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  • The portuguese sustainable campus network: a knowledge collaboration for sustainability transformation in higher education institutions
    Publication . Barros, F. M.; Caeiro, Sandra; Disterheft, Antje; Madeira, Ana; Manteigas, Vítor; Martins, António Gomes; Teixeira, Margarida Ribau; Soares, Aldina
    Networks are an important mechanism for systemic change towards sustainability in higher education institutions. In Portugal there is no formal law or regulation at governmental level pressuring for this change. Also, there was a need for action and a lack of collaboration between the Portuguese higher education community to allow an advanced sustainability implementation in higher education institutions. This chapter presents the activities that the Portuguese Network Sustainable Campus—Rede Campus Sustentável (RCS) has been undertaking. The history and organisation of the network are presented as well as a summary of its main initiatives, namely the results of the first survey report on the Implementation of Sustainability in Higher Education in Portugal, where the actual practices in the main dimensions are listed. This work aims to contribute to the studies about sustainability-oriented networks in higher education, addressing its current and future challenges.
  • Smart waste management: a look on Portugal towards the SDG
    Publication . Costa, Madalena; Madureira, Raquel Castro; Ferreira, Célia
    In a world in constant change and development, waste management has been seen as an important area and, therefore, a target for investment and environmental concern. Considering smart waste management methods, the goal of this work is to portray some relevant Municipal Portuguese smart waste implementation methods and describe several initiatives using intelligent methods seeking smart city development and towards the sustainable development goals 11.6.1, Municipal Solid Waste Management. Data collection was based on the literary review, using different types of information. The results show the state of the art in the implementation of municipal policies in this area, and the practical difficulties of the process, namely in terms of the necessary resources. Additionally, it was possible to understand the importance of the new methods to encourage a more correct waste management methodology seeking a smart city development and operational measures to reduce the adverse per capita environmental impact of waste.
  • Sociology of waste: social norms as pre-disposition for acceptance of ‘Pay-as-you-throw’ tariffs in Portugal
    Publication . Bringsken, Beatriz; Vilarinho, C; Ferreira, Célia
    The sociology of waste approach is useful to support the implementation of innovations in a municipal waste management system, based on theoretical and behavioral evidence from the local context and background. Social studies focused on waste governance can improve decision making processes, facilitate the design of better policies, interventions and campaigns in a community. On this basis, the aim of this research paper is to address the potential influence of social norms as a predictor of behavior change, to assure a positive impact in a community facing the implementation of a PAYT (Pay-as-you-throw) tariffs system. An indicator of the sustainable impact of the project is when local people make efforts to set new social norms. The perceived ‘normal’ patterns of behavior within a specific group of citizens adapting to this innovation are considered evidences of social norm’s transformation. People’s perception of others behaviors coded as descriptive social norm is an instrument of influence, so it is important to expand the theoretical understanding of these behavioral factors. In case the desirable social norm is established by the group, less political and legal guidance is necessary during the implementation phase, and the solid evidence of community ownership of the waste management project related to ‘Pay-as-you-throw’ tariffs could ensure the long-lasting impact of this innovation. Therefore, this study conceptualizes social norms, more specifically typical empirical or descriptive norms, as a theoretical tool to identify the most salient pattern of behavior for separating and managing household waste disposal to substantiate the development of an Action Research Approach to be performed within a Portuguese community in the city of São João da Madeira as they are about to adopt PAYT tariffs as technological innovation for waste management.
  • Separate collection of packaging waste: characterization and impacts
    Publication . Oliveira, V.; Vaz, João Miguel; Sousa, V.; Ferreira, Célia
    This study evaluates separate collection rate of packaging waste in the coastal area of the “Centro” region of Portugal, where collection is based on road-side waste containers. The area comprises 42 municipalities and the collection system of two waste management companies were studied: ERSUC and VALORLIS. In 2015, the average separate collection rate was 7.6% (30.7 kg person−1 year−1), in ERSUC, and 7.7% (29.2 kg person−1 year−1), in VALORLIS. Furthermore, separate collection rates varied significantly between municipalities, ranging from 4.5% to 12.6% of the total waste generated. Recyclables in unsorted waste represent a significant economic and environmental burden, and municipalities could save 8.1 million euros per year and avoid the emission of 86 thousand tonnes of CO2 equivalent. The implementation of door-to-door collection and adoption of variable waste tariffs are further efforts required to increase separate collection rate, in order to achieve national targets.
  • Study of different assisting agents for the removal of heavy metals from MSW fly ashes
    Publication . Ferreira, Célia; Ribeiro, Alexandra B.; Ottosen, Lisbeth M.
    This work presents the results of the extraction of Zn, Pb, Cu, Mn and Cd from Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) incinerator fly ashes. In the present work the following assisting agents were evaluated for their capacity to remove heavy metals from fly ash into solution, in a wide pH range: EDTA, ammonium acetate, ammonium citrate, Na-Gluconate and water. Results obtained in these extractions indicate that cadmium and lead present the highest removals with 75% and 61910of total concentration, although not obtained with the same extraction agent. Removal for the other metals was up to 49% for Cu, 20% for Zn and only 2% for Mn. The results indicate that Na-gluconate presents the best removal efficiencies for both zinc and lead, while performing also well for the other metals. Nagluconate is aprox. 2 times more efficient in extracting lead than EDTA (which is the second best) and 61 times better than ammonium acetate. Ammonium acetate performs best for cadmium and copper. Na-gluconate stands out as a good assisting agent. Besides the good performance observed in the extraction tests it also presents some additional characteristics such as non-toxicity, good performance at high pH values, formation of charged complexes with the metals and reasonable price, that points out the possibility of using it as an assisting agent in the electrodialytic remediation of fly ash.
  • Treatment of MSW fly ashes using the electrodialytic remediation technique
    Publication . Ferreira, Célia; Ribeiro, Alexandra B.; Ottosen, Lisbeth M.
    In the present work the electrodialytic remediation technique is applied for the treatment of fly ash, a hazardous by-product resulting from the incineration of municipal solid waste. Results are presented for an experiment conducted for 40 days at 38 mA, with a continuously stirred cell. Experimental parameters monitored include voltage drop, pH and electrolyte’s volumes. Evolution of heavy metal concentration with time in the different compartments is analysed. The performance of sodium gluconate for heavy metals extraction from fly ash in different pH conditions is evaluated in batch extraction tests and during the electrodialytic treatment. This substance was found to perform well for pH below 6 and above 9, although extractions are better in the acidic region. Other relevant observations include the retention of significant amounts of heavy metals on the cation-exchange membrane separating chambers III and IV and the dissolution of a large percentage of sample during the treatment. 39% of zinc, 14% of lead, 18% of copper and 60% of cadmium were removed from fly ash using the electrodialytic technique and these results are compared with previously reported experiments on similar materials.
  • A globalização do risco de desastres e o desenvolvimento sustentável
    Publication . Trindade, Jorge; Santos, Pedro Pinto
    Os desastres globais associados a fenómenos naturais são uma característica intrínseca da dinâmica do nosso planeta e, ao longo da história da Terra, provocaram impactos elevados na distribuição mundial das espécies e na forma como estas utilizam recursos. Este trabalho pretende contextualizar a gestão dos desastres, ligando-a às tendências de globalização verificadas no passado recente e debatendo a importância da adoção de conceitos comuns para os modelos de governança dos riscos. Neste sentido, é possível verificar que a globalização dos desastres associados a fenómenos naturais corresponde a um processo recente e segue lógicas globais, onde os efeitos sistémicos originam uma ampliação das consequências de fenómenos locais ou regionais. A resposta aos desastres tem sido coordenada pela Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) em articulação com os governos dos estados-membros, organizações não governamentais e entidades privadas. Em conjunto, definem planos de prevenção, reação e resiliência às catástrofes e estabelecem estratégias de médio prazo para a mitigação e adaptação. Os quadros de ação de Hyogo (2005 e 2015) e de Sendai (2015-2030) representam uma resposta coordenada da ONU e assumem compromissos nacionais no âmbito da redução do risco de desastres, com ligações muito claras aos objetivos do desenvolvimento sustentável. Esta resposta globalizada exige a adoção de conceitos e metodologias uniformes na fase de avaliação e na fase de comunicação de resultados a atores-chave com capacidade decisória. Assim, a decisão de ação será mais eficiente se os modelos de governança souberem enquadrar a resposta a dar nas fases de avaliação e de gestão do risco, com vista ao desenvolvimento sustentável das sociedades. A governação do risco está hoje centrada nas ações de prevenção, com grande incidência em medidas de adaptação suportadas pelo estudo dos fatores naturais e humanos de predisposição. Estes modelos de governação tendem também para uma maior ligação ao desenvolvimento sustentável, com estratégias, ações e metas que implicam uma atuação direta nos fatores que potenciam e melhoram o desempenho sustentável das comunidades e, com isso, diminuem exposições e vulnerabilidades face ao risco de desastres.
  • Environmental literacy in biodiversity terms at the end of the compulsory school: case study in Amadora, Portugal
    Publication . Nicolau, Paula Bacelar; Nicolau, Leonor Bacelar; Galamba, J. M. M.; Azeiteiro, Ulisses
    This study assessed the contribution of formal environmental education, of the Portuguese national curricula, to student’s knowledge of biodiversity and related subjects, at the end of compulsory school. We also investigated the contribution of Alternative Courses on Education and Training to student’s environmental literacy, in terms of their knowledge of biodiversity and related subjects. The results of this study suggest that the formal environmental education of the national curricula and the alternative curricula did not significantly affect the environmental literacy of students, in terms of their knowledge of biodiversity and related subjects. A number of implications for Curriculum development and instructional practice are presented, and recommendations for further research are provided.
  • Recycling of MSWI fly ash in clay bricks: effect of washing and electrodialytic treatment
    Publication . Chen, W.; Klupsch, E.; Kirkelund, Gunvor M.; Jensen, P. E.; Ottosen, Lisbeth M.; Ferreira, Célia
  • Electrokinetics and zero valent Iron nanoparticles: experimental and modeling of the transport in different porous media
    Publication . Gomes, Helena I.; Rodríguez-Maroto, José M.; Ribeiro, Alexandra B.; Pamukcu, Sibel; Ferreira, Célia