcionada para os colaboradores UAb sobre boas práticas ambientais em contexto organizacional. De forma a dar continuidade à avaliação e às propostas apresentadas foi elaborada uma carta de intenções com um conjunto de propostas e respetivas ações de operacionalização, com vista à melhoria da implementação da sustentabilidade na UAb. Essas propostas estão agora a ser empreendidas, nomeadamente através da (i) elaboração de guias de boas práticas de sustentabilidade para estudantes e funcionários em formato digital; (ii) da promoção do serviço à comunidade com base em iniciativas provenientes dos estudantes e funcionários; e (iii) da avaliação da literacia em sustentabilidade dos docentes. Espera-se que com esta apresentação se possa partilhar a experiencia da UAb e as formas de ultrapassar barreiras na implementação da sustentabilidade nas IES.
- Online learning for sustainability: the student perception in an environmental science post-graduationPublication . Nicolau, Paula Bacelar; Caeiro, Sandra; Martinho, Ana Paula; Amador, Filomena; Azeiteiro, Ulisses
- Training and employability, competences from an e-learning undergraduate programme in environmental sciencesPublication . Martinho, Ana Paula; Caeiro, Sandra; Caetano, Fernando J. P.; Azeiteiro, Ulisses; Nicolau, Paula BacelarThe trail to sustainability requires revolutionising the way environmental professionals perceive and solve environmental problems. The challenge is to prepare them to cope with societal economic and technical changes, to maintain a job and a positive role in the quest for sustainability. The environmental sector is gradually moving from an ‘end-of-pipe’ approach to environmental management holistic, process-based approaches, which require an entire new set of technical, social and individual skills and competences. Environmental professionals have to acknowledge the different dimensions and complexity of environmental issues, through a more proactive attitude and development of integrated solutions. In a globalisation context, environmental professionals have to develop social, ethical, creative, personal and interpersonal skills in addition to technical competences to be of value in attaining sustainability. These skills are also necessary for university environmental graduates to enter the labour market and improve their employability. This study aims to assess the development and acquisition of key skills and competences in the 1st cycle degree programme of Environmental Sciences at the Universidade Aberta, the Portuguese Distance Learning University, and their contribution to the employability of its graduates. For the assessment a questionnaire survey was conducted to the graduated students. The results are discussed within the European Tuning framework for higher education programs.
- Strengths and weaknesses of an e-learning program in environmental sciences at Universidade Aberta, PortugalPublication . Caeiro, Sandra; Martinho, Ana Paula; Fernandes, Ana Paula; Oliveira, Carla Padrel de; Nicolau, Paula Bacelar; Azeiteiro, UlissesEarlier research studies have shown that e-learning higher education is a powerful system within teaching and education for sustainable development. In spite of the advantages of independency of time and place, compared to traditional face to face, some barriers are found showing the importance of evaluating the effectiveness of e-learning system. This paper aims to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the 1st cycle undergraduate program of environmental sciences at the Portuguese Distance Learning Education University (Universidade Aberta, Portugal). The methods included (i) data analysis relating to the candidate’s enrolment and students’ progression from the Academic Office registry of UAb; (ii) SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) of the undergraduate program (iii) inquiry by interview to student’s representatives of management councils and the university ombudsman to evaluate attitudes, barriers and motivators towards e-learning. Although higher levels of motivation, satisfaction and aptitude with e-learning of the 1st undergraduate program in environmental sciences at UAb were identified, weaknesses, namely the need to improve self-organization and time management. Recommendations to overcome the weakness found are given and new educational and teaching paths to achieve sustainability are discussed.
- Education for sustainable development in higher education: evaluating coherence between theory and praxisPublication . Amador, Filomena; Martinho, Ana Paula; Nicolau, Paula Bacelar; Oliveira, Carla Padrel de; Caeiro, SandraUniversities are an important part of the process of change taking place in society. However this is often overshadowed by the fact that institutions give priority to technocratic models in the relationship between science and society. In this context, according to Jϋrgen Habermas’ perspective, theories can serve to clarify practical questions and guide praxis into the right actions (social emancipation and rational autonomy). Habermas introduces the need to evaluate the particular contexts in which scientific arguments are made and assessed. The aim of this paper is to develop a set of assessment criteria for education for sustainable development in higher education curricula. These were developed in line with the Habermasian idea and introducing also further adaptions within the context of Education for Sustainable Development. These criteria were tested in a b-learning Master programme in Environmental Citizenship and Participation at the Universidade Aberta, Portugal. The following research tools were used: i) a questionnaire survey to the graduates; ii) content analysis applied to the information guide and to the abstracts of the dissertations that were produced. The application of the criteria on the case study revealed that on Higher Education curricula, an absence of theoretical frameworks could lead to inconsistencies between theory and praxis. Improvements to curricula are then drawn from this study.
- Guia ser sustentável: sugestões para viver de forma sustentável no campus …e fora dele...Publication . Mapar, Mahsa; Fernandes, Ana Paula; Martinho, Ana Paula; Ferreira, Célia; Simão, João; Trindade, Jorge; Nicolau, Paula Bacelar; Caeiro, SandraEste guia é um recurso sobre como viver, trabalhar e estudar de forma sustentável na Universidade Aberta. Inclui cinco secções sendo que cada uma se centra numa área de ação da sustentabilidade, com conselhos importantes que pode realizar enquanto estiver no campus, em casa ou no trabalho, e elaboradas com base em no compromisso da UAb com a sustentabilidade.