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A evolução das tecnologias digitais e das redes de comunicação também digitais propiciaram o surgimento de uma sociedade reticular marcada pela conectividade entre diferentes entidades, o que tem provocado mudanças acentuadas na economia e no mercado de trabalho, impulsionando o nascimento de novos paradigmas, modelos, processos de comunicação educacional e novos cenários de ensino e de aprendizagem. No entanto, não se imaginava, nem mesmo os professores que já adotavam ambientes online nas suas práticas, que seria necessária uma mudança tão rápida e emergencial, devido à expansão do coronavírus que inviabilizou a presença física de professores e estudantes no espaço geográfico das instituições educacionais, e obrigou os professores a transpor metodologias e práticas, adotadas em salas de aula presencial física, para os meios online, resultando em práticas de ensino remoto, de ensino a distância, distintas das práticas consolidadas neste domínio e sustentadas pela pesquisa na área. Tendo, pois, em consideração este contexto, o objetivo deste artigo, de natureza eminentemente teórica é, por um lado, contribuir para delimitação de conceitos fundamentais no domínio da Educação mediada pelo digital, como Ensino Remoto ou Ensino a Distância, Educação a Distância ou eLearning, dentre outros
e que muitas vezes são usados de forma indiferenciada sem rigor conceitual, e por outro, apresentar a proposição de um novo conceito e paradigma que designámos de Educação Digital OnLife.
The evolution of digital technologies and communication networks led to the emergence of a reticular society marked by the connectivity between different entities, which has caused changes in the economy and in the labor market, driving the birth of new paradigms, models, educational communication processes and new teaching and learning scenarios. But no one, not even teachers who already adopted online environments in their practices, imagined that such a rapid and emergency change would be necessary, almost mandatory, due to the expansion of the coronavirus which caused the physical distance and made impossible the physical presence of teachers and students in the geographic space of educational institutions and forced teachers and forced teachers to transpose methodologies and practices, adopted in physical classroom, to online, resulting in remote teaching, distance learning practices, distinct from the consolidated practices in this field and supported by research in the area. Therefore, considering this context, the main goal of this theoretical paper is to contribute to the delimitation of fundamental concepts in the field of Education mediated by digital, such as Remote Education, Distance Education or eLearning, among others which are often used in an undifferentiated manner without conceptual rigor, and present the proposition of a new concept and paradigm that we called OnLife Digital Education.
The evolution of digital technologies and communication networks led to the emergence of a reticular society marked by the connectivity between different entities, which has caused changes in the economy and in the labor market, driving the birth of new paradigms, models, educational communication processes and new teaching and learning scenarios. But no one, not even teachers who already adopted online environments in their practices, imagined that such a rapid and emergency change would be necessary, almost mandatory, due to the expansion of the coronavirus which caused the physical distance and made impossible the physical presence of teachers and students in the geographic space of educational institutions and forced teachers and forced teachers to transpose methodologies and practices, adopted in physical classroom, to online, resulting in remote teaching, distance learning practices, distinct from the consolidated practices in this field and supported by research in the area. Therefore, considering this context, the main goal of this theoretical paper is to contribute to the delimitation of fundamental concepts in the field of Education mediated by digital, such as Remote Education, Distance Education or eLearning, among others which are often used in an undifferentiated manner without conceptual rigor, and present the proposition of a new concept and paradigm that we called OnLife Digital Education.
Educação digital Tecnologias digitais Educação online Digital education Digital technologies Online teaching