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- Co-creating a sustainability performance assessment tool for public sector organisationsPublication . Ramos, Tomás B.; Domingues, Ana Rita; Caeiro, Sandra; Cartaxo, Joana; Painho, Marco; Antunes, Paula; Santos, Rui; Videira, Nuno; Walker, Richard M.; Huisingh, DonaldOrganisations are increasingly being pushed to manage, assess and report their sustainability performance, including public sector organisations (PSO). Several approaches were developed to implement sustainability assessments at the organisation level. However, the majority are still for the private sector and are often not supported by active stakeholder involvement. Several PSO have adapted private-oriented models to assess their sustainability performance, which are often not adequate due to public administration, whose main mission is to provide public services. The present work aims at developing a conceptual framework to support PSO and to assess their sustainability performance. The proposed approach is supported by two sustainability performance assessment systems – Formal and Informal Sustainability Performance Assessment. The Formal Sustainability Performance Assessment system, which is the main focus of this paper, consists of a checklist of objectives and practices and a set of twenty-nine (29) performance indicators. An initial proposal was drawn from the literature review and then assessed through a participatory process involving practitioners and academics in semistructured interviews, questionnaire surveys and a collaborative workshop. The Portuguese central public administration was used as a case study. The developed checklist of objectives and practices and related performance indicators will allow PSO to assess and communicate complex information about organisational sustainability. Reference values support the normalization of indicators’ results, and consequently, the comparison of sustainability-related performance between PSO integrated into the context of the Portuguese central public administration. This research contributes to the debate on organisational sustainability assessment and communication, and the importance of selecting and developing sustainability indicators using co-creation processes with key stakeholders.
- Editorial: Shaping healthier cities. Ecosystem services and health for a responsive human-nature relationsPublication . Salata, Stefano; Vidal, Diogo Guedes; Alves, Fátima; Ribeiro, Ana Isabel; Artmann, MartinaShaping Healthier Cities -Ecosystem Services and Health for a Responsive Human-Nature Relations Cities have become the predominant living environments of human beings worldwide. In an era of social-ecological crisis intensified by climate change, loss of biodiversity, and socio-environmental injustice, the shaping of responsive cities is crucial for fostering healthy and regenerative urban societies and nature preservation beyond the instrumental value. The role of urban environmental spatial qualities should be rethought in light of the COVID-19 pandemic diffusion (Bolleter et al., 2022). However, the relationship between the daily environmental conditions of urban citizens and their health, as well as the interconnection between healthy nature as a basis for resilient cities are lacking an organic inclusion in the urban design, thus limiting the capacity for shaping cities in the context of planetary health (Pineo et al., 2021;WBGU, 2021). Although ecosystem services' relations with urban planning have been at the center of numerous publications aiming to find practical solutions for building sustainable cities, the systematic investigation of how ecosystem services affect human health is still an open subject. Furthermore, the well-being of citizens is a concept that goes beyond the instrumental values of nature, which are the This is a provisional file, not the final typeset article focus of the ecosystem service concept. In this regard, an integrative ecosystem services valuation 39 needs to consider relational and intrinsic values unfolding in responsive human-nature relations 40 striving for a good life for humans and non-humans in cities and beyond. Healthy urban human-41 nature relations call for a fundamental shift in attitudes and norms regarding how we deal with non-42 humans, considering that our health is inseparable from nature's health, a web of interdependencies 43 (Moore, 2015). This is also linked with biocultural diversity, which has gained attention since 44 recognizing the intangible cultural values of the natural environment as a key for promoting 45 intercultural dialogue among communities. In fact, there is a need to integrate and consider the 46 sociocultural specificities in each territory and the diversity of visions of human-nature relations in the new shaping of healthier cities for all, humans and non-humans.
- Perceções sobre as vulnerabilidades socioambientais atuais e futuras face às alterações climáticas no setor agrícola: estudo exploratório no município do Cadaval, PortugalPublication . Alves, João Teixeira; Alves, Fátima; Nicolau, Paula BacelarAs alterações climáticas, enquanto fenómeno multidimensional e complexo, desafiam as sociedades a conhecer e antecipar os seus impactes atuais e futuros, de modo a identificar as medidas e estratégias capazes de as enfrentar, seja pela mitigação, seja pela adaptação. O presente artigo, centrando-se no domínio das perceções dos agentes locais ligados ao sector agrícola, pretendeu identificar e compreender, a partir da sua posição e perspetivas, quais os impactes das alterações climáticas no sector agrícola e, consequentemente, quais as estratégias de adaptação a essas alterações na região delimitada pelo município do Cadaval, território rural marcadamente agrícola, vulnerável aos efeitos das alterações climáticas. Recorrendo a um inquérito por questionário aplicado a agricultores locais e à realização de um grupo focal com stakeholders, procurámos caracterizar as suas perceções relativamente às alterações climáticas, seus impactes e vulnerabilidades atuais e futuras na atividade agrícola, bem como as suas posições face à adaptação e mitigação. Em termos gerais, as informações recolhidas permitem-nos constatar que as alterações climáticas são percebidas essencialmente como resultado da ação humana e os nossos respondentes estão cientes dos efeitos dessas alterações na agricultura, que referem já se fazem sentir. Desconhecem, no entanto, o processo de emissão de gases de efeito estufa da atividade agrícola, o que os impede de identificar os processos de mitigação dessas emissões. Os agricultores inquiridos reconhecem a vulnerabilidade do pomar intensivo com necessidades de rega e de frio, a dificuldade em mudar e adaptar estas culturas permanentes que encaram como um desafio a ultrapassar, e reconhecem a oportunidade que o aumento da temperatura representa para a cultura da vinha.
- Reinvigorating the sustainable development research agenda: the role of the sustainable development goals (SDG)Publication . Leal Filho, Walter; Azeiteiro, Ulisses; Alves, Fátima; Pace, Paul; Mifsud, Mark; Brandli, Luciana; Caeiro, Sandra; Disterheft, AntjeThe United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) contain a set of 17 measures to foster sustainable development across many areas. It offers a good opportunity to reinvigorate sustainable development research for two main reasons. First, it comprises many areas of SD research, which have become mainstream thanks to the UN SDGs. Second, the fact that the UN and its member countries have committed to attaining SDGs by 2030 has added a sense of urgency to the need to perform quality research on SD on the one hand, and reiterates the need to use the results of this research on the other. Even though the basic concept of sustainability goes back many centuries, it has only recently appeared on the international political agenda. This is partly due to an awakening of the fact that the human ecological pressure on the planet is still much larger than what nature can renew or compensate for. Based on this state of affairs, this paper presents an outline of the process leading to the agreement on the UN SDGs, and looks at some of the ecological aspects as a result of continued pressure of human activities on natural resources. Furthermore, a set of research needs is proposed – also based holistically on updated research trends – discussing the degree of urgency of some measures and explaining why the UN SDGs need to be accorded greater priority in international sustainable development research efforts.
- The contribution of up-cycled food waste to a balanced diet of low-income householdsPublication . Nogueira, Anne; Alves, Fátima; Fernandes, Paula VazThis paper focuses on the contribution of an upcycling food organization to a balanced diet, which rescues and redistributes fresh or freshly cooked food to low-income households. To determine the nutritional balance of food hampers provided by our case study organization, according to the Portuguese food guidelines, we have weighed all items of food hampers in three weighing rounds over a period of four months. The results suggest that upcycled foods can contribute to a more balanced diet in terms of “Potato, Cereal and Cereal Products”, “Vegetables”, “Meat, Fish, Seafood and Eggs” and “Fruits”, both according to the Portuguese Food Wheel and compared to that of the general Portuguese population. The novelty of this study is the evaluation of the contribution to the balanced diet of the population in a vulnerable situation, of perishable foods such as freshly cooked, in traditional restaurants, cafes, bakeries, and hotels, or is naturally fresh (fruit and vegetables food aid services) up-cycled by a food aid organization.
- The nutritional content of rescued food conveyed by a food aid organizationPublication . Nogueira, Anne; Alves, Fátima; Fernandes, Ana PaulaThe number of food-insecure families in the European Union has increased, resulting in an increasing number of households depending on food assistance programs. The aim in this study was to evaluate the nutrient content of food rescued by a food aid organization that rescues and redistributes fresh or freshly cooked food to low-income households. Methods: To determine the nutritional content of food hampers provided by our case study organization, we weighed all items of food hampers in three weighing rounds over a period of four months. The Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES) was applied to measure households’ food insecurity. Results: Our results show that, at our case study food aid organization, food donations substantially contribute to energy, macro, and micronutrient dietary recommendation intake (DRI). Conclusions: When evaluating how these nutrients contribute to alleviating food insecurity of the beneficiary households, we found that the perception of food insecurity is independent of the amount of nutrients served. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study measuring the nutritional content of fresh or freshly cooked rescued food conveyed by a food aid organization.
- Viver do mar: caracterização socioeconómica das comunidades piscatórias de arte xávega em PortugalPublication . Alves, Fátima; Casaleiro, Paula; Valentim, Cristina Sá; Neto, Jorge; Castro, Paula; Pardal, Miguel ÂngeloEste artigo visa caracterizar a pesca com arte xávega do ponto de vista socioeconómico. A arte xávega é um método artesanal de pesca praticado em Portugal desde o século XV, tendo conseguido sobreviver até aos dias de hoje. A pesquisa foi feita com recurso a um inquérito por questionário aplicado em 2018 a comunidades piscatórias da arte xávega, em praias das regiões norte, centro e sul de Portugal continental. A partir destes dados, identificam-se perfis sociodemográficos e económicos de pescadores para compreender as diferentes lógicas de relações que estas comunidades mantêm com esta pesca e com o mar, em particular os seus recursos marinhos. Constata-se que as práticas com a arte xávega traduzem configurações sociais, económicas, ambientais e culturais diversificadas e plurais, e mobilizam uma comunidade mais ampla e heterogénea do que aquela que lhe é comummente associada, refletindo diferentes lógicas de relação entre pescadores e ambiente.