Browsing by Issue Date, starting with "2015-07"
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- Educação online e línguas estrangeiras: ferramentas digitais gratuitas para desenvolver a oralidade em francêsPublication . Nobre, Ana; Cardoso, Teresa Margarida LoureiroCom a valorização crescente da oralidade no ensino das línguas estrangeiras e a introdução de atividades de avaliação das competências orais, surge a necessidade de implementar uma prática sistemática da oralidade no ensino online garantindo a não presença e a flexibilidade de horário. Assim, a utilização das novas ferramentas de comunicação online, na área científica da Língua e Cultura, representou um desafio para os docentes e discentes da Universidade Aberta (Portugal), para o qual foram propostas estratégias e soluções que assegurassem a qualidade do ensino-aprendizagem das línguas estrangeiras num ambiente virtual. Nas unidades curriculares de Francês da Universidade Aberta são usadas ferramentas digitais gratuitas, podcasts e showcasts, para praticar e avaliar a oralidade. Apresentamos algumas dessas estratégias e soluções, no que diz respeito a atividades formativas de compreensão e produção oral, verificando-se que o uso de podcasts e de showcasts permitiu a prática sistemática e avaliação da oralidade, contribuindo para a melhoria das competências de oralidade e de escrita de todos os nossos estudantes.
- O perfil do supervisor pedagógico: representações de professores em diferentes fases da carreira docentePublication . Salis, Gabriela; Miranda, BrancaNeste artigo apresenta-se uma pesquisa sobre as representações dos professores em relação ao perfil de supervisor pedagógico. O estudo foi desenvolvido numa escola do 3.º Ciclo e Ensino Secundário situada no distrito de Setúbal, em Portugal. Foram feitas entrevistas a dois grupos de professores: professores experientes e professores no início da carreira e os seus testemunhos serão apresentados e analisados.
- The perception of the population that captures mussels and barnacles at easter on measures of ecosystem conservationPublication . Jeremias, Maria; Seixas, SóniaThe perception of the population that captures mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) and barnacles (Pollicipes pollicipes) on Holy Friday on the campaign launched by the Cascais city council (“At Easter the one who pays is the mussel”) to prevent the depletion of the stocks and their opinion on the need of preservation of these two species and biodiversity in intertidal area. To evaluate it we went to the area where the campaign was launched and made a questionnaire to each family, in a total of 62 surveys. This activity is mainly carried out by men between the ages of 30 and 60 years old. 62% of the pickers came from different areas of the council, 30% come from neighbouring councils and the other 8 % from distant places. The results confirm that the capture is mainly done at Easter (82%). 41% of the people inquired collect mussels, 16% collect barnacles and 43% collect both species. The majority of the pickers knows the maximum weight allowed to capture mussels but doesn’t know it about barnacles and less than half of the people answer correctly about the minimum length of the mussel shell. 94% state that the capture is done to private consumption. The perception of the people about the need of conservation of both species and biodiversity in intertidal is above 70%. As far as the campaign is concerned, people, in general, agree with it but their answers are not consensual: some said it is very good (40%) while others said that it is very bad (47%). About the reinforced surveillance done during this day by the Maritime and the City Council Police almost everybody said that it may end up with this tradition.
- Recreational angler management in marine protect area : a case study of top-bottom managementPublication . Encarnação, Fernando; Seixas, SóniaThis study is done in a natural park (Southwest Alentejo and Vicentina Coast Natural Park - PNSACV) a marine area with an extension of two km offshore all along its coastline (Marine Protected Area - MPA). The “recreational fishing” it is part of the tradition of the people living in these near municipalities, having inherited a taste for rock fishing and shell fishing of their ancestors. They are deprived of a moment's notice based on a law without being heard, without anyone to defend the tradition inculcated in each. In this park, since 2006, with the first law (868/2006) several fishing management measures have been implemented like, limitations and prohibitions without studies and licenses based on dissuasive law. In practice, the process was reversed. What should be awareness and public participation became a force against the will of the people. The another law (Portaria 143/2009) for de PNSACV area it`s even more restrictive, separating the principle of equality between nationals and resident people in PNSACV, compared to the law (Portaria 144/2009) for the entire national territory. These restrictions were not accepted by the population who express their discontent in Sagres, Odemira, Vila Nova de Milfontes and the Assembly of the Republic in Lisbon. A working group was created and a law was changed revoked. Currently, the most relevant restrictive measures are the “false” temporal limitation to catch white seabream, because it`s only effective for rock angler; established minimum sizes and weight maximums for marine organisms like, crustaceans, bivalves, gastropods, mollusks and fish; angler fishing licenses are required. Populations and commissions where heard and the scientific community begin working with the anglers in some studies. All should have been started here.
- Control of carnivore overpopulation (Egyptian Mongoose and red fox) : study case in the council of Azambuja (Portugal)Publication . Teodósio, Marisa; Seixas, SóniaThe presence of predators in a habitat is considered a stabilizing force in the population of herbivores, contributing to the balance of the ecosystem. However, the predator’s overpopulation causes a drastic reduction of primary consumers, exceeding the capacity of the ecosystem and endangering the entire food chain. To solve that situation, density control actions are being implemented by man, for balance maintenance purposes or to prevent damages. Often, in the council of Azambuja, there are carried out these actions, by Hunting Associations to control the carnivore population in forest areas, in particular the egyption mongoose (Herpestes ichneumon) and the red fox (Vulpes vulpes), for their allegedly effect on the lagomorphs population decline. The objective of this study was to describe the capture process end-to-end: how the authorization is required, how is it done in the field, how the fiscalization is made and the results on the biodiversity. The methodology used was the record of the process, interview of the people responsible in field for these actions, and consultation with the national authorities involved. It was verified that the national services which controls these actions (National Institute for Nature Conservation and Forestry) and responsible for the evaluation of the licenses requests, issued these ones to a local hunting association, without any previous study of those two species population’s densities or maximum carrying capacity of the environment for them. There’s no effective supervision of the implementation of this action in the field. It was also clear that hunters use these actions, not to guarantee the ecosystem balance, but to eliminate predators in order to increase the lagomorph’s population for the hunting season. So a process that first established the ecosystem’s balance can and may do exactly the opposite.
- Desenvolvimento económico e recursos comuns : introduçãoPublication . Jacquinet, MarcOs quatro momentos ou três tópicos deste seminário 1. Desenvolvimento económico 2- Problemática dos recursos comuns (Tragedy of the Commons) 3- Economia e desenvolvimento sustentável 4 - Conclusões: Entender o desenvolvimento económico e a sustentabilidade
- Burden and quality of life of mothers of children and adolescents with chronic illnesses: an integrative reviewPublication . Macedo, Eliza Cristina; Silva, Leila Rangel; Paiva, Mirian Santos; Ramos, NatáliaObjective: to identify and analyze the evidence available regarding evaluation of burden and quality of life of mothers who are caregivers for children and adolescents with chronic illnesses. Method: an integrative review, undertaken in the electronic sources MEDLINE; Academic Search Premier; CINAHL; LILACS; SciELO and PubMed, between 2010 and 2014. Results: among the 22 documents selected, there was a predominance of convenience samples and non-experimental transversal designs, at the levels IV and III2. The caregiver burden scales used were the Zarit Burden Interview and Montgomery-Borgatta Caregiver Burden Scale-Revised along with the following instruments for evaluating quality of life: The World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF Scale; Self-report questionnaires; The Ulm Quality of Life Inventory for Parents of chronically ill children; Asthma Caregiver Quality of Life Questionnaire; and the Nottingham Health Profile. Quality-of-life appears to be influenced in a complex and interrelated way by the physical and mental health of the mothers who are caregivers, in accordance with their level of independence, social relationships, environment, and the extent to which they see themselves as burdened. Conclusion: the revealing of the results for the evaluation of burden and quality of life of mothers who are caregivers has implications for the planning and implementation of effective interventions, by the multidisciplinary team, if they are to relieve the burden.
- Education for sustainable development in higher education: evaluating coherence between theory and praxisPublication . Amador, Filomena; Martinho, Ana Paula; Nicolau, Paula Bacelar; Oliveira, Carla Padrel de; Caeiro, SandraUniversities are an important part of the process of change taking place in society. However this is often overshadowed by the fact that institutions give priority to technocratic models in the relationship between science and society. In this context, according to Jϋrgen Habermas’ perspective, theories can serve to clarify practical questions and guide praxis into the right actions (social emancipation and rational autonomy). Habermas introduces the need to evaluate the particular contexts in which scientific arguments are made and assessed. The aim of this paper is to develop a set of assessment criteria for education for sustainable development in higher education curricula. These were developed in line with the Habermasian idea and introducing also further adaptions within the context of Education for Sustainable Development. These criteria were tested in a b-learning Master programme in Environmental Citizenship and Participation at the Universidade Aberta, Portugal. The following research tools were used: i) a questionnaire survey to the graduates; ii) content analysis applied to the information guide and to the abstracts of the dissertations that were produced. The application of the criteria on the case study revealed that on Higher Education curricula, an absence of theoretical frameworks could lead to inconsistencies between theory and praxis. Improvements to curricula are then drawn from this study.
- As novas medidas de acção para as migrações em PortugalPublication . Costa, Paulo ManuelUm plano estratégico de intervenção para a integração dos imigrantes terá de estabelecer linhas políticas gerais que sirvam de orientação para todos os envolvidos no processo de integração e deverá condicionar as respectivas opções políticas. Para além disso, deverá servir para melhorar a condição geral dos imigrantes residentes em Portugal, pelo que a sua avaliação terá de ter em conta o respectivo impacto nas condições de vida dos imigrantes e não pode estar centrada apenas nas taxas de execução das medidas.
- Emissão Nº 100Publication . Universidade Aberta; Guerreiro, Maria JoãoEmissão apresentada a partir da Universidade de Coimbra. Destaque para Consórcio entre a Universidade Aberta e a Universidade de Coimbra: O Palácio Ceia, sede a Universidade Aberta e a Universidade de Coimbra; Entrevista ao professor Paulo Dias, Reitor da Universidade Aberta e ao professor João Gabriel Silva, Reitor da Universidade de Coimbra, conduzida por Raquel Santos; Biblioteca Joanina da Universidade de Coimbra. Notícias da Universidade Aberta: II Jornadas Internacionais Online de Educação, Tecnologia e Inovação, organizadas pela Universidade Aberta; Certificação do Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade (SGQ), da Universidade Aberta, pela Associação Portuguesa de Certificação (APCER): Depoimentos de Carlos Vila, gestor de cliente APCER e de Carla Oliveira, Vice-reitora da Universidade Aberta; Sessão Solene Comemorativa do Dia da Universidade Aberta, que teve lugar dia 23 de junho de 2015, no Teatro Thalia, Lisboa. A oração de sapiência "A Língua não é nossa, também é nossa", foi proferida pelo professor Adriano Moreira.