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  • Promoting entrepreneurial intentions from adolescence: the influence of entrepreneurial culture and education
    Publication . Porfírio, Jose; Felício, J. Augusto; Carrilho, Tiago; Jardim, Jacinto
    From a young age, entrepreneurship intentions depend heavily on the culture of countries and the entrepre neurial contexts that will shape entrepreneurial archetypes about what defines an entrepreneur, and the influ ence of role models. All these aspects depend on the would-be entrepreneurs’ personal characteristics, and are influenced by the entrepreneurship education they receive when they are young. Most of the studies on youth entrepreneurship focus on university students. However, it is in adolescence that the personal characteristics of entrepreneurs are formed. This may be the reason why these studies mostly reach contradictory results about the importance of these programs. From our sample of 1750 Portuguese students, we confirm the importance of entrepreneurial culture and education to promote entrepreneurial self-efficacy and develop entrepreneurial intentions. Our results contribute to ascertaining the importance of entrepreneurial educational programs delivered in adolescence, adapted to the specific characteristics of the target populations (potential entrepreneurs) on the development of entrepreneurship intentions. Thus, it helps with the subsequent definition of educational policies to foster entrepreneurship development from adolescence.
  • Family Business Successful Succession Material de Formação Módulo 6 “Gestão de conflito e comunicação”
    Publication . Carrilho, Tiago; Porfírio, José; Figueiredo, Bernardo; Jardim, Jacinto
    Este módulo lida com todos os elementos necessários de comunicação essenciais a uma gestão efetiva de uma empresa e para equilibrar a dinâmica da empresa familiar. Centra-se na comunicação externa e interna. A comunicação externa apoia os planos de crescimento e garante que os principais stakeholders se mantêm bem informados e comprometidos. A comunicação interna mantém os colaboradores chave não familiares envolvidos, fortalece a cultura organizacional e apoia os valores da empresa. A comunicação interna também se concentra em manter as estratégias empresariais e familiares claras e complementares. O módulo apresenta as principais ferramentas de comunicação e técnicas de gestão de conflitos e negociação. Também liga a comunicação à gestão da mudança. Pontos chave: • Comunicação Interpessoal • Comunicação empresarial • Cultura organizacional e comunicação interna • Comunicação centrada na família • Táticas de negociação • Ferramentas de gestão de conflito • Gestão da mudança Objetivos da Formação No final deste módulo os formandos deverão estar aptos a: • Compreender o elemento chave da comunicação eficaz • Desenhar uma estratégia de comunicação • Abordar os stakeholders • Apresentar ideias e planos a públicos variados • Compreender a mecânica da negociação • Lidar com e resolver situações de conflito • Encorajar a comunicação entre membros da família Secções: 1. Comunicação Interpessoal 2. Gerir os conflitos das relações nas empresas familiares 3. Estudos de caso
  • Leadership characteristics and digital transformation
    Publication . Porfírio, José; Carrilho, Tiago; Felício, José Augusto; Jardim, Jacinto
    Digital transformation (DT) is essential for all companies and industries, depending crucially on systems, IT, strategy, and people. In this research, we analyse how firms’ characteristics, associated with management characteristics, promote DT in Portuguese companies. The model considers the relationship between digital strategy and corporate and business strategy, according to firm and management characteristics. We use a multilevel analysis, applying fsQCA to data obtained from 47 Portuguese firms. The results represent an important step forward in the knowledge of the conditions to promote higher stages of DT, especially regarding leadership and management associated with certain firms’ characteristics. The conclusions support the crucial role of leadership and especially the importance of managers’ coherence towards companies’ mission to promote more advanced stages of DT. At the same time, it contributes to develop knowledge about the best possible combination of firms’ and management characteristics to promote DT.
  • Fostering entrepreneurship intentions: the role of entrepreneurship education
    Publication . Porfírio, José; Carrilho, Tiago; Jardim, Jacinto; Wittberg, Volker
    To foster economic development, entrepreneurship is a crucial pillar. Young people and especially students are potential entrepreneurs, whereas education is crucial to promote capabilities and to pursue intentions. In this research we study the importance and effect of the personal characteristics of students, the inherent psychological factors, and the influence of education and training to promote entrepreneurial intentions. From our sample of 1750 students, we conclude about the importance of entrepreneurial education to promote entrepreneurial spirit and develop entrepreneurial intentions. Our results highlight the importance of proposing entrepreneurship education, especially to younger girls in regular education but also to older boys in vocational education. In this sense, this research closes a gap in literature by demonstrating that entrepreneurial education is an important aspect to promote entrepreneurial intentions, despite some inherent adverse psychological conditions on these younger students for entrepreneurship development.