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- Estudo nacional sobre as comunidades ciganas: observatório das comunidades ciganasPublication . Mendes, Maria Manuela; Magano, Olga; Candeias, Pedro
- Social and spatial continuities and differentiations among Portuguese ciganos: regional profilesPublication . Mendes, Maria Manuela; Magano, Olga; Candeias, PedroThe coexistence of people and societies marked by ethnic, social, cultural, religious and linguistic diversity is a subject that still generates controversies in contemporary societies. The “Ciganos’ situation” is an unavoidable issue that crosses the boundaries of different European countries, which leads to controversy and ambivalence in the so-called multicultural and/or intercultural societies characterised by the principle of universalism. In Portugal, despite the social and economic transformations that have occurred, the problems of exclusion and poverty among Ciganos persist. They are still considered the poorest ethnic group, with the worst housing conditions, lest schooling and the main target of racism and discrimination. The Portuguese Ciganos are not a homogeneous community. The diversity and plurality are not always easy to grasp by the glare generated by the adoption of interpretive perspectives that are reductively linear and deterministic of the Portuguese Ciganos. For the purpose of outlining a national picture of Portuguese Ciganos, a national study was developed that combines both qualitative and quantitative methodological approaches. The central goal of this article is to present the main results obtained through a questionnaire survey carried out to Ciganos persons and to discuss the social and spatial continuities and differentiations among Ciganos in Portugal.
- School pathways and economic practices of Portuguese ciganos: some continuities and changesPublication . Mendes, Maria Manuela; Magano, OlgaThe main aim of this article is to offer a comprehensive perspective to a better understanding of the actual situation of Portuguese Ciganos.1 In Portugal, the lack of recognition of Ciganos (Roma) and the sometimes incorrect ‘knowledge’ about them which are reflected in images that are limitative and distorted, suggest inferiority and are full of disdain, all of which negatively affects and restricts the life of Ciganos persons. This article intends to presents some of the main results of two qualitative studies conducted between 2004–2010, one of which sought to get to know Ciganos’ representations of domains, practices and situations perceived as discriminatory, while the other looked at the social integration paths of these persons. These studies produce new knowledge about both individual academic and occupational trajectories, and some of the main intergenerational changes that have occurred among Portuguese Ciganos. In addition, the article offers a new view about some social policies in Portugal and its impacts on Ciganos singularities. In fact, it’s possible to conclude that the universalism of the national social policies has not produced the desired effects in terms of a reduction in levels of poverty, exclusion, discrimination among Portuguese Ciganos.
- Como sobreviver numa sociedade mediatizada e digital?: o caso de (i)literacia de pessoas ciganas em PortugalPublication . Magano, Olga; Medinas, CarlosO objetivo deste artigo é refletir sobre o acesso, conhecimento e uso de ferramentas digitais por parte de pessoas ciganas em Portugal partindo do facto de que continuam a ser sinalizadas como as mais pobres, excluídas e marginalizadas socialmente (FRA, 2012); apresentam as mais altas taxas de analfabetismo, de abandono escolar precoce e insucesso escolar (Mendes, Magano & Candeias, 2014); têm baixas qualificações escolares e profissionais e são também as mais infoexcluídas (Castells, 2007). São usados dados provenientes de várias fontes (bibliografia nacional e internacional e resultados de alguns projetos de investigação recentes) e centramos o nosso foco nos desafios colocados às pessoas de origem cigana, às instituições educativas e à sociedade do conhecimento no sentido de questionar se as políticas públicas e práticas educativas têm sido capazes de reduzir o analfabetismo e promover o sucesso escolar e a literacia funcional. Sabemos que o analfabetismo e o abandono escolar precoce não permitem que esta população esteja preparada para fazer face aos desafios colocados por uma sociedade digital e digitalizada, devido ao somatório de handicaps em termos de aquisição de competências escolares e de literacia (em sentido clássico e também digital). No entanto, a nova geração de crianças e jovens ciganos mas também pessoas mais velhas revelam predisposição para uso de , o que vai sendo incorporado na vida quotidiana, dos indivíduos e das famílias mas que é condicionado pela pouca escolaridade que impede o uso pleno e efetivo (Medinas, 2018).
- Constrangimentos e oportunidades para a continuidade e sucesso das pessoas ciganasPublication . Magano, Olga; Mendes, Maria ManuelaNeste artigo analisa-se o impacto de algumas políticas públicas sobre as trajetórias escolares das pessoas ciganas, em situação de vulnerabilidade social e residentes nas áreas metropolitanas de Lisboa e Porto. Através de uma pesquisa qualitativa foram evidenciados alguns dos fatores chave que permitem compreender a continuidade escolar e sucesso educativo de pessoas ciganas, bem como alguns processos de (re)configuração identitária associados a estes percursos. A continuidade das trajetórias interliga-se com as políticas e programas públicos, mas também com outros fatores explicativos inerentes ao indivíduo, ao tipo de apoio do seu grupo familiar, à presença de figuras de referência,à importância dos pares e fatores institucionais ínsitos ao funcionamento da escola pública.
- Public policies and social change: the case of the success and continuity of schooling paths of ciganosPublication . Mendes, Maria Manuela; Magano, Olga; Costa, Ana RitaThe consolidation of the welfare state that took place after the 1974 revolution, particularly in the 1980s, improved the living standards of Portuguese citizens. The improvements were directly reflected in Portuguese Cigano families and individuals, although the great majority remain at high risk of poverty. In 2011 the European Council proposed the definition of national strategies for integration of Ciganos, opening the door for achieving better living conditions of European Roma citizens. The national strategies focus on four fundamental domains: education, employment, healthcare and housing. At the present time, Portugal is implementing its National Strategy for the Integration of Cigano Communities. In terms of education, compared to previous generations, Cigano children complete more years of education. However, after the fifth and sixth year of schooling, the number of Cigano children dropping out of formal education increases. Based on a literature review and a survey of policies, programmes and projects, and the analysis of interviews with individual and institutional stakeholders, the aim of this article is to present results of a research project that intends to identify key factors for the success and continuity of Cigano schooling paths.
- Expectations and disappointments on the part of institutions in the process of reception and integration of refugees in PortugalPublication . Magano, Olga; Sousa, Lúcio; Costa, Paulo Manuel; Bäckström, Bárbara; Albuquerque, RosanaPortugal joined the European movement to welcome refugees in 2015, and there was an unprecedented phenomenon of civil society mobilization to provide shelter to refugees, overlapping at times the State. The model adopted for hosting refugees was related to the involvement of civil society, which meant that the relocation program assumed two structuring characteristics: the geographical dispersion of refugees throughout the country and the institutional diversity of the structures that carried out their placement. To know the practices developed by the host institutions and the circumstances of the interaction between their staff and refugees allows us to understand the role of local agency aimed at the reception of refugees and its impacts. Attitudes and feelings of disillusionment and disappointment can clash with the expectations of welcoming initiatives, which are often based on a constructed image of refugees as grateful, innocent victims and deserving of help. The aim of this article focuses on the practices and perceptions of representatives of local institutions regarding their relocation experiences. Thus, results obtained on the relocation process from the point of view of the institutions and on opportunities and challenges faced for the integration of refugees relocated in Portugal, as well as feelings, expectations and disappointments, are presented.
- Observação “com presença” junto de um grupo de etnia ciganaPublication . Magano, Olga
- Emancipation life paths of portuguese cigano/Roma womenPublication . Magano, OlgaIn Portuguese society, some Cigano/Roma women, during their life paths, distance themselves from the Cigano cultural tradition, particularly in regard to marriage, schooling, employment and social life. On the one hand, there is a feeling of attachment to traditional values as family pressure to marry or in relation to gender differentiation; on the other hand, these women express a desire for empowerment autonomy and emancipation in order to draw up their own trajectories and life projects. The results obtained with 21 in-depth interviews, 10 women and 11 men, indicate that Cigano women face greater difficulties with regard to early and inbred marriage and are more prone to be victims of family and domestic violence, but they are also the main drivers of change and social transformation of Cigano/Roma families.
- Ensino on-line e participação na unidade curricular Introdução às Ciências Sociais, Universidade AbertaPublication . Magano, Olga; Melro, Ana; Sousa, Fátima; Pinheiro, AnaO objetivo desta comunicação é refletir sobre a experiência de ensino online na Unidade Curricular de Introdução às Ciências Sociais, 1º ano do plano de estudos da Licenciatura em Ciências Sociais, Universidade Aberta, em particular no que se refere à participação dos estudantes nas turmas virtuais. Esta Unidade Curricular apresenta algumas características particulares, tais como o elevado número de estudantes, várias turmas e tutoras, o que complexifica a organização e gestão dos processos de ensino-aprendizagem. Quais as variáveis e fatores de sucesso e insucesso que interferem na participação dos alunos? Qual o papel do docente/tutor na participação dos alunos? Estas são algumas das questões que tentamos aprofundar neste texto conciliando a experiência profissional com a perspetiva pedagógica e científica de contribuir para a melhoria dos resultados académicos.