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  • Patient standardization identification as a healthcare issue
    Publication . Macedo, Mario; Isaías, Pedro
    Healthcare organizations use information systems with several different types of data and user interfaces. The lack of standardization means loss of efficiency and effectiveness. It limits the expected quality of Healthcare services. Some difficulties for this standardization are known. However there are models that can respond to the complexity of this area of science and evolve with the development of knowledge. A problem which is common to several organizations is the lack of automatic identification of patients. Another one is how to solve the problem of having information duplicated in different databases. The purpose of this paper is to show the importance of the standardization of clinical data and the development of unique models of identification that will enable setting unique access keys and the interconnection between all the clinical data. The empowerment of systems that support clinical decision and the use of workflows for treatment plans that involve more than an organization of Healthcare will only be possible if they use standard models, open technologies and unique patient identification.
  • Perspectives of online education
    Publication . Reis, Felipa Lopes dos; Pinho, Carlos; Negas, Mário Carrilho; Martins, António Eduardo Pais Falcão Barbosa
    The objective of this article is to bring up a reflexion on the nature of online education and its specific characteristics. The reality and development level of Information and Communication Technologies are both fundamental for the success and maturity of more evolved teaching processes. These processes assume themselves increasingly as facilitators and active agents of the diffusion of knowledge.
  • Empathic technologies and virtual, contextual and mobile learning in VR/AR/MR environments
    Publication . Isaias, Pedro; Reis, Francisco
    Students’ motivation and interest as well interaction between students and teachers in e-Learning and Mobile Learning environments can be improved through the use of affective technologies and empathic systems.This paper introduces Emphatic concepts, an emphatic platform and an Emphatic Forum approach. It contextualizes this initiative within the Emphatic Products, a EU/ITEA2 research project, and proposes future developments in terms of unique features such as moving to, adapting to, even defining a whole new interaction paradigm in Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) immersive environments.
  • Gameful design principles for self-learning in gamified eLearning systems
    Publication . Lindley, Marco; Isaias, Pedro
    This paper explores the field of Gamified eLearning Systems (GeLS), these are a strong educational platform being implemented at all educational levels. Through a study of currently available GeLS, several common attributes contributing to their success are highlighted as well as some common weaknesses, in particular, the problems of linearity, repetitiveness and lack of user freedom. This paper asks whether these weaknesses can be addressed by using design techniques typical of Open World and Rogue Like games. Based on a user survey on Open World and Rogue Like game experience, six new design principles are formulated, alongside a model capable of implementing these design principles in a GeLS.
  • Flipping the classroom effectively: evaluation results from a course at the University of Queensland
    Publication . Isaías, Pedro; McKimmie, Blake; Bakharia, Aneesha; Zornig, John
    The flipped classroom is regarded as a valuable approach to engage students more deeply in the learning process and as a strategy to promote active learning within the classroom. As more educators resort to it to enhance teaching and learning, it is important to assess its effectiveness and determine its pedagogical value. This paper examines the results of the evaluation of a flipped psychology course. The evaluation process was comprised of interviews, surveys and the analysis of clickstream data. The evaluation included the students, tutors and the course creators and it highlighted the aspects that were successful and the improvements that can be made in future editions of the flipped course.
  • Information systems success: measuring wiki implementation success, based on the DeLone & McLean model
    Publication . Alexandre, João; Isaías, Pedro
    In all the organizations, the information systems should see the success of its implementation measured. This paper tests the DeLone & McLean (2003) information systems success model using a wiki implementation. From the model, the measures to be studied were elaborated in diverse questions having a 6-point Likert scale for the answers. Several identifiable validation relationships in the proposed model, on which the study has been based, were summarised as seven hypotheses of relationships between the variables. The paper uses the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) technique to test the referred hypotheses. The model has proved its validity and suitability for the measurement of web 2.0 tools, and the model explained an amount exceeding 75% the results obtained. The results show that the satisfaction of the user is a strong inducer of liquid benefits, at individual and organizational level, in line with other studies in the literature.
  • Social networks: advantages and disadvantages of its use in job hunting
    Publication . Courelas, Micaela; Isaias, Pedro
    Portugal is going through an unprecedented unemployment crisis. Highly trained people are emigrating in search of better work conditions within their area of study. The job seekers that stay in Portugal try to find work through a variety of ways: some settle for a job beneath their potential while others search the web using social (and professional) networks. Websites such as Facebook and LinkedIn are often being used as virtual markets, full of opportunities for the unemployed and also with large information databases that help recruiters in their search for candidates. This paper intends to make a comparison between recruiters and candidates’ perspectives on job-hunting through social networks. More specifically, it will use online questionnaires and interviews to assess how Facebook and LinkedIn might offer opportunities to job seekers and how recruiters expose those opportunities. The results showed that Facebook is the candidates’ preferred tool, while recruiters tend to use LinkedIn more often. Both recruiters and job seekers agreed that curricular information is the key for a successful profile and that, in terms of online social networking, the lack of privacy is a substantial disadvantage and networking is the best advantage.
  • From CRM 1.0 to CRM 2.0 and mobile CRM: a case study of European recruitment agencies
    Publication . Gregório, Tânia; Isaías, Pedro
    While companies are becoming more focused on customers and personalisation, mobile technologies and Web 2.0 have been pushing companies to evolve in this area by offering solutions to help them to approach their customers. The present research is focused on how Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems are used, at a European level, by recruiting companies to assist candidates in finding a satisfactory job. More specifically, this paper presents a framework to identify how CRM 2.0 and mobile CRM (mCRM) can help candidates to find jobs in a personalised manner. The methodology was based on an exploratory study of European recruitment agencies, using online questionnaires. The results showed that the use of software in recruiting agencies is quite common as is the use of CRM 2.0. With concern to mCRM, their use by the agencies remains shy, leaving this channel's great potential yet to be explored.
  • A model for the Portuguese online retailers adoption of Web 2.0 tools
    Publication . Coelho, Fábio; Isaías, Pedro
    The Internet has become a major sales platform, assuming a growing importance in increasing the economic growth of a company. Therefore it is of great importance to analyse the incorporation of Web 2.0 tools and their relation to the website success and its design. Through a systematic exploration of the 36 most visited Portuguese e-commerce websites, according to the ranking published by Marktest, information was gathered about the adoption of Web 2.0 tools by these online retailers. Results indicate that the most frequently implemented tools are social networking, Rich Internet Application (RIA), mashups and Really Simple Syndication (RSS feeds). The least often adopted were semantic search, wikis and blogs. Based on these results and those in additional studies, an optimized model of Web 2.0 tools implementation is proposed for online retailers operating in Portugal. In the short term, it is suggested that the retailer should implement easier features which bring quicker success in terms of return on investments, such as social networking, mashups, RSS feeds and tagging, each one of which leads to a specific business benefit. In the medium-to-long term, it is suggested that retailers should adopt RIA-based features and features and podcasts/vodcasts. The adoption of these Web tools must be based on a complete and differentiated set tools.
  • E-assessment systems: an evaluation framework from the perspective of higher education experts
    Publication . Isaias, Pedro; Miranda, Paula; Pifano, Sara
    Assessment represents a central aspect of the learning process. As learning environments become more flexible and unbound by the restrictions of traditional education and as students increase in number and diversity, technology assumes a critical role in the support of a more adequate, scalable and personalised assessment. The employment of eassessment systems can assist teachers in the development of several e-assessment initiatives, especially at a time when there is an unprecedented migration towards online learning. This paper aims to identify the essential characteristics of effective eassessment systems by appraising an evaluation framework to assist teachers to select efficient systems. The learning technology and e-assessment experts, who completed an online questionnaire, validated the identification of the key characteristics of effective e-assessment systems: variety of assessment design options, scalability, security, accessibility and usability, feedback features, personalisation, financial cost and interoperability.