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Carvalho, Elizabeth

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  • Uma visão da LI 2016/2017 e a transição para a LEI
    Publication . Carvalho, Elizabeth; Universidade Aberta
    Ponto de situação da Licenciatura em Informática e do processo de transição para a nova Licenciatura em Engenharia Informática.
  • Tele-media-art: feasibility tests of web-based dance education for the blind using kinect and sound synthesis of motion
    Publication . Dias, José Rodrigues; Penha, Rui; Morgado, Leonel; Veiga, Pedro Alves da; Carvalho, Elizabeth; Marcos, Adérito
    Tele-media-art is a web-based asynchronous e-learning platform, enabling blind students to have dance and theatre classes remotely, using low-cost motion tracking technology feasible for home use. Teachers and students submit dance recordings augmented with sound synthesis of their motions. Sound synthesis is generated by processing Kinect motion capture data, enabling blind students to compare the audio feedback of their motions with the audio generated by the teacher’s motions. To study the feasibility of this approach, the authors present data on early testing of the prototype, performed with blindfolded users.
  • Artech 2015: proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Digital Arts
    Publication . Bidarra, José; Eça, Teresa; Leote, Rosangella; Tavares, Mirian; Pimentel, Lucia; Carvalho, Elizabeth; Figueiredo, Mauro
    ARTECH 2015 is the Seventh International Conference on Digital Arts, this time hosted by Universidade Aberta in the ancient village of Óbidos, Portugal. The goal of the conference is to promote the interest in the current digital culture and its intersection with art and technology as an important research field, but also as a common space for discussion and exchange of new experiences. Seeking to foster greater understanding about digital arts and culture across a wide spectrum of cultural, disciplinary, and professional practices, this edition of the conference also includes a strand concerned with mobile technologies such as smartphones and tablets that have become widespread creation instruments.
  • DocGenealogy: uma árvore genealógica de doutorados
    Publication . Fernandes, David Paiva; Carvalho, Elizabeth
    Poster mostrado no EPCG sobre a árvore genealógica existente entre orientados e orientadores, extraído à partir da co-relação das infoboxes da Wikipedia.
  • Desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta visual para análise das interações em fóruns num ambiente de e-learning
    Publication . Tereso, Cláudio Filipe; Carvalho, Elizabeth
    Este artigo apresenta a ferramenta VAFAE - Visualização dos Acessos a Fóruns num Ambiente EaD (Ensino à distância), um sistema web que mapeia visualmente a interação de alunos da Universidade Aberta (UAb) no âmbito de uma unidade curricular disponível na plataforma de e-learning. Os dados em bruto são extraídos dos ficheiros de log e posteriormente transformados para obter o formato necessário. Em seguida, são aplicadas diferentes técnicas de visualização com o intuito de melhorar e agilizar a interpretação da informação subjacente. De uma forma mais específica, a VAFAE visa auxiliar os docentes a perceber melhor o nível e qualidade de interação dos alunos com as unidades curriculares de EaD da UAb.
  • Virtual tutor: a case of study in University Aberta
    Publication . Carvalho, Elizabeth; Marcos, Adérito
    The project VIRTUAL TUTORING – the virtual tutor as learning mediating artifact in online university education, is an ongoing project, with the main goal of analyzing the pedagogic impact of an anthropomorphic user interface on a typical distance learning environment targeted to support online higher education. It implies the development of 3D rigged avatars that should perform typical online tutor activities. The virtual tutor should mimic a human tutor, being a kind of emphatic interface between the student and the course module in Moodle. But more than this, the virtual tutor should give support in the learning process of the student, working as much as a guide inside the contents offered by the e-learning course. This paper gives an overview of the project present development status.
  • Using data visualization to deduce faces expressions
    Publication . Carvalho, Elizabeth; Brito, Paulo
    Collect and examine in real time multi modal sensor data of a human face, is an important problem in computer vision, with applications in medical and monitoring analysis, entertainment and security. Although its advances, there are still many open issues in terms of the identification of the facial expression. Different algorithms and approaches have been developed to find out patterns and characteristics that can help the automatic expression identification. One way to study data is through data visualizations. Data visualization turns numbers and letters into aesthetically pleasing visuals, making it easy to recognize patterns and find exceptions. In this article, we use information visualization as a tool to analyse data points and find out possible existing patterns in four different facial expressions.
  • Tele-media-art: web-based inclusive teaching of body expression
    Publication . Carvalho, Elizabeth; Marcos, Adérito
    The Tele-Media-Art project aims to promote the improvement of the online distance learning and artistic teaching process applied in the teaching of two test scenarios, doctorate in digital art-media and the lifelong learning course ”the experience of diversity” by exploiting multimodal telepresence facilities encompassing the diversified visual, auditory and sensory channels, as well as rich forms of gestural / body interaction. To this end, a telepresence system was developed to be installed at Palácio Ceia, in Lisbon, Portugal, headquarters of the Portuguese Open University, from which methodologies of artistic teaching in mixed regime - face-to-face and online distance - that are inclusive to blind and partially sighted students. This system has already been tested against a group of subjects, including blind people. Although positive results were achieved, more development and further tests will be carried in the future
  • 6º Retiro Doutoral em Média-Arte Digital
    Publication . Marcos, Adérito; Tavares, Mirian; Bidarra, José; Martins, Amílcar; Coelho, José; Carvalho, Elizabeth; Saldanha, Ângela; Mucheroni, Marcos
    Livro de bordo do 6º Retiro Doutoral em Média-Arte Digital – Ad Astra Per Aspera”, Centro Cultural Magalhães Lima, Alfama, Lisboa, 21-27 julho de 2018.
  • Apontamentos de computação gráfica
    Publication . Carvalho, Elizabeth
    Apontamentos da componente prática da Unidade Curricular 21020 de Computação Gráfica da Licenciatura em Engenharia Informática.