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As análises de longaduração acerca das relações
comunidades humanasambiente em sistemas lagunares
costeiros são ainda escassas. Nesse sentido, não estão
estabelecidos modelos conceptuais que avaliem
comparativamente tais relações. O facto dos sistemas
lagunares incorporarem complexas estruturas de interface
entre a geosfera, a hidrosfera, a atmosfera, a biosfera e a
antroposfera, requer abordagens inter/multi/transdisciplinares,
situação que, aparentemente, tem coibido o surgir de
propostas nesse sentido. Tomando como casos de estudo as
lagunas de Aveiro (PT) e Araruama (BR), foram revistos os
trabalhos respeitantes a esse tema e os respectivos modelos
conceptuais aplicados na interpretação desenvolvida. Nos dois
trechos lagunares em apreço, a respectiva literatura científica é
escassa. A análise do estado da arte revela cinco trabalhos para
Aveiro e apenas um para Araruama, pelo que considerámos
pertinente o tema aqui em foco. A concepção de um modelo
de análise diacrónica comparativa tem de estar cientificamente
apoiada em abordagens interdisciplinares, propiciadoras de
nos fornecerem dados relevantes sobre as influências
antrópicas observadas ao longo da História nas alterações das
paisagens lagunares e viceversa. Apelando à integração das
Ciências Naturais e Sociais, tais como a Ecologia, a Geologia,
a Climatologia, a Oceanografia, a Arqueologia e a História, a
aplicação da aludida metodologia revela padrões de
assentamento humano, exploração de recursos naturais e
alterações da paisagem que se repetem nos dois sistemas e
resultam em problemas semelhantes relacionados com as suas
sustentabilidade e resiliência. Apelase, por isso, a uma
abordagem integrada num recémramo da História, o da
História Ambiental. Como é de propostas deste
género, este modelo pode ser aplicdo a outros sistemas
lagunares costeiros com origem no desenvolvimento de restingas arenosas e localizados em médias e baixas latitudes.
A sua aplicação pode estimular medidas políticas para evitar
os seus riscos e vulnerabilidades socioambientais.
Longterm analyzes of humanenvironment relationships in coastal lagoon systems are still scarce. Therefore, conceptual models that comparatively assess such relationships are not established yet. As lagoon systems incorporate complex interface structures between the geosphere, the hydrosphere, the atmosphere, the biosphere and the anthroposphere, it requires inter / multi / transdisciplinary approaches, a situation that, apparently, has disable proposals in this regard. Through Aveiro (PT) and Araruama (BR) lagoons as case studies, we reviewed the analysis conducted on this theme and the respective conceptual models applied in the developed interpretations. In both cases, the respective scientific literature is scarce. The analysis on the state of the art reveals five studies for Aveiro and only one for Araruama, which is why we considered the theme relevant. The proposal of a diachronic comparative analysis conceptual model must be scientifically supported by interdisciplinary approaches, which provide relevant data on the anthropic influences observed throughout history in the lagoons landscapes transformations and vice versa. Appealing to the integration of Natural and Social Sciences, such as Ecology, Geology, Climatology, Oceanography, Archeology and History, the application of the mentioned methodology reveals patterns of human settlement, exploitation of natural resources and changes in the landscape, which are repeated in both systems and result in similar problems related to their sustainability and resilience. We therefore appeal for an integrated approach through a new branch of history, namely, environmental history. As characteristic on proposals of this kind, this model can be applied to other coastal lagoon systems derived from the development of sandy spits and located in medium and low latitudes. Its application can stimulate political measures to avoid its socioenvironmental risks and vulnerabilities.
Longterm analyzes of humanenvironment relationships in coastal lagoon systems are still scarce. Therefore, conceptual models that comparatively assess such relationships are not established yet. As lagoon systems incorporate complex interface structures between the geosphere, the hydrosphere, the atmosphere, the biosphere and the anthroposphere, it requires inter / multi / transdisciplinary approaches, a situation that, apparently, has disable proposals in this regard. Through Aveiro (PT) and Araruama (BR) lagoons as case studies, we reviewed the analysis conducted on this theme and the respective conceptual models applied in the developed interpretations. In both cases, the respective scientific literature is scarce. The analysis on the state of the art reveals five studies for Aveiro and only one for Araruama, which is why we considered the theme relevant. The proposal of a diachronic comparative analysis conceptual model must be scientifically supported by interdisciplinary approaches, which provide relevant data on the anthropic influences observed throughout history in the lagoons landscapes transformations and vice versa. Appealing to the integration of Natural and Social Sciences, such as Ecology, Geology, Climatology, Oceanography, Archeology and History, the application of the mentioned methodology reveals patterns of human settlement, exploitation of natural resources and changes in the landscape, which are repeated in both systems and result in similar problems related to their sustainability and resilience. We therefore appeal for an integrated approach through a new branch of history, namely, environmental history. As characteristic on proposals of this kind, this model can be applied to other coastal lagoon systems derived from the development of sandy spits and located in medium and low latitudes. Its application can stimulate political measures to avoid its socioenvironmental risks and vulnerabilities.
Modelo conceptual Comparação diacrónica História ambiental Zonas costeiras Sistemas lagunares Conceptual model Diachronic comparison Environmental history Coastal areas Lagoon systems