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- As 1001 faces de Bertolt BrechtPublication . Rodrigues, Cristiana VasconcelosBreve resenha de apresentação do poeta e dramaturgo Bertolt Brecht, a iniciar os trabalhos das Jornadas sobre Bertolt Brecht, realizadas na Universidade Aberta por ocasião dos 50 anos sobre a data da sua morte, em 2006.
- 12th Workshop on Statistics, Mathematics and Computation In Honour of Professor Carlos Braumann: book of abstractsPublication . Oliveira, Amilcar; Nunes, Célia; Ferreira, Dário; Grilo, Luís M.; Ferreira, Sandra; Oliveira, TeresaWe celebrate this meeting in Honour of Professor Carlos Braumann, for his brilliant career and outstanding contribution to the field of Statistics in Portugal and abroad, and to whom we are deeply grateful for all the support, kind and precious collaboration in our meetings! We are delighted to have this celebration fostering strong interaction between national and international researchers, leading to a successful com mitment and enthusiasm on promoting research in and between the broad areas of Statistics, Mathematics and Computation. It is a great pleasure to receive all our guests and contributors from 9 to 10 th November in UBI Universidade da Beira Interior, expressing our huge gratitude to the Univer sity Coordinators for kindly accepted to embrace this challenge of receiving us again! The WSMC was successfully organized in several places along these last 12 years and we believe that our meetings have been creating very nice opportunities for showcasing the growth and development of the focused main areas, at a time when so many new technologies are available and huge challenges are emerging. The idea exchanges between participants are al ways helpful for generating positive impact on propelling the advancement of science and technology and some of these results have been published in high standard Journals, special issues and Springer Series Books. Also in this 12th WSMC edition the participants will have several journal oppor tunities for papers submission. Selected papers, after review, will appear in Journal of Applied Statistics, Biometrical Letters, Biometrics & Biostatis tics International Journal (BBIJ) and in a new Springer volume of the Series Contributions to Statistics. We are hightly grateful to all the participants, Invited Speakers, Session Organizers and Authors who submitted abstracts, for their valuable contri bution and for the enthusiastic way how they assume their participation. We also acknowledge all the sponsors and contributors who made this meeting a reality. Furthermore, we acknowledge the Rector of Universidade da Beira Interior, the Rector of Universidade Aberta, the Coordinator of the Centro de Estatística e Aplicações da Universidade de Lisboa and the President of the Committee on Risk Analysis of International Statistical Institute, for v vi Preface their support. We are most grateful to all the members of the Organizing Committee and of the Scientific Committee for their crucial help and sugges tions. We address a deeply thanks to the Local Chair, Sandra Ferreira, and also to Amílcar Oliveira, Célia Nunes, Dário Ferreira and Luís Grilo for their invaluable contribution on organizing the Webpage, the final programme, the Book of Abstracts and so many details in a such incredible short time! Finally, the venue adds an important attraction to the meeting. The destination city, Covilhã, is a fantastic place close to beautiful and highest mountain in Portugal, Serra da Estrela. This region is very famous not only for awesome landscapes and sports opportunities but also for the famous de lights like the wool cheese, ham, licors and also for the traditional artesanat. Covilhã offers a full calendar of traditional festivals and holidays celebrated throughout the year adds to its cultural appeal. We trust that you will find the conference and your visit to the very beautiful city of Covilhã in November 2018 both valuable and enjoyable, we believe that this meeting will be rewarding to all of us and that it will draw us to the next edition -WSMC13, which is planned for 2019 in Lisbon.
- 13th Conference on Statistics, Mathematics and Computation: book of abstractsPublication . Oliveira, Amilcar; Ferreira, Dário; Ferreira, Sandra; Oliveira, Teresa A.We celebrate this meeting in Honour of Professor João Tiago Mexia, for his brilliant career and outstanding contribution to the field of Statistics in Portugal and abroad, and to whom we are deeply grateful for all the support, kindness and precious collaboration in our meetings! We are delighted to have this celebration, fostering strong interaction between national and international researchers, leading to a successful com mitment and enthusiasm on promoting research in and between the broad areas of Statistics, Mathematics and Computation. It is a great pleasure to receive all our guests and contributors from 3 to 5th June in the Aberta University, and we emphasize our huge gratitude to the Magnificent Rector, for kindly accepting to embrace this challenge of hosting once more this International Conference! The WSMC was successfully organized in several places along the 13 editions and we believe that our meetings have been creating very nice op portunities for showcasing the growth and development of the focused main areas, in a time underlined by so many new technologies and huge emerging challenges. The scientific exchanges of ideas between participants is always helpful for generating positive impact on propelling the advancement of sci ence and technology and some of these results have already been successfully published in high standard Journals, special issues and Springer Series Books. Also now, in this 13th edition, the participants have the opportunity to submit their work to high referenced Journals and Book volumes. Selected papers, after peer review, will appear in the Chilean Journal of Statistics (ChJS), Journal of Applied Statistics (JAS), Biometrical Letters, Biometrics & Biostatistics International Journal (BBIJ) and in Springer volumes of the Series Contributions to Statistics. Details will be soon announced in our webpage. We are highly grateful to all the participants, Invited Speakers, members of Scientific Committee, Session Organizers and Authors who submitted ab v vi Preface stracts, for their valuable contribution and for the enthusiastic way how their participation is assumed! We greatly acknowledge all the sponsors and contributors who made this meeting a reality and we reinforce the importance of our social programme. This year it includes the nice opportunity to visit the National Museum of Natural History and Science and the Botanical Garden, allowed all the week, from 3 to 9 of June - during and after WSMC13. We are really grateful to the Director of the Department of Museums Management Support and IICT, Dr Vitor Lucas and to his team, for kindly offering this outstanding opportunity to all the participants of WSMC13. A deeply thanks is addressed to all the members of the Organizing Com mittee, emphasizing the invaluable collaboration of Dr. Virginia Zaidam, the crucial help of the Gabinete de Comunicação e de Relações Internacionais UAB team, and the very hard work of Amílcar, Sandra and Dário on the organization and supervision of many of the programme and schedule de tails, preparing the website and the abstracts book in an incredible record time! Finally, as I guess most of you already noticed, Lisbon is very much enjoyable for offering a rich and varied history, a buzzing nightlife and for being blessed with a glorious year-round climate, where the sky joins the ocean and the city is kissed by the river Tagus. Please take some of your time to enjoy and take profit of it! Don’t forget to taste the famous "Pastéis de Belém" and to listen to Fado music! We wish you all a very productive and successfull meeting, as well as a pleasant and memorable stay in Lisbon, the stunning capital of Portugal!
- 2nd International Congress on 21st Century Literacies: book of abstractsPublication . Loureiro, Ana; Rocha, Dina; Messias, Inês; Oliveira, Nuno Ricardo; Lopes, Rui
- 2º Encontro Bibliotecas do Ensino Superior : partilha, criatividade e engenho: relatório e conclusõesPublication . Grupo de Trabalho das Bibliotecas de Ensino Superior da BADApresentam-se neste documento as principais linhas de reflexão e debate que ao longo dos dois dias de encontro foram o mote para levar à prática a partilha, a criatividade e o engenho no quotidiano das bibliotecas de ensino superior em Portugal
- A 5Ps approach to teaching and e-learning sustainability: the case of Universidade AbertaPublication . Mapar, Mahsa; Nicolau, Paula Bacelar; Dias, Marco; Ferreira, Célia; Manuelito, Helena; Martins, Rute; Martinho, Ana Paula; Pereira, Pedro; Simão, João; Trindade, Jorge; Fernandes, Paula Vaz; Caeiro, Sandra
- A configuração de comunidades de aprendizagem em blended learning no ensino superiorPublication . Moreira, J. António; Almeida, Ana CristinaEm tempos de profundas transformações sociais, económicas e culturais e vertiginosa evolução das tecnologias de informação e da comunicação deparamo-nos com a necessidade de redefinir pedagogia, também, no Ensino Superior. O enfoque nas competências e o apelo à mobilidade pelo Processo de Bolonha convidam a um paradigma educacional que privilegie novas formas de pensar, desenvolver e avaliar os processos de formação centrados no estudante e nas suas estratégias de autorregulação e domínio de ferramentas mediatizadas pelas oportunidades tecnológicas e reflexividade em parceria, sob supervisão dos professores facilitadores da aprendizagem. Este trabalho visa, pois, ilustrar a operatividade de modelos em blended learning, analisando o impacto de novos cenários de aprendizagem na criação de comunidades, de aprendizagem baseada em problemas. Para tal, exploramos relações possíveis entre modalidades de ensino presencial e online, em que a relação pedagógica estabelecida face-a-face é confrontada com a criação de comunidades virtuais de aprendizagem e de investigação.
- A/r/cography: art, research and communicationPublication . Veiga, Pedro Alves daThis article aims at establishing the foundations for a/r/cography as an “art and communication”-based research methodology, inspired by a/r/tography yet more encompassing, and particularly suitable for the digital art world. As part of the larger family of practice-based research methodologies, a/r/tography presents various ways through which it can be explored, but since it is aimed at the arts and education, its scope is forcibly hampered by the fact that not all researchers and art practitioners are necessarily teachers. However, since most of its underlying principles can be extended for non-teachers, thus arose the idea to propose a methodology that would retain ontological, epistemological and methodological assumptions, but would expand beyond the limitations imposed by the role of the teacher. This extension is called a/r/cography and is structured upon the interchangeable roles of artist, researcher and communicator, as being intrinsic to the underlying living inquiry processes. Furthermore, this proposal is supported by the author’s own experience from a/r/cographic processes in the creation, exhibition and communication of digital artworks.
- Abordagem a um modelo conceptual para análise diacrónica comparativa das interacções comunidades humanas-ambientais em zonas costeiras: o exemplo dos sistemas lagunares de Aveiro (Poortugal) e araruama (Brasil)Publication . Pereira, Olegário Nelson Azevedo; Bastos, Rosário; Fonseca, Luís Cancela da; Dias, João AlveirinhoAs análises de longaduração acerca das relações comunidades humanasambiente em sistemas lagunares costeiros são ainda escassas. Nesse sentido, não estão estabelecidos modelos conceptuais que avaliem comparativamente tais relações. O facto dos sistemas lagunares incorporarem complexas estruturas de interface entre a geosfera, a hidrosfera, a atmosfera, a biosfera e a antroposfera, requer abordagens inter/multi/transdisciplinares, situação que, aparentemente, tem coibido o surgir de propostas nesse sentido. Tomando como casos de estudo as lagunas de Aveiro (PT) e Araruama (BR), foram revistos os trabalhos respeitantes a esse tema e os respectivos modelos conceptuais aplicados na interpretação desenvolvida. Nos dois trechos lagunares em apreço, a respectiva literatura científica é escassa. A análise do estado da arte revela cinco trabalhos para Aveiro e apenas um para Araruama, pelo que considerámos pertinente o tema aqui em foco. A concepção de um modelo de análise diacrónica comparativa tem de estar cientificamente apoiada em abordagens interdisciplinares, propiciadoras de nos fornecerem dados relevantes sobre as influências antrópicas observadas ao longo da História nas alterações das paisagens lagunares e viceversa. Apelando à integração das Ciências Naturais e Sociais, tais como a Ecologia, a Geologia, a Climatologia, a Oceanografia, a Arqueologia e a História, a aplicação da aludida metodologia revela padrões de assentamento humano, exploração de recursos naturais e alterações da paisagem que se repetem nos dois sistemas e resultam em problemas semelhantes relacionados com as suas sustentabilidade e resiliência. Apelase, por isso, a uma abordagem integrada num recémramo da História, o da História Ambiental. Como é de propostas deste género, este modelo pode ser aplicdo a outros sistemas lagunares costeiros com origem no desenvolvimento de restingas arenosas e localizados em médias e baixas latitudes. A sua aplicação pode estimular medidas políticas para evitar os seus riscos e vulnerabilidades socioambientais.