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- Understanding navigation and disorientation in hypermedia learning environmentsPublication . Dias, Paulo; Sousa, Ana PaulaDifficulties with orientation are common in hyperdocuments. This paper describes an exploratory study into the role of a navigation map, as a helping tool, during browsing processes. We tried to establish the influence of this navigational tool, provided by a hypermedia prototype, in retrieval tasks. Twenty-two students tested this prototype and some data were collected: scores obtained in a task-test and a record of the path followed by the subjects. With these data we defined a set of ratios as an attempt to understand the subjects' browsing processes. Findings suggest that the map was not effective in the ameliorative role. Perhaps it is not wise to assume that a map that helps performance in a spatial context also forms an aid in a hypermedia environment under a nonhierarchical model.
- Para un estudio de las aportaciones de Mijaïl Bajtín a la teoría sociocultural : una aproximación educativaPublication . Pablos Pons, Juan de; Rebollo Ctallán, M. Ángeles; Aires, LuísaEste trabajo trata de abrir camino, en el ámbito psicopedagógico, a una perspectiva o enfoque de gran interés: la teoría sociocultural. Al igual que ocurre con el constructivismo, en sentido estricto nos estamos refiriendo a una metateoría que incorpora conceptos y metodologías provenientes de distintas aportaciones disciplinares. EI psicólogo Lev S. Vygotski es un referente fundamental para este enfoque, que reivindica el origen social de los procesos psicológicos superiores. Sin embargo, la especificidad de este artículo se centra en reivindicar la aportación, muy relevante para la perspectiva sociocultural del lingüista ruso Mijaíl Bajtín. Aquí se lleva a cabo un análisis de algunas de las nociones fundamentales de su teoría estético-literaria. Ésta contiene evidentes elementos de contacto con algunos de los constructos que Vygotski dedica al lenguaje, como instrumento generador del pensamiento. La metodología desarrollada por Bajtín para estudiar la comunicación discursiva, donde utiliza conceptos como género discursivo, intertextualidad, ventrilocución o enunciado, son explicados. Establecer la utilidad de estas aportaciones para la investigación educativa constituye el objetivo último de este trabajo.
- Disorientation in hypermedia environments : mechanisms to support navigationPublication . Dias, Paulo; Gomes, Maria João; Correia, Ana PaulaThe problem of navigation in hypertext is quite often associated with (dis)orientation. We begin this article by making a review of several mechanisms to support navigation after having done a brief presentation of the phenomena “getting lost in the hyperspace.” To simplify and clarify our explanation we have assembled the various proposals of support to navigation into the following: 1) solutions regarding the tools to support navigation, 2) solutions regarding interface and navigation metaphors, and 3) solutions regarding hardware and other approaches to deal with this problem. The analyses made of each mechanism to support navigation intend to offer different points of view about the pros and cons of their use.
- Efficacy of a map on search, orientation and access behaviour in a hypermedia systemPublication . Stanton, Neville; Correia, Ana Paula; Dias, PauloMany researchers have proposed hypertext and hypermedia as superior learning environments over tra-ditional linear-based approaches. At the same time, reports of disorientation amongst students working in these environments has become a topic of major concern. The study reported in this paper sets out to investigate the e cacy of the provision of maps on students' ability to search, orientation and access information in a hypertext-based learning task. The domain used required students to learn about the theory of tectonic plates. The results indicate that the greater use of maps led to less relevant searching behaviour and less e ective search e ort. In conclusion, it is argued that the concept of the spatial meta- phor has not served the designers and students of hypertext and hypermedia environments well. Further, it is proposed that designers of non-linear learning environments would be better served by concentrating on the fundamental usability of their systems rather than attempting to introduce navigational aids, which themselves are a symptom of poor design.
- Privilegiación y reintegración de programas culturales televisivos en educación de adultosPublication . Aires, LuísaEn el artículo se analizan los procesos apropiación del documental "Senhora Aparecida", junto de agentes específicos y en el marco de la teoría sociocultural. El texto valora particularmente los constructos de privilegiación y reintegración en el ámbito de la aplicación de la metodología microgenética. A partir de los discursos producidos a lo largo de la resolución de problemas se identifican diferentes modos de narración y de resolución de las actividades y un alto nivel de privilegiación del documental. El artículo concluye con la reiteración del importante papel mediador del documental en el ámbito de la educación de adultos y la identificación de una gran diversidad de estrategias de resolución de problemas y de modos de oralidad que se articulan con las experiencias de vida de los agentes, en general, y el nivel de escolaridad, en particular.
- Risco cultivado no consumo de drogasPublication . Henriques, SusanaOs jovens europeus do terceiro milénio são os herdeiros de uma sociedade definida em termos de consumo e opulência. São jovens nascidos na sociedade do bem-estar, onde o lazer e o entretenimento assumem um valor hegemónico nos critérios da estrutura das sociedades contemporâneas. Mas o lazer também é assimilado pelo mercado e é definido por critérios de consumo que deram origem a uma activa indústria do lazer bem estabelecida e em expansão, com papel activo na criação dos critérios de estilos de vida. Um dos grupos sociais que mais se tem apropriado dos espaços de lazer tem sido o dos jovens. O momento privilegiado para estas práticas de lazer e diversão (e consumo) é a noite. Neste contexto, parte-se nesta pesquisa da associação entre ecstasy (e outras drogas sintéticas), certos tipos de música (house, por exemplo), o circuito das raves, um estilo de vida jovem e uma concepção do mundo. The young Europeans of the third millennium are the inheritors of a society that is defined in terms of consumption and opulence. These are young people who have been born into a society of well-being in which leisure and entertainment have assumed a hegemonic position among the various criteria that govern contemporary social structure. But leisure has also been assimilated by the market and is defined by consumption-related criteria that have given rise to an active, well-established and growing recreational industry, which is playing an active role in the creation of lifestyle criteria. More than almost any other social group, young people have truly made leisure spaces their own. The preferred time for engaging in these recreational/fun (and consumer) practises is the evening/night. Against this background this research project looks at the association between ecstasy (and other synthetic drugs), certain types of music (house, for example), the rave circuit, a young lifestyle and a particular view of the world. Les jeunes européens du troisième millénaire sont les héritiers d’une société définie en termes de consommation et d’opulence. Ce sont des jeunes nés dans la société du bien-être où les loisirs et le divertissement ont une valeur hégémonique dans les critères de la structure des sociétés contemporaines. Mais les loisirs sont également assimilés par le marché et définis par des critères de consommation qui ont donné naissance à une industrie active des loisirs bien établie et en expansion, avec un rôle actif dans la création des critères de styles de vie. L’un des groupes sociaux qui s’est le plus approprié les espaces de loisirs est celui des jeunes. L’instant privilégié pour ces pratiques de loisirs et de divertissement (et de consommation), c’est la nuit. Dans ce contexte, cette recherche part de l’association entre ecstasy (et autres drogues chimiques), certains genres musicaux (house, par exemple), le circuit des raves, un style de vie jeune et une conception du monde. Los jóvenes europeos del tercer milenio son herederos de una sociedad definida en términos de consumo y opulencia. Son jóvenes nacidos en la sociedad del bienestar, en la cuál, el ocio y el entretenimiento asumen un valor hegemónico en los criterios estructurales de las sociedades contemporáneas. Pero el ocio también es asimilado por el mercado y se define por criterios de consumo que originan una activa industria del entretenimiento bien establecida y en expansión, con un papel activo en la creación de criterios de estilos de vida. Uno de los grupos sociales que más se han apoderado de los espacios de ocio, han sido los jóvenes. El principal momento de estas prácticas de diversión (y consumo) es la noche. En este contexto, se comienza la encuesta por la asociación entre el éxtasis (y otras drogas sintéticas), ciertos tipos de música (house, por ejemplo), el circuito de las "raves", un cierto estilo de vida joven y una cierta concepción del mundo.
- Learning Management Systems (LMS) used in Southern EuropePublication . Dias, Ana; Dias, Paulo; Pimenta, PedroThis part of the study refers to Southern Europe. Research and interviews were applied to a number of institutions, experienced in e-Learning and using Learning Management Systems (LMS) to support their e-courses provisions and eLearning structures. A total of 21 interviews were carried out all over the concerned countries Portugal, Spain, Italy, France and Greece. A Southern Europe overview puts in evidence the regions figures in terms of Internet users. In fact 17,5% of Southern European population uses Internet, much less then the 50% of Internet users in the Nordic Countries, the 33% in Northwestern Europe, the 30% in Germany, 10% in Czech Republic (similar to Portugal and Greece). Interviews include 11 self developed LMSs and 5 commercially available LMSs. From the commercially available LMSs in use, 4 Institutions use Web CT (3 are Universities), 2 other Institutions use Blackboard, 2 other use Learning Space and one institution uses Docent and another institution uses Intralearn. There are a total of 561 online courses that are using the 16 LMS systems. Important is to note that 4 institutions have from 1 to 3 courses, 7 institutions have from 4 to 15 courses and only 10 have from 16 to 85 courses. These mean that 50% of the researched institutions have less then 15 courses online. There are a total of 470 online tutors and a total of 41296 only students. At present there is a tendency to organise and structure the e-Learning offer using a type of software somewhere classified has Learning Management System. Those systems are dedicated to some issues of the learning process, but in almost all the cases (commercially available systems or self developed) the systems are not able to perform all the activities the institutions need. Administration aspects, integration with existing software and content management are some of the issues not well treated by most part of the LMS studied. Language is a main issue in Southern Europe and LMSs not translated to Countries languages can be easily unsuccessful. The research also led us to observe that most part of the e-Learning managers assume a position of experimentation and initiation on the e-Learning process (50% of the researched institutions have less then 15 courses online). An overall evaluation allows us to observe that the commercially available platforms can be very practical to start with but they have problems with linguistic issues, as well as with assessment tools adequacy to target groups and pricing. Own developed systems are simpler and directly related to the target groups; they surpass the linguistic problems of the commercially available platforms and are constantly updated, being able to improve their features according to trainers, trainees and administration evolution. Besides the linguistic advantage national marketing strategies together with competitive pricing contribute to the great use of those own developed LMSs. Another important issue is the Universities e-Learning managers concern with the University policy and strategies for this field. Apparently Southern European Universities are note dedicating enough importance and attention to this subject.
- O contributo dos manuais de física para o enriquecimento conceptual dos alunosPublication . Neves, Paula; Valadares, JorgeResumo: Este artigo refere-se a uma pesquisa realizada no âmbito dos manuais escolares de Física. Com base na consulta de uma ampla bibliografia proveniente de diversos países e nas nossas próprias reflexões e práticas, assentámos em determinadas ideias básicas que consideramos importantes na aprendizagem significativa da Física. Em seguida, com base nestas ideias, partimos para a definição de determinadas dimensões de análise de conteúdo que nos permitiram atingir uma proposta de um instrumento de avaliação da qualidade didáctica dos manuais da disciplina de Física. Após um processo de validação facial deste instrumento com recurso a um painel de especialistas, foi o mesmo ensaiado com um capítulo dos três manuais de Física do 9º ano de escolaridade mais adoptados no ano lectivo de 1999-2000. O instrumento revelou-se suficientemente objectivo e, ao mesmo tempo, permitiu-nos algumas constatações importantes acerca dos manuais analisados que serão referidas nesta comunicação. Estamos conscientes que o objectivo de se alcançar um instrumento único de análise da qualidade dos manuais de uma disciplina científica, seja esta qual for, é uma tarefa complicada e porventura utópica. Por isso, de modo algum temos a pretensão de ter alcançado esse objectivo. Mas acreditamos que vale a pena expormos o instrumento produzido e as ideias a ele subjacentes a uma análise crítica construtiva de professores e/ou investigadores na área do ensino das ciências.
- Objetos de aprendizagem virtuais: material didático para a educação básicaPublication . Barros, Daniela Melaré Vieira; Antonio Junior, WagnerObjetos de aprendizagem virtuais constituem-se em um novo parâmetro educativo que utiliza a elaboração de um material didático envolvendo conteúdos, interdisciplinaridade, exercícios e complementos. Isso tudo com os recursos das tecnologias. Esse novo tipo de material educativo tem padrões e formas para ser desenvolvido. Além disso, possibilita repensar o processo educativo considerando o espaço da virtualidade e suas possibilidades. A base teórica para a construção desses objetos é o paradigma da virtualidade e a virtual literacy como eixo central. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar referências para análises obre o que são esses objetos e como são constituídos, além de oferecer subsídios para sua aplicabilidade na educação básica.