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  • Research priorities in immersive learning technology: the perspectives of the iLRN community
    Publication . Gaspar, Horácio; Morgado, Leonel; São Mamede, Henrique; Oliveira, Teresa; Fernandez-Manjon, Baltasar; Gütl, Christian
    This paper presents the perspectives of the immersive learning research network community on the relevance of various challenges to the adoption of immersive learning technology, along three dimensions: access, content production, and deployment. Using a previously validated questionnaire, we surveyed this community of 622 researchers and practitioners during the summer of 2018, attaining 54 responses. By ranking the challenges individually and within each dimension, the results point towards higher relevance being placed on aspects that link immersive environments with learning management systems and pedagogical tasks, alongside aspects that empower non-technical users (educational actors) to produce interactive stories, objects, and characters.
  • Immersive learning research from the perspective of its researchers and practitioners: questionnaire validation and early results from a survey on a conceptual framework for the field
    Publication . Morgado, Leonel; Beck, Dennis; Gütl, Christian; Oliveira, Teresa; Richter, Jonathon
    Immersive learning research is a field of study that emphasizes diversity of scholarship and subject areas. This diversity presents a challenge for understanding the breadth and depth of the field of immersive learning, a challenge that led to the Immersive Learning Research Network’s call for the community of immersive learning researchers to develop a conceptual framework supporting a common understanding of this diverse field - The Immersive Learning Knowledge Tree. However, this structure has not had its underlying assumptions validated by the larger, diverse community of immersive learning researchers and practitioners. Thus, we developed, validated, and disseminated across associations of the field a questionnaire for analyzing the assumptions, structure, and relevance of the Knowledge Tree proposal. Early results point towards overwhelming agreement from the community on the premise that the field of immersive learning research is muddled/fragmented, the current knowledge partially disjointed, specifically among different disciplines (Q3), due to its interdisciplinary nature. There are also strong indications supporting the premise that researchers active in the field of immersive learning research desire to combine their efforts with others.
  • Assessment and tracking of learning activities on a remote computer networking laboratory using the Inven!RA Architecture
    Publication . Grilo, Ricardo; Baptista, Ricardo; Schlemmer, Eliane; Gütl, Christian; Beck, Dennis; Coelho, António; Morgado, Leonel
    Assessment and tracking of activities in non-traditional contexts, such as immersive environments, is a complex and timeconsuming process for instructors. This limits the widespread adoption of immersive environments, since the consequences of those constraints are lack of awareness for orchestration of learning, and lack of elements for assessment. The Inven!RA architecture proposes tackling this problem by collecting status and outcome analytics from multiple immersive activities into a single learning plan, where they are mapped to learning objectives. This enables the creation of learning dashboards for instructors and students, to support their awareness and assessment, enabling learning orchestration and self-regulation of learning. We present an implementation of the Inven!RA architecture in a platform linked to a remote computer networking laboratory, exemplifying how the architecture can achieve its purported goals.
  • Towards an immersive learning knowledge tree: a conceptual framework for mapping knowledge and tools in the field
    Publication . Beck, Dennis; Morgado, Leonel; Lee, Mark; Gütl, Christian; Dengel, Andreas; Wang, Minjuan; Warren, Scott; Richter, Jonathon
    The interdisciplinary field of immersive learning research is scattered. Combining efforts for better exploration of this field from the different disciplines requires researchers to communicate and coordinate effectively. We call upon the community of immersive learning researchers for planting the Knowledge Tree of Immersive Learning Research, a proposal for a systematization effort for this field, combining both scholarly and practical knowledge, cultivating a robust and ever-growing knowledge base and methodological toolbox for immersive learning. This endeavor aims at promoting evidence-informed practice and guiding future research in the field. This paper contributes with the rationale for three objectives: 1) Developing common scientific terminology amidst the community of researchers; 2) Cultivating a common understanding of methodology, and 3) Advancing common use of theoretical approaches, frameworks, and models.
  • Exploring the future of immersive education
    Publication . Callaghan, Victor; Gardner, Michael; Peña-Rios, Anasol; Beck, Dennis; Gütl, Christian; Morgado, Leonel; Richter, Jonathon; Wu, Hsuan-Yi
    This extended abstract describes the #iLRN16_SFP workshop which opened the iLRN'16 conference held in Santa Barbra, California USA from the 27th June to the 1st July 2016. The main focus of the workshop was exploring future trends and expectations for research into immersive learning. The event was a collaboration between the Creative Science Foundation and the Immersive Learning Research Network.
  • Identifying immersive environments’ most relevant research topics: an instrument to query researchers and practitioners
    Publication . Gaspar, Horácio; Morgado, Leonel; São Mamede, Henrique; Manjón, Baltasar; Gütl, Christian
    This paper provides an instrument for ascertaining researchers’ perspectives on the relative relevance of technological challenges facing immersive environments in view of their adoption in learning contexts, along three dimensions: access, content production, and deployment. It described its theoretical grounding and expert-review process, from a set of previously-identified challenges and expert feedback cycles. The paper details the motivation, setup, and methods employed, as well as the issues detected in the cycles and how they were addressed while developing the instrument. As a research instrument, it aims to be employed across diverse communities of research and practice, helping direct research efforts and hence contribute to wider use of immersive environments in learning, and possibly contribute towards the development of news and more adequate systems.
  • Research Agenda 2030: the great questions of immersive learning research
    Publication . Dengel, Andreas; Steinmaurer, Alexander; Müller, Lea Marie; Platz, Melanie; Wang, Minjuan; Gütl, Christian; Pester, Andreas; Morgado, Leonel
    The research areas of the Immersive Learning community cover many different interests and perspectives on teaching and learning with immersive technologies. Based on existing efforts to map the field of research, we gathered 35 participants at the iLRN 2022 conference during an open hybrid workshop. These volunteers formed expert groups focusing on five possible perspectives on Immersive Learning. The expert groups gathered and summarized possible research questions with regards to an “Agenda 2030”, meaning the most intriguing questions that should be addressed during the years to come. We let all participants vote on these research endeavors regarding their academic value and importance for the community. As a results, we gathered a total of 23 ranked questions. These questions were subsumed into ten topics forming a Research Agenda for Immersive Learning 2030 (RAIL.2030).
  • Inven!RA Architecture for sustainable deployment of immersive learning environments
    Publication . Morgado, Leonel; Coelho, António; Beck, Dennis; Gütl, Christian; Cassola, Fernando; Baptista, Ricardo; Van Zeller, Maria; Pedrosa, Daniela; Cruzeiro, Tiago; Cota, Duarte; Grilo, Ricardo; Schlemmer, Eliane
    The objective of this work was to support the sustainable deployment of immersive learning environments, which face varied obstacles, including the lack of support infrastructures for active learning pedagogies. Sustainability from the perspective of the integration of these environments in educational practice entails situational awareness, workload, and the informed assessment ability of participants, which must be supported for such activities to be employed in a widespread manner. We have approached this wicked problem using the Design Science Research paradigm and produced the Inven!RA software architecture. This novel result constitutes a solution for developing software platforms to enable the sustainable deployment of immersive learning environments. The Inven!RA architecture is presented alongside four demonstration scenarios employed in its evaluation, providing a means for the situational awareness of immersive learning activities in support of pedagogic decision making.
  • iLRN 2018 Montana. Workshop, long and short paper, and poster proceedings from the fourth immersive learning research network conference
    Publication . Beck, Dennis; Allison, Colin; Morgado, Leonel; Peña-Rios, Anasol; Ogle, Todd; Richter, Jonathon; Gütl, Christian
    Workshop, short paper, and long paper proceedings