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  • Pottery production in intendente. A preliminary approach to a new early modern workshop in Lisbon, Portugal
    Publication . Peace, Richard; Sousa, Miguel Martins de; Gomes, Adriana; Évora, Marina
    The main subject of this approach is a 2500 m2 salvage intervention, located in the central Lisbon municipality of Arroios. This lot, which can be found in the “Largo do Intendente” 48 to 56, the “Travessa da Cruz aos Anjos” 3 to 9, and the “Beco da Bombarda” 4, roughly corresponds to a palace belonging to the 18th-19th century Police Superintendent Diogo Inácio Pina Manique, who died in the site by 1805, and its grounds. The excavations were carried out in connection to a hotel development, which is currently suspended. Due to constraints associated to the phases of the new construction project, the area was divided into three sectors, E1, which is the palace itself; E2 which faces the “Travessa da Cruz aos Anjos”; and E3, which is roughly equivalent to the palace's grounds.
  • Monte da Revelada 2: Resultados preliminares
    Publication . Monteiro, Mário; Henriques, Francisco; Clélia, Sandra; Évora, Marina; Nora, David; Alves, Catarina; Mendes, Cátia; Carvalho, Emanuel; Anacleto, Catarina; Silva, Daniel; Baptista, Pedro; Caninas, João; Pereira, Telmo
    A construção da nova fábrica de papel Tissue, da empresa Paper Prime, S.A., em Vila Velha de Ródão, levou à identificação e escavação do sítio arqueológico Revelada 2. O sítio foi escavado até ao substrato geológico numa área superior a 170m2, tendo-se individualizado dezenas de unidades estratigráficas. Do espólio arqueológico recolhido constam mais de 40000 artefactos entre indústria lítica, termoclastos e cerâmica pré-histórica, parte dele aparentemente associado a possíveis estruturas de combustão e buracos de poste. A seriação preliminar do acervo permite apontar para a presença de uma sequência de ocupações pré-históricas constituída por, pelo menos, Neolítico, Epipaleolítico e Paleolítico Médio. Porém, diversos fenómenos de formação de sítio, nomeadamente dinâmicas de vertente e agricultura, afectaram de forma assimétrica diversos contextos em área, profundidade ou intensidade. Neste artigo pretende-se fazer a apresentação de Revelada 2, dos trabalhos, metodologias, resultados e da sua interpretação preliminar, deixando em aberto a revisão da mesma em trabalhos futuros.
  • A Mudéjar bone tool workshop (13-14th century AD) in Lisbon, Portugal
    Publication . Évora, Marina; Valente, Maria João; Marques, António
    Largo da Severa is an archaeological site located in the Moorish neighbourhood (“Bairro da Mouraria”) of Lisbon, that was built after 1170 AD following the Christian conquest of the city to the Moors (FIG.1). The materials here presented belong to the 13–14th century mudéjar occupation (i.e. the Muslims of al-Andalus who remained in Iberia after the conquest). They were collected during the 2012/2013 emergency excavations for the reconstruction of the Casa da Severa building (Valente & Marques 2017). This is the house in which the great fado singer Maria Severa Onofriana lived the last years of her life, having died there at 26 years old, in 1846.
  • Uma possível fratura de avulsão num fragmento de ulna recuperado no complexo cársico com ocupação pré-histórica, do sítio da buraca da moira (Boa Vista, Leiria)
    Publication . Assis, Sandra; Branco, Rute; Carvalho, Vânia; Dias, Rita; Duarte, Carlos; Évora, Marina; Farias, Anne; Holliday, Trenton; Marreiros, João; Monteiro, Patrícia; Nora, David; Paixão, Eduardo; Pereira, Telmo
    No ano de 2015, durante a intervenção arqueológica afeta ao projeto EcoPlis: ocupação humana plistocénica nos ecótonos do rio Lis foram identificados vestígios esqueléticos humanos desarticulados à superfície e na camada superior do complexo cársico da Buraca da Moira (freguesia da Boa Vista, Leiria). A recuperação de artefactos em quartzo e sílex, de uma placa de xisto, e de adornos em osso e concha sugerem uma possível cronologia calcolítica. A análise paleobiológica preliminar dos fragmentos esqueléticos exumados (n=129) permitiu inferir que pertencerão a, pelo menos, seis indivíduos: dois adultos e quatro não adultos. De entre os elementos analisados macroscopicamente, destacou-se um segmento proximal de uma ulna direita pertencente a um individuo adulto. Este fragmento caracterizava-se pela ausência do processo coronóide, e pela presença de uma depressão óssea ovalada com contornos suaves (17x12mm), associada a uma ligeira exposição de osso trabecular. A lesão supramencionada localizava-se acima da tuberosidade ulnar. A localização, tipo de alteração, e a presença de sinais de remodelação óssea são consistentes com uma lesão traumática incomum: fratura do processo coronóide. No diagnóstico diferencial foram considerados, e excluídos, alterações de cariz tafonómico e problemas de desenvolvimento. Neste trabalho serão discutidos os mecanismos conducentes à lesão à luz da literatura paleopatológica e clínica.
  • Muge Portal: a new digital platform for the last hunter-gatherers of the Tagus Valley, Portugal
    Publication . Gonçalves, Célia; Umbelino, Cláudia; Gomes, Ana; Gonçalves, César; Costa, Claudia; Belmiro, Joana; Cascalheira, João; Cardoso, João Luís; Rodrigues, José; André, Lino; Zacarias, Marielba; Évora, Marina; Figueiredo, Mauro; Bicho, Nuno; Monteiro, Patrícia; Godinho, Ricardo Miguel; Matias, Roxane; Aldeias, Vera
    This work presents ”The Muge Shellmiddens Project: a new portal for the last hunter-gatherers of the Tagus Valley, Portugal” that focuses on the requalification and valorization of the archaeological and paleoanthropological heritage of the Mesolithic complex of Muge (Tagus Valley, Portugal), classified as Portuguese National Monument since 2011. It is a new multidisciplinary and innovative approach that involves the development of cybernetic infrastructures and e-science initiatives, that in turn will allow: (1) a systematization of the archaeological data collected over the last 150 years in Muge, implementing an online database that offers the possibility of storing, consulting and performing analytical-interpretative and spa- tial queries of archaeological, paleoanthropological, paleoenvironmental and historiographic data; (2) the creation of interactive didactic and dissemination contents based on augmented and virtual reality technologies. With these approaches, the project intends to promote a new path of scientific and cultural access to the Muge shellmiddens, transporting the Mesolithic to the present in a vibrant, as well as informative way.
  • Raw material procurement at Abrigo do Poço Rock shelter (Central Portugal)
    Publication . Pereira, Telmo; Paixão, Eduardo; Évora, Marina; Marreiros, João; Nora, David; Monteiro, Patrícia; Assis, Sandra; Carvalho, Vânia; Holliday, Trenton
    Abrigo do Poço is a rock shelter located in the karstic canyon of Ribeira das Chitas in the River Lis basin (Central Portugal). The site has an Epipaleolithic occupation overlying a Solutrean occupation. Despite the multiple available resources in the vicinity, the main activity during the Upper Paleolithic occupation seems to have been the exploitation of a small chert outcrop located right above it. This outcrop extends in patches throughout the vicinity due to the combination of tectonic activity and fluvial erosion that results in multiple canyons. Interestingly, the outcrop above the site is one in which the chert is less expressive, probably due to exhaustion during the Solutrean, during which the site was used to heat-treat chert for the production of blades and, especially, bifacial points. The chert from this site has different colors, patterns and textures due to internal variability and to external agents (tectonic, patina). Here we present the macroscopic and geochemical characteristics of this outcrop throughout the valley and discuss the issue of potentially misleading interpretations when only one of these approaches is used.
  • The Portuguese (PT) version of the “International Chronostratigraphic Chart”: a new approach
    Publication . Cardoso, João Luís; Dias, Rui; Sousa, M. J. Lemos de; Moreira, Patrícia; Rodrigues, Cristina F. A.; Salgado, Ana
  • On the identity of the elusive pantherine from the Algar da Manga Larga, Portugal: a computed tomographic study of inner cranial cavities
    Publication . Estraviz-López, D.; Jiangzuo, Q.; Madurell-Malapeira, J.; Cardoso, João Luís; Rios, M.; Grandal-d'Anglade, A.
    The pantherine partial skeleton from the Algar da Manga Larga (MG1355.0001-9), was discovered at the Natural Park of Serras d´Aire e Candeeiros and published in 2006. It comprises a nearly complete cranium and mandible, a damaged distal half of right humerus, a complete left metacarpal III, proximal epiphyses of left metacarpals II and IV and three damaged cervical vertebrae. The nearly pristine conservation of the skull makes it a perfect candidate for the virtual reconstruction of the cranial cavities. Both cranium and hemimandibles were scanned through a medical CT-scan. The resulting data was segmented with the help of the software 3DSlicer 5.6.1 in order to virtually extract the endocast (cerebrum + cerebellum + brain stem). This was a time-consuming process due to the clay adhered to the inner walls of the cranium, which obscured the real volume of the cranial cavity, as well as the collapsed bone in some areas of the interior of the cranium. The resulting endocast of the leopard of Manga Larga has been preliminary morphologically compared with the endocast of a modern African leopard, revealing some interesting differences in the overall structure. The Manga Larga specimen presents a dorso-ventral torsion of the telencephalon relative to the brain stem, while the modern African leopard presents a more antero-posteriorly straight brain cavity, revealing also a relatively more ventral position of the foramen magnum in the specimen from Manga Larga. Further work on this specimen is necessary to clarify the implications of these differences, including the virtual reconstruction of the frontal sinuses, the study of the cranial and postcranial skeleton with both traditional and geometric morphometrics and the use molecular techniques to clarify its age and details about its ecology.
  • Olhares pioneiros: a obra arqueológica de Aristides de Amorim Girão
    Publication . Cardoso, João Luís
    Apresenta-se uma síntese da investigação arqueológica de Aristides de Amorim Girão, um dos pioneiros da moderna arqueologia pré-histórica da Beira Alta. O seu trabalho debruçou-se sobre três temas principais: o estudo das manifestações funerárias sob mamoa, a arte rupestre e as origens da região de Lafões, a sua terra natal. Faz-se também breve referência a algumas das figuras contemporâneas com quem se relacionou.