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Fernandes, Sandra Raquel Gonçalves

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  • Teacher professional development in higher education: the impact of pedagogical training perceived by teachers
    Publication . Fernandes, Sandra; Araújo, Alexandra; Miguel, I.; Abelha, Marta
    This paper aims to analyze the impact of a pedagogical training program aimed to promote teacher professional development in a higher education institution in Portugal. Based on a mixedmethods approach, the study evaluates the satisfaction of 36 higher education teachers with the pedagogical training program offered and discusses its impact on teachers’ perceptions of teaching practices, conceptions, and professional development. The results from the questionnaires applied to participants, including multiple choice questions and open-ended answers, indicate high satisfaction with the implemented training program. Based on this case study, the authors discuss the implications of findings for teacher professional development and identify key characteristics for the design of successful pedagogical training programs in higher education.
  • The student journey in PBL: using individual portfolios to promote self-reflection and assessment as learning
    Publication . Fernandes, Sandra; Abelha, Marta; Albuquerque, Ana Sílvia
    This paper aims to present findings based on students’ journey within a Project-based learning (PBL) experience, with particular emphasis on the development of an individual portfolio by students, as part of the assessment process. The PBL project involved three curricular units (Research Methods and Techniques II, Ethics and Education and Sociology of Education), from the field of Education Sciences, integrated in the first year of the study plan of the Social Education degree programme at Portucalense University, Portugal. This paper describes student assessment within this educational approach, including both formative and summative methods. It calls attention to the concept of assessment as learning, which can be understood as a process where students are able to learn about themselves as learners and take responsibility for their own learning and monitor future directions. One of the assessment methods included in the PBL approach is the development of an individual portfolio with the purpose of enhancing student self-reflection and assessment of their work on a regular basis. The portfolio allowed students to share evidence of the project journey, with particular focus on the student’s learning process. The students were provided with general guidelines to develop their portfolio, but the flexible nature of this educational resource allowed students to record and highlight their individual and team contributions in a very creative and personalized way. The analysis of qualitative data from the individual student portfolios reveals student self-reflection on individual achievements, project milestones, teamwork skills, impact of teacher feedback, celebration moments, amongst others. Implications of these findings for PBL assessment practices will be discussed further in the paper.
  • Student assessment in higher education: a review of thesis carried out in Portuguese public universities
    Publication . Fernandes, Sandra; Machado, Eusébio; Abelha, Marta
    Student assessment has become, over the past years, an important and complex issue about higher education pedagogy. This paper aims to present a systematic review of empirical studies (Master and PhD thesis), carried out in Portuguese public universities, focused on the topic of student assessment in higher education, from the year 2010 to 2020. The research methodology followed a qualitative approach, using e PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) model to develop the systematic review. Findings show a trend of change in the assessment practices of students in higher education, whose direction points to an increase of formative assessment centered on students. A strong trend of innovation in assessment practices with the use of technologies also emerges from the studies.
  • Student motivation in the first year of University: findings from the implementation of a PBL project for a real context
    Publication . Fernandes, Sandra; Conde, Ana; Abelha, Marta
    Student motivation is a key dimension for first year students at University. Project-based Learning (PBL) is seen as an effective teaching and learning approach to enhance student motivation and engagement. This paper describes the results from the implementation of a PBL project that was developed for a real context – a non-profit social organization that works with children. The project included, for the first time, two curricular units from the field of Psychology and Education Sciences, integrated in the first year of the study plan of the Social Education degree programme at Portucalense University, Portugal. The paper describes, on the one hand, the objectives, planning and assessment of the PBL experience from a curricular and pedagogic point of view and, on the other hand, presents students’ perceptions about their PBL experience. Data collection was based on an online survey to students, at the start of the PBL project and after its conclusion, and a content analysis of the project reports of the groups. Findings reveal the importance of the development of the project for a real context and with a specific target audience as the main issues that enhanced student motivation and engagement in the courses involved in the project. Working in teams, the opportunity to develop generic competences, the stronger link between theory and practice, student resilience, teacher support and continuous feedback are also mentioned as important features of PBL that impact student motivation in the first year of University.
  • Educação social e aprendizagem e serviço (ApS): uma forma de educação experiencial
    Publication . Abelha, Marta; Fernandes, Sandra; Miguel, Isabel; Sousa, Edgar
    A Aprendizagem e Serviço (ApS) constitui uma forma de educação experiencial que combina objetivos de aprendizagem com o serviço na/com a comunidade. Este artigo apresenta uma experiência de ApS que decorreu numa IES privada, em Portugal. Os participantes no estudo são estudantes do 2ºano da Licenciatura em Educação Social. O projeto integrou três unidades curriculares: i) Planeamento, Gestão e Avaliação de Projetos Sociais; ii) Mediação Educacional; iii) Psicologia Social. A experiência ApS também envolveu um parceiro da comunidade local, onde os estudantes implementaram as suas atividades. Os resultados da avaliação da experiência, partindo do feedback recolhido junto dos estudantes, professores e membros da comunidade, revelam um balanço positivo das potencialidades desta nova abordagem educacional, destacando-se a participação e o envolvimento ativo dos estudantes, a articulação entre a teoria e a prática e o desenvolvimento de competências como o trabalho em equipa, a reflexão crítica e o compromisso social e ético.
  • Assessment and evaluation in higher education
    Publication . Fernandes, Sandra; Abelha, Marta; Oliveira, Ana Teresa Ferreira
    This book compiles relevant research on students’ learning processes in Higher Education. It presents different dimensions and forms of learning, crucial to understand and tackle diversity and integration regarding more sustainable and inclusive goals. Major challenges have taken place recently considering assessment within higher education and its known impact on students’ learning processes. The application of different assessment methods, considering a general public desire to focus on more skills development and assessment has brought higher education challenges regarding students learning processes and its assessment that are bringing severe changes towards academia. Higher education institutions should act as knowledge and research drivers, and the consideration about the learning processes and assessment methods are key. Special attention is given to assessment methods and purposes, assessment rubrics and the assessment of learning outcomes (knowledge and skills). Research on the challenges, strengths, and opportunities of online and virtual assessment, as well as best practices and recommendations for assessment and evaluation in higher education, are also explored and discussed in this book. This book, which consists of 15 articles written by research experts in their topic of interest, reports the most recent research concerning assessment and evaluation in higher education. The book includes changes in education and higher education that can lead to a systematic modification of higher education. Topic one—Pedagogical innovation Jung Hee Park, Woo Sok Han, Jinkyung Kim and Hyunjung Lee—Strategies for Flipped Learning in the Health Professions Education in South Korea and Their Effects: A Systematic Review; William Swart and Ken MacLeod—Evaluating Learning Space Designs for Flipped and Collaborative Learning: A Transactional Distance Approach; educsci11060292. Jiří Bečica and Roman Vavrek—A Qualitative Assessment of the Pedagogical Process at Czech Public Universities; Salleh Amat, Harizah Izyan Samsudin, Abu Yazid Abu Bakar, Mohd Izwan Mahmud and Mohd Hasrul Kamarulzaman—Needs Analysis of Psychosocial Module Development Based on Psychoeducation Approach for Public University Students in Malaysia; Humberto Arruda and Édison Renato Silva—Assessment and Evaluation in Active Learning Implementations: Introducing the Engineering Education Active Learning Maturity Model; We begin the book by introducing the reader to a very interesting work in which Park et al. develops a student-centred approach considering the real advantages in developing students learning abilities. The effect and strategies of flipped learning in the health professions education xii were assessed through a Participant–intervention-comparator-outcome (PICO). Findings suggests that implementing flipped learning design based on class characteristics and appropriate post-class activities can enhance students’ learning abilities. The topic continues with the work from Swart et al. where they evaluate Learning Space Designs for Flipped and Collaborative Learning. A highly revealing study considering the relevance of the classroom´s design as a relevant mainframe for collaborative work. They developed a very interesting study where they present that from a student perspective the investment in high-tech classrooms is not necessarily directly associated with more student engagement. Amat and colleagues presents a research which showed a highly positive response from the students toward the development of a psychosocial module in order to strengthen the assertiveness, social skills, and psychological well-being. Assessment and Evaluation in Active Learning Implementations has been widely worked on engineering Education. Arruda and colleagues present a paper where they propose a framework that assesses the maturity of Active Learning implementation in a program or a course. A valuable tool to be implemented and replicated, on diagnosis and practical improvements in real settings. Topic Two—Assessment Fidel Salas Vicente, Ángel Vicente Escuder, Miguel Ángel Pérez Puig and Francisco Segovia López—Effect on Procrastination and Learning of Mistakes in the Design of the Formative and Summative Assessments: A Case Study; Eddy Sutadji, Herawati Susilo, Aji Prasetya Wibawa, Nidal A.M. Jabari and Syaiful Nur Rohmad—Authentic Assessment Implementation in Natural and Social Science; Jurgita Lenkauskaitė, Remigijus Bubnys, Erika Masiliauskienė and Daiva Malinauskienė— Participation in the Assessment Processes in Problem-Based Learning: Experiences of the Students of Social Sciences in Lithuania; Tatiana Baranova, Dmitriy Mokhorov, Aleksandra Kobicheva and Elena Tokareva— Assessment of the Application of Content and Language Integrated Learning in a Multilingual Classroom; Another interesting research is the one presented by Vicent et al. where we are guided through students’ procrastination processes, the formative assessments and the summative evaluation. This case study presents the unexpected and undesirable effects of both on the behavior of students and on both grading and learning. Authentic assessment is another pedagogical approach based on real world impact. Sutadji and colleagues presented a research paper where they debate epistemological and scientific constructions to social and natural sciences. Lenkauskaitė and colleagues explored the idea of change in the higher educational process using a problem-based learning strategy. The need we have in education institutions to empower students is reflected in this study that shows empowerment and enhancement of critical thinking from students when they assess and are involved in the assessment strategy. xi To end this topic Baranova and colleagues present a research based on the introduction of content and language into classes with a multilingual approach, which will allow students to use several foreign languages in the process of professional communication. The purpose of the paper is to evaluate the efficiency of a newly introduced integrated learning model from the perspective of students and to understand its impact on students. Topic three—Digitalization- and peer-support-technology-based Rana Saeed Al-Maroof, Khadija Alhumaid and Said Salloum—The Continuous Intention to Use E-Learning, from Two Different Perspectives; 11010006. Isabel López-Tocón—Moodle Quizzes as a Continuous Assessment in Higher Education: An Exploratory Approach in Physical Chemistry; Mehdi Berriri, Sofiane Djema, Gaëtan Rey and Christel Dartigues-Pallez—Multi-Class Assessment Based on Random Forests.; In Topic 3, the book presents relevant pos pandemic strategies like e-learning methods. The paper by Al-Maroof et al. show that teachers’ and students’ perceived technology self-efficacy, ease of use and usefulness are the main factors directly affecting the continuous intention to use technology. Their relevant findings also bring about intrinsic and extrinsic motivation associated and developed throughout the process of learning. Considered the key factors that support the use of technology continuously. The chapter continues with López-Tocón and colleagues work on Moodle Quizzes as a Continuous Assessment. Moodle quizzes were explored in this study, and they acted as a reliable practice for teaching and learning. This topic regards crucial aspects that intend to enhance the need for higher education institutions to support additional student-centred dynamics not based on the teacher and its role as the main actor in the classroom or even as main facilitator of knowledge. In this chapter it is explored by the work of Berriri, a novel study that tried to provide relevant information regarding counseling processes. Additionally, it is explored how teaching staff can propose training courses adapted to students by anticipating their possible difficulties using new technologies, a machine learning algorithm called Random Forest, allowing for the classification of the students depending on their results. Topic four—Organizations and governance Cristina Checa-Morales, Carmen De-Pablos-Heredero, Angela Lorena Carreño, Sajid Haider and Antón García—Organizational Differences among Universities in Three Socioeconomic Contexts: Finland, Spain and Ecuador. Relational Coordination Approach; Hue Thi Truong, Hung Manh Le, Duc Anh Do, Duc Anh Le, Huyen Thi Nguyen and Thanh Kim Nguyen—Impact of Governance Factors over Lecturers’ Scientific Research Output: An Empirical Evidence; xii Cecília Guerra and Nilza Costa—Can Pedagogical Innovations Be Sustainable? One Evaluation Outlook for Research Developed in Portuguese Higher Education; The book also presents institutional research, conducted in a macro level approach that can be very helpful to the reader that is interested in more information regarding the assessment of pedagogical innovation at an institutional level. Bečica and colleagues present a relevant qualitative Assessment of the Pedagogical Process at Czech Public Universities. This work increments the debate towards more quality-based measures considering that the monitoring and quantification of quality in education is a very demanding and controverse topic. Checa-Morales and colleagues presented an institutional study that focus on organizational differences Universities in Three Socioeconomic Contexts: Finland, Spain and Ecuador. Results show that shared goals with among faculty members and problem-solving communication among students were key. Organizational practices show relevant differences among the three universities. Truong and colleagues analysed governance factors that influence the scientific research output of lecturers. The results reveal that resources for scientific research have the most impact on lecturers’ scientific research output, followed by policies for lecturers, support for scientific research activities, scientific research objectives of HEIs, and finally, leadership. Pedagogical innovation is key in order to develop society. Guerra and colleagues introduce a very interesting and critical approach to the topic, conducting research that focused on the extent to which funded national research-based education projects, developed in public Portuguese higher education institutions (universities and polytechnic institutes), have considered the sustainability of research results (e.g., pedagogical innovations), after funding ends. We believe there is a need for this book to provide clear and relevant scientific research which takes into consideration pedagogical innovation, assessment processes and institutional models. The aim of this book is to provide the reader with key and updated research on the information necessary to understand students learning and teaching, innovation at assessment, the need to assess involving the students and also to understand global macro level research, national level and institutional level. Therefore, we hope to reach policy makers, educators, researchers, teachers, students and a global community of people that are interested and concerned with the research agenda, acting in student’s empowerment, knowledge and updated skills.
  • A avaliação ao serviço da melhoria das aprendizagens: a metodologia PBL no ensino superior
    Publication . Fernandes, Sandra; Abelha, Marta; Pereira, Adelaide; Anunciação, Carolina
    Este artigo apresenta uma experiência com a abordagem pedagógica Project-based Learning (PBL) e tem como objetivo analisar o modo como as diversas modalidades e instrumentos de avaliação no âmbito do PBL estão ao serviço da melhoria das aprendizagens. O objeto de análise são duas unidades curriculares, numa turma do 2º ano da licenciatura em Educação Social. Este estudo de caso tem a análise documental e a entrevista semiestruturada como métodos de recolha de dados. Com base no quadro conceptual de Flores (2019) sobre as modalidades da avaliação (avaliação das aprendizagens, avaliação para as aprendizagens e avaliação como aprendizagem), foram analisados os conteúdos das Fichas das duas Unidades Curriculares (FUC’S) numa perspetiva de interdisciplinaridade; os dados da entrevista a uma das docentes responsáveis e as reflexões dos estudantes. Nas FUC´s expressa-se a avaliação das aprendizagens; a entrevista à docente evidencia o feedback, das docentes e dos pares, nos vários momentos de avaliação, correspondendo a uma avaliação para as aprendizagens contribuindo, significativamente, para a aquisição de competências; nas reflexões dos estudantes identifica-se a avaliação como aprendizagem nas descrições sobre o desenvolvimento significativo, no seu processo de aprendizagem. Conclui-se positivamente quanto à metodologia PBL e modalidades de avaliação utilizadas, ao melhorarem, notoriamente, as aprendizagens dos estudantes.
  • Literacy(ies) and skills in times of digital education: exploring communication and interaction in digitally mediated learning worlds
    Publication . Correia, Joana Duarte; Henriques, Susana; Fernandes, Sandra; Abelha, Marta; Seabra, Filipa
    This article seeks to explore the notions of literacy(ies) and competences in times of digital education. The aim of the study was to understand, from perspectives of experts, what literacy(ies) and competences are in digital teaching-learning contexts, how they are operationalised, which strategies can be used for their development, and what are the opportunities and challenges for their application in digital education. Through a qualitative approach, four experts were interviewed as privileged informants in their areas of expertise. The individuals interviewed are academics with extensive research in the areas of literacy(ies), digital and infocommunication skills and digital education. The interviews were conducted during the first quarter of 2023, as part of a larger ongoing study - digital and infocommunicational competences in virtual learning environments: practices in e-learning curricular units in Portuguese Higher Education. According to these experts, digital is largely responsible for the recent changes in the world, but the most important thing is not learning or teaching digital: it is developing citizens' skills or competences, exploring communication and interaction in digitally mediated learning worlds. This demands the mobilization of competences to search and exchange information, and to interact with another people in digital environments. This can help citizens become more confident, critical, and open-minded users of today’s technologies.
  • Graduate employability and competence development in higher education: a systematic literature review using PRISMA
    Publication . Abelha, Marta; Fernandes, Sandra; Mesquita, Diana; Seabra, Filipa; Oliveira, Ana Teresa Ferreira
    This paper aims to develop a systematic review on graduate employability and competence development, intending to present an international perspective on the matter. It analyses the role of higher education institutions in promoting the development of competences for employability. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews (PRISMA) statement was used as a formal systematic review guideline for data collection. Data was obtained from research studies over the period 2009–2019. The analysis included a total of 69 papers from Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus databases. Results show that Europe leads the number of publications on these topics during the past decade. One of the main issues associated with competence development and graduate employability found in the review is related to the (mis)match between university graduates’ competences and employers’ needs. Findings indicate that higher education institutions are concerned with using strategies to enhance the development of competences for graduate employability. Graduate employability and competence development around the world depend on a strong sense of innovation and collaboration practices implemented in higher education