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  • Intergenerational learning among teachers’ professional development and lifelong learning: an integrative review of primary research
    Publication . Batista, Paula; Mouraz, Ana; Viana, Isabel; Graça, Amândio
    This integrative literature review aims to provide a broader and updated perspective of teachers’ intergenerational learning (IL). The search was done in Web of Science and EBSCO ultimate databases between 2011 and 2022. Thirty-two empirical studies were selected and submitted to a thematic analysis and five themes were identified: (a) defining and conceptualising generation, (b) IL from understandings to practices, (c) contexts, factors and roles from different generations and institutions to promote IL, (d) factors that facilitate the success of IL, and (e) factors that make IL difficult. Data shows an increase in the last decades of research in IL within the educational context, but an absence of the prospective dimension still prevails. Intergenerational knowledge has been researched mainly from an individual professional perspective at the micro and meso levels of scholarship. Effectiveness requires intentional cultivation and a genuine desire for intergenerational knowledge exchange, involving active engagement and awareness among diverse generations and alignment with organizational aims. The promotion of IL takes place in very different ways and forms, and reflection on what is different seems to be a dominant trait. Furthermore, the review could conclude that intergenerational opportunities to work together will improve teacher education and continuous professional development.
  • Digital skills and gender equity: perceptions and practices of portuguese primary education teachers
    Publication . Mouraz, Ana; Nobre, Ana
    This study aims to characterize the digital skills and pedagogical practices using digital technology among primary teachers (first CEB), as well as to map their understanding and practices of promoting gender equality using digital technology. To this end, an online questionnaire survey was conducted among teachers, which yielded 3871 valid responses, representing 17.5% of the population. The sample structure is identical to that of the population, in terms of sociodemographic and territorial characteristics, as well as to the years of schooling covered. It was found that teachers perceive themselves as digitally competent to carry out the essential part of their teaching tasks. Most have already tried to carry out a diverse set of pedagogical practices and activities using digital technology. However, as the overwhelming majority did not find differences between the uses that boys and girls make of digital technology, they also do not act to promote digital skills differently among girls. Some contextual variables were also found that explain these differences in perception and practices regarding digital in education.
  • Self-regulated learning in secondary school: students' self-feedback in a peer observation program
    Publication . Torres, Ana Cristina; Duarte, Marina; Pinto, Daniela; Mouraz, Ana
    Self-regulated learning (SRL) is crucial for fostering learner autonomy and lifelong learning skills. The article focuses on observation as a trigger of student self-feedback and self-reflection towards the development of SRL. A student peer observation programme, co-designed and piloted by teachers and researchers in two Portuguese public secondary schools is introduced, including its theoretical and methodological framework, observation scheme, and supporting observation guides. A qualitative study of self-reported effects by participating students was performed with the objectives of identifying strong aspects and possible improvements to the programme but also to gain a deeper understanding of how observation and self-feedback mediate between the performance and self-reflection phases of SRL. The results reveal an increased appreciation for feedback from various sources, and of the reflection it enables, with students emphasizing seeking help from teachers and peers. Implications for designing collaborative and student-centred learning environments with observational strategies to promote SRL are included.
  • Validation and proposal of a short version of the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) for Portuguese adolescent students
    Publication . Morais, Eva; Santos, Anabela; Mouraz, Ana
    Self-regulated learning is one of the most relevant learning concepts, representing cognitive, metacognitive, emotional, behavioural and motivational aspects. The Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) is the most used instrument to measure self-regulated learning. Though, its 81-item structure is lengthy and presents psychometric issues. Additionally, there is no translation/validation of MSLQ for European Portuguese secondary students. This study involved two stages; in the first, the scale’s psychometric properties were examined, and a short version with 56 items was proposed; in the second, the short version was re-analysed. The first sample consisted of 795 adolescents aged 14–19; 429 adolescents formed the second sample, aged 13–17. Confirmatory factor analyses using robust estimators showed a good fit to the data for the three separated first-order models. Also, good reliability values were found, and information reproduction between the original version and this reduced proposal was verified. These results suggest that the proposed Portuguese short version of the MSLQ (MSLQ-PTS) is a valid and reliable measure for adolescent Portuguese samples. Moreover, the shorter version length makes it a more effective tool for practitioners and researchers.
  • Schools’ self-evaluation procedures relevant for primary and secondary schools: variables geometries
    Publication . Mouraz, Ana; Beresova, Jana; Figueiredo, Carla; Sampaio, Marta; Vankova, Hanna; Pinto, Daniela
    The significance of schools' self-evaluation is intrinsically linked to their autonomy and responsibility in interpreting and executing educational tasks. However, this authority is influenced by both European and national policies. This paper aims to compare the policies and practices underlying the process of school self-evaluation in Slovakia and Portugal. Employing a qualitative approach rooted in comparative research, this study involves analyzing legal documents and field notes collected through informal conversations with school board directors in both countries. While both nations demonstrate some influence from European recommendations in their objectives and procedures, disparities exist in their approaches and emphases. Notably, variations are evident in the purposes of schools' self-evaluation and the teams responsible for conducting it. Nevertheless, both countries underscore the importance of students' achievements within the framework of school self-evaluation.
  • Self-perceived reasons to dropout from higher education: a case study in a Portuguese Faculty of Engineering
    Publication . Mouraz, Ana; Sousa, Armando
    Dropout from Higher Education (HE), that is, the number of students that totally leave a given HE institution is concerningly high, especially in times of crisis. Institutions struggle to minimize dropout, but limited data is available likely because gathering data from learners who dropped out is sensitive, likely involving private information. This paper presents a case study research on student dropout from a very large Portuguese engineering faculty. The main objectives of this research include to gain a better understanding about the reasons for dropout, from the former student’s point of view, and to build a profile for the dropout-at-risk student. The collected data was retrieved from institutional records and from 134 telephonic interviews with former students. The resulting data is analysed in both quantitative and qualitative ways. Results of all gathered dropout data are clustered into three profiles of students who dropout: those that “pull out”, those who were “pushed out” and those who “fall out”. Findings include that students do not decide to dropout by a simple single reason but rather a set of reasons. This research article includes 5 concrete improvement suggestions that are likely to reduce dropout. The two main suggestions are to better prepare the transition to HE and to make policies more flexible in times of crisis, example more flexible schedule.
  • Ambientes digitais e promoção de competências metacognitivas
    Publication . Goulão, Fátima; Christian
    Os contextos digitais de aprendizagem promovem a autonomia dos estudantes. Para isso é pertinente que estes consigam refletir e planear as suas ações. Os Exames Wrappers são uma ferramenta metacognitiva que incentiva a reflexão estruturada e o planeamento para a aprendizagem futura. Foi nosso objetivo conhecer as estratégias utilizadas por um grupo de estudantes para a preparação de uma prova de avaliação. Também, a perceção dos mesmos relativamente à avaliação que irão ter, bem como, pretendem orientar o seu estudo. Fizeram parte da amostra 67 estudantes, sendo 76,1% do sexo feminino e 23,9% do sexo masculino. A sua média de idade é de 37,66. Em conclusão, pelas respostas obtidas verificou-se que os estudantes compreenderam o objetivo desta reflexão e, que a partir desta conseguiram perceber alguns aspetos que deveriam ser tidos em conta num outro momento de avaliação. Isto leva-nos a crer que esta autorreflexão induzida produziu os resultados esperados.
  • Adaptação do Communities That Care Youth Survey para Portugal: um estudo piloto
    Publication . Henriques, Susana; Rabelo, Rachel
    O questionário Communities That Care Youth Survey (CTCYS) avalia fatores de risco e de proteção, prevendo uma série de problemas de saúde comportamentais, incluindo uso de substâncias psicoativas, violência e delinquência em jovens e adolescentes. Em 2022, o CTCYS foi adaptado para Portugal, incorporando fatores de risco e proteção, associados ao uso de substâncias psicoativas, comportamento antissocial e problemas de saúde mental em quatro dimensões: comunidade, família, escola e indivíduo-pares. O presente estudo investigou as propriedades psicométricas e a aplicabilidade do CTCYS em Portugal. O processo de adaptação envolveu a tradução e o refinamento do US CTCYS complementado de discussões em grupos focais com alunos e especialistas. Realizou-se ainda um pré-teste num dos municípios da Região Autónoma dos Açores (RAA) no sentido de aferir a consistência interna do instrumento. Os resultados indicam que a estrutura do CTCYS adaptado a Portugal capta amplamente os principais fatores de risco e proteção considerados. A versão final foi aplicada a 1218 alunos a da RAA e foi realizada nova análise de confiabilidade e validade dos constructos visando a verificação da confiabilidade dos resultados da pesquisa. De modo geral, a os resultados mostraram-se promissores. Neste artigo apresentamos a análise dos resultados que identificam maiores efeitos para o consumo de substâncias psicoativas nos jovens da RAA. O uso dos resultados do CTCYS na identificação dos fatores de risco mais proeminentes para o consumo de substâncias em adolescentes, demonstra o potencial desta ferramenta para orientação de intervenções comunitárias de prevenção.
  • ePortfólios como recurso de carreira: programa online com estudantes do ensino superior
    Publication . Henriques, Susana; Goulão, Fátima; Barros, Daniela Melaré Vieira
    O programa B4C -Boost for Careervisa promover e/ou melhorar a empregabilidade dos estudantes do ensino superior a partir de um enfoque nos recursos de carreira. Foi desenhado e oferecido em ambiente digital para estudantes de duas instituições de ensino superior públicas portuguesas. Noâmbito do programa cada participante desenvolveu um eportfólio enquanto instrumento de apoio à empregabilidade e de avaliação. No presente artigo apresentamos e discutimos os resultados da análise de conteúdo temática dos 151 eportfólios desenvolvidos nasduas edições do B4C. A análise temática foi orientada, por um lado, pelos temas emergentes da estrutura teórica, designadamente os recursos de carreira, e por outo lado, pela sua operacionalização por parte dos participantes. Os principais resultados evidenciam que o programa, enquanto desenvolveu competências específicas, relacionadas com os recursos de carreira e outras como as digitais, desenvolveu também a consciência para a importância dos recursos de carreira numa perspetiva de integração ou de gestão de percursos complexos.
  • Las competencias en las políticas de currículum de ciencias: los casos de Brasil y Portugal
    Publication . Martins, Idalina; Abelha, Marta; Abreu, Rozana Gomes de; Costa, Nilza; Lopes, Alice Casimiro
    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar comparativamente las políticas curriculares producidas recientemente en Brasil y en Portugal; se centra en el significante competencia y enfatiza tanto en las aproximaciones como en los distanciamientos y deslices de sentidos de ese concepto. Dicho análisis se desarrolló esencialmente con base en el abordaje del ciclo continuo de políticas de Stephen Ball. Concluimos que las diferencias entre las apropiaciones realizadas en los dos países se derivan, sobre todo, del modo de actuación de los investigadores en enseñanza de las ciencias y currículum en el sentido local del significante analizado.