Ambiente e Sustentabilidade | Artigos em revistas internacionais / Papers in international journals
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- Adaptive-participative sustainability indicators in marine protected areas: designPublication . Marques, A. S.; Ramos, Tomás B.; Caeiro, Sandra; Costa, Maria HelenaRecently there has been an effort to put in practice integrated management plans in Marine Protected Areas (MPA) not only because of their high natural and cultural importance but also due to usual conflicts related to local activities. These plans should include the use of adaptive sustainability indicators that reflect stakeholders concerns, and community interests, allowing a better assessment, management and reporting. An adequate set of indicators for the MPA should help their managers to improve management policies in order to achieve better decision making processes. This study aimed to develop a set of adaptive-participative sustainability indicators (SDI) for the assessment, management and reporting of MPAs that include, through the all process, the participation of local stakeholders at every levels, integrating the stakeholders knowledge and perceptions about the SDI meaning and a self-assessment of the SDI state produced also by the stakeholders. The proposed approach was tested in Luiz Saldanha’s Marine Park, located in South East of Portugal between the municipalities of Sesimbra and Setúbal. The framework to design the SDI comprised four phases: i) an international analysis of SDI sets for coastal zones and MPAs; ii) a participatory process, where the stakeholders had the possibility to state their concerns through an online and face to face questionnaire surveys about the strengths and weaknesses of the MPA; iii) an analysis conducted by a team of experts to reach a set of indicators that include the main relevant aspects of environmental, socioeconomic, and governance issues, taking into account the information from the first two phases and iv) a workshop and questionnaires held to assess the stakeholders’ global views and perception about the selected set of indicators and each indicator’s relative importance. This study showed the importance of a dynamic participative process involving the local stakeholders. It is concluded that this methodology allows a better understanding of each indicator by the local stakeholders and how it could respond to their concerns. It should also help the MPA managers, to define the most suitable management actions and monitor the management plan itself.
- Alterações climáticas, perceções e racionalidadesPublication . Viegas, Vanda; Azeiteiro, Ulisses; Dias, João Alveirinho; Alves, FátimaConsiderando que as Alterações Climáticas (AC) – uma das cinco áreas-guia da Estratégia 2020 da Comissão Europeia – são um problema global que requer respostas locais articuladas aos níveis macro, meso e micro; e que a sua compreensão implica a identificação das relações reciprocamente influentes entre a Natureza, a Sociedade e a Cultura; qualquer intervenção – seja no sentido da mitigação das AC, seja no sentido da adaptação às AC – envolve necessariamente essa mesma sociedade, em toda a complexidade das suas dimensões socioculturais e ambientais. Neste artigo, enquadrado pelas teorias compreensivas, refletimos brevemente sobre algumas das inter-relações entre os sistemas climáticos, ambientais e socioculturais e defendemos que as racionalidades leigas, por se enraizarem em tipos e fontes de saber plurais, são um dos pilares para melhor se compreender e lidar com o fenómeno das AC. Whereas Climate Change (CC) – one of the five prioritary areas of the Strategy 2020 of the European Commission – is a global challenge needing local responses, articulated at the macro, meso and micro levels; and while its understanding entails identifying mutually influential relationships between Nature, Society and Culture, any intervention – either to mitigate or adapt to CC – necessarily involves society itself, in the full complexity of its sociocultural and environmental dimensions. In a world in the midst of a major demographic transition, with a population expected to reach 9 billion by 2050, issues like sustainability, resource use, scarcity and sharing, have been interwoven in the international, regional and local arenas. This paper develops in the light of comprehensive theories. The methodological procedures are based upon desk research and all the work relies on the reflexive notion and today´s ubiquitous complexity. The spirit of this pivotal approach is the interest in knowledge, curiosity for different dimensions of knowledge and how it is (re)produced, articulated and reflected in the relationships of the individual human being, with itself, with other human beings, with other living creatures and with the environment. This papers argues that the lay rationalities, because they take root in various types and sources of knowledge, are one of the pillars to better understand and deal with the phenomenon of CC. Part one of this paper makes a brief reference to ethical implications, preceded by a succinct analysis of the key dynamics and processes, which are considered responsible for the variability and climate change in a diachronic perspective. Part two discusses some of the sustainability issues, with a brief introduction to the pathways and strategies for mitigating and adapting to CC, which have been outlined and lie ahead, linking the global dimension to the local dimension, governments to markets and to civil society. Finally, focusing on lay rationalities, a brief approach is sought regarding the issues of reflexivity, social capital and the ‘knowledge-power’ concept, keeping in mind that the study of the social reality, which is complex in nature, is always a (de)constructed exercise of dialectics between generalization and specialization.
- Ammonium citrate as enhancement for electrodialytic soil remediation and investigation of soil solution during the processPublication . Ottosen, Lisbeth M.; Ferreira, Célia; Kirkelund, Alexandra B.Seven electrodialytic experiments were conducted using ammonium citrate as enhancing agent to remediate copper and chromium-contaminated soil from a wood-preservation site. The purpose was to investigate the effect of current density (0.2, 1.0 and 1.5 mA cm2 ), concentration of enhancing agent (0.25, 0.5 and 1.0 M) and remediation times (21, 42 and 117 d) for the removal of Cu and Cr from a calcareous soil. To gain insight on metal behavior, soil solution was periodically collected using suction cups. It was seen that current densities higher than 1.0 mA cm2 did not increase removal and thus using too high current densities can be a waste of energy. Desorption rate is important and both remediation time and ammonium citrate concentration are relevant parameters. It was possible to collect soil solution samples following an adaptation of the experimental set-up to ensure continuous supply of ammonium citrate to the soil in order to keep it saturated during the remediation. Monitoring soil solution gives valuable information on the evolution of remediation and helps deciding when the soil is remediated. Final concentrations in the soil ranged from 220 to 360 mg Cu kg1 (removals: 78–86%) and 440– 590 mg Cr kg1 (removals: 35–51%), being within the 500 mg kg1 limit for a clean soil only for Cu. While further optimization is still required for Cr, the removal percentages are the highest achieved so far, for a real Cu and Cr-contaminated, calcareous soil. The results highlight EDR potential to remediate metal polluted soils at neutral to alkaline pH by choosing a good enhancement solution.
- An epidemiological approach to characterise the human exposure pathways in a contaminated estuarine environmentPublication . Machado, Ausenda; Fernandes, Ana Paula; Paixão, Eleonora; Caeiro, Sandra; Dias, Carlos MatiasThis study's aim was to develop and implement an integrative epidemiologic cross-sectional study that allows identifying and characterising exposure pathways of populations living and working on the shores of a contaminated estuarine environment. Population residing in Carrasqueira, located on the Sado estuary with known contaminated areas was compared to another population on a noncontaminated estuary (Vila Nova de Mil Fontes - VNMF), considered a nonexposed population. Simple random samples of individuals were selected in each study population from the National Health Service Lists: 140 individuals were selected in Carrasqueira and 219 in VNMF. Participation rates were higher in the exposed group (62.5%, n=102 in Carrasqueira and 48.3%, n=100 individuals in VNMF). The same structured questionnaire was used in both populations, including questions on occupational activities, leisure activities, consumption of food (including fish and mollusks from the estuary) and use of water for human intake and agriculture. Results showed that a significantly higher proportion of Carrasqueira participants reported doing tasks in their job that promote direct (48.8% vs 1.2% in VNMF, p-value<0.001) or indirect (30% vs 11.9% in VNMF, p-value=0.004) contact with water from the estuary. Regarding seafood consumption, the exposed population of Carrasqueira had a higher frequency of consumption of cuttlefish (23.5% vs 9% in VNMF, p-value=0.007), sole (22.5% vs 4% in VNMF, p-value<0.001) and clams (18.6% vs 5.0 in VNMF, p-value=0.004). The comparative study design, with exposed and nonexposed populations living on the shores of two different estuaries allowed us to confirm the hypothesis of a higher risk of contamination from the contaminated estuarine environment. The study design and the selection of both populations were adequate for this type of epidemiologic study of potential routes of human contamination in a mixture of contaminated estuarine environment and can be used in other estuarine areas with similar environmental risk.
- An integrative assessment to determine the genotoxic hazard of estuarine sediments: combining cell and whole-organism responsesPublication . Costa, Pedro M.; Pinto, Miguel; Vicente, Ana; Gonçalves, Cátia; Rodrigo, Ana; Louro, Henriqueta; Costa, Maria Helena; Caeiro, Sandra; Silva, Maria JoãoThe application of the Comet assay in environmental monitoring remains challenging in face of the complexity of environmental stressors, e.g., when dealing with estuarine sediments, that hampers the drawing of cause-effect relationships. Although the in vitro Comet assay may circumvent confounding factors, its application in environmental risk assessment (ERA) still needs validation. As such, the present work aims at integrating genotoxicity and oxidative DNA damage induced by sediment-bound toxicants in HepG2 cells with oxidative stress-related effects observed in three species collected from an impacted estuary. Distinct patterns were observed in cells exposed to crude mixtures of sediment contaminants from the urban/industrial area comparatively to the ones from the rural/riverine area of the estuary, with respect to oxidative DNA damage and oxidative DNA damage. The extracts obtained with the most polar solvent and the crude extracts caused the most significant oxidative DNA damage in HepG2 cells, as measured by the formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase (FPG)-modified Comet assay. This observation suggests that metals and unknown toxicants more hydrophilic than polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons may be important causative agents, especially in samples from the rural part of the estuary, where oxidative DNA damage was the most significant. Clams, sole, and cuttlefish responded differentially to environmental agents triggering oxidative stress, albeit yielding results accordant with the oxidative DNA damage observed in HepG2 cells. Overall, the integration of in vivo biomarker responses and Comet assay data in HepG2 cells yielded a comparable pattern, indicating that the in vitro FPG-modified Comet assay may be an effective and complementary line-of-evidence in ERA even in particularly challenging, natural, scenarios such as estuarine environments.
- An open participatory conceptual framework to support state of the environment and sustainability reportsPublication . Ramos, Tomás B.; Martins, Ivone P.; Martinho, Ana Paula; Douglas, Calbert H.; Painho, Marco; Caeiro, SandraIt is fundamental to monitor, evaluate and report the state of the environment at global and local levels, to better implement sustainable development principles and practices. The State of the Environment and Sustainability Reports should be written in an understandable and accessible way for stakeholders and also be developed from the beginning with its involvement and participation. Despite several initiatives that refer public engagement in State of the Environment and Sustainability Reports, from the national to the corporate levels, usually the participatory approaches are restricted to consultations of key actors. They do not explore the role that could be played by stakeholders as part of the report staff, from designing to production and reviewing. The aim of this research is to develop a conceptual framework to support open participatory, interactive and adaptive State of the Environment and Sustainability Reports, where the stakeholders’ involvement (non-experts and experts) will effectively contribute to the design, data gath- ering and evaluations produced in the reports. The proposed open participatory approach will support the design and implementation of a collaborative report. The stakeholders’ assessment of the State of the Environment and Sustainability Reports can also be used as an indirect way for formal results evaluation, allowing for cross-validation. The paper analyses and explores two practices of regular and formal State of the Environment reports: the “European Environment e State and Outlook (transnational scale) and the “Portuguese State of the Environment Report” (national scale). In both reporting initiatives, the partici- patory approaches in the design and production of the reports are weak or inexistent and many times merely formal. A set of steps and procedures, embedded in a formal framework, is proposed for adoption in the both initiatives. The proposed framework should be implemented through gradually and prioritised steps to mitigate practical difficulties, due to the complexity of institutional reporting processes. The open participatory State of the Environment and Sustainability Report will represent a joint commitment among stakeholders for active reporting development with new information and knowledge. Rethinking tradi- tional reporting and related participatory approaches can move the State of the Environment and Sus- tainability Reports to a new stage of evolution: a continuous updating of information. In this process, data and information will come from formal and informal sources and, stakeholders can scrutinize each other’s participation and increase the overall content and quality of the collaborative disclosures.
- Anticipating future needs in key competences for sustainability in two distance learning universities of spain and PortugalPublication . Majadas Matesanz, María; Caeiro, Sandra; Nicolau, Paula BacelarThe current eco-social crisis includes global challenges such as climate change, environmental degradation and demographic shifts that call for a global response. The European Environment Agency claims that over the next decade, very different answers will be needed to the world’s challenges than the ones provided over the past 40 years to confront the foreseeable global changes. Higher Education Institutions have their own responsibility in training future professionals in cross-cutting key competences for sustainability, which are defined through different frameworks. Considering that current students will need to overcome global challenges, this research aims to identify the ways in which Higher Education Institutions are anticipating the introduction of key competences for sustainability into the curricula of their programs. Specifically, it aims to detect the perception of the heads of three departments and three faculties of two universities in Spain and Portugal about the presence of key competences for sustainability in the selected degrees. For this study, a qualitative research approach was employed. The methodology used involved the application of interviews to departments and faculties heads. The results showed there is a growing interest in sustainability at Higher Education Institutions, but key competences for sustainability were not yet sufficiently valued as competences needed for the students in the future, in particular those linked with the professional world. Further similar research could be conducted at other levels (master’s degree, doctorate).
- Are distance higher education institutions sustainable enough?: a comparison between two distance learning universitiesPublication . Casado-Aranda, Luis Alberto; Caeiro, Sandra; Trindade, Jorge; Paço, Arminda; Lizcano Casas, David; Landeta, AnaPurpose – Universities are continually transforming its structure and governance in response to the new social, environmental and economic challenges. Particularly, there has recently been a growing academic interest for measuring sustainable practices of higher education institutions (HEI) aiming to monitor and reduce their carbon emissions, as well as transform them into more sustainable organizations. More recent studies began to focus also on the sustainable performance of distance education Universities. So it became crucial to evaluate their sustainability practices through sustainability assessment tools with the aim of improving their sustainability performance and boosting their role as agents of academic, social and economic change. The purpose of this study is to assess and compare holistically sustainability implementation in two similar distance learning universities and to evaluate their advantages and disadvantages. Design/methodology/approach – One of the most rigorous and internationally used sustainability assessment tools was used – the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System, to evaluate and compare sustainability implementation in two distance universities, one from Spain and another from Portugal: the Madrid Open University and Universidade Aberta. Indicators of both universities were compared and ways of improvement in both universities were widely discussed. Findings – The results of this research show that there is a similar pattern in both universities. Both have low performance in campus operations and low levels of community participation but good performance in sustainability courses and programmes offer. The results of both institutions were compared and allowed a learning process for improvement. Distance learning universities Received 21 July 2020 Revised 5 October 2020 14 October 2020 Accepted 21 October 2020 International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education © Emerald Publishing Limited 1467-6370 DOI 10.1108/IJSHE-07-2020-0260 The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available on Emerald Insight at: Originality/value – This research hopes to contribute to the continuous research about the usefulness of sustainability assessment tools in particular when applied to distance universities at the time that offers new paths to carry out improved sustainable practices in crucial areas of interest such as research, administration, education and resource-saving. This research also highlights the value of distance learning universities and their ability to be more sustainable after the advent of COVID-19
- Are municipal waste utilities becoming sustainable? A framework to assess and communicate progressPublication . Fernández Braña, Álvaro; Sousa, Vítor; Ferreira, CéliaA framework of indicators to assess the progress towards sustainability of municipal waste management utilities is developed. Its purpose is to fulfil the need for assessing the performance of municipal waste (MW) management in a simple but comprehensive way—unlike indicators based on individual aspects such as recycling—and including aspects not well considered before, such as waste prevention. The framework is composed of a set of six single indicators, concerning the three dimensions of sustainability: reduction of effectively landfilled MW and reduction of MW generation (environmental component), balance between expenses and revenues and reduction of costs (economic component), accessibility to separate collection and number of complaints (social component). Each indicator consists of an evaluation of the current status of the variable in contrast to a previous situation, with a positive value in case of improvement or negative in case of decline. Then, the values of the individual indicators are combined to obtain a global result. This approach focuses on dynamic progress towards sustainability, complementing the common static indicators. Contrarily to the existing performance indicator schemes, the proposed framework aims at measuring the progress and not the absolute or relative achievement of a waste management utility. The framework was tested on two Portuguese municipalities, proving to be a straightforward application and reliable in guiding stakeholders. Results for the case study showed good performance on economic sustainability, while environmental and social performance were lower due to a lack of strategies for waste prevention and low source separation, affected by poor accessibility to separate collection.
- Artificial neural network modelling of the amount of separately-collected household packaging wastePublication . Oliveira, Verónica; Sousa, Vitor; Ferreira, CéliaThis work develops an artificial neural network (ANN) model using genetic algorithms to estimate the annual amount (kg/inhabitant/year) of separately-collected household packaging waste. The ANN model comprises one input layer, one hidden layer with seven neurons and one output layer. Ten variables affecting the amount of separately-collected packaging waste were identified and used in the ANN model. These variables are related to the level of education of the population, the size and level of urbanisation of the municipality, social aspects related to poverty and economic power and factors intrinsic to the waste collection service. A comparison between ANN and regression models for the estimation of packaging waste is also carried out. The performance of the proposed ANN model for a data set of 42 municipalities located in the centre of Portugal, measured by the R2 , is 0.98. This value is 34% higher than the best regression model applied to the same data set (R2 ¼ 0.73), indicating that ANN has a significantly higher explanatory power than traditional regression techniques. Another advantage is that ANN is not as sensitive to outliers as regression. However, ANN is more complex, has a higher number of variables, and the model development and interpretation of the results are more difficult. Nevertheless, the higher performance of ANN makes it a valuable tool in the definition of strategies to increase recycling and achieve circular economy goals.