42 results
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- Bringing underused learning objects to the light: a multi-agent based approachPublication . Behr, André; Cscalho, José; Mendes, Armando B.; Guerra, Hélia; Cavique, Luís; Trigo, Paulo; Coelho, Helder; Vicari, RosaThe digital learning transformation brings the extension of the traditional libraries to online repositories. Learning object repositories are employed to deliver several functionalities related to the learning object’s lifecycle. However, these educational resources usually are not described effectively, lacking, for example, educational metadata and learning goals. Then, metadata incompleteness limits the quality of the services, such as search and recommendation, resulting in educational objects that do not have a proper role in teaching/learning environments. This work proposes to bring an active role to all educational resources, acting on the analysis generated from the usage statistics. To achieve this goal, we created a multi-agent architecture that complements the common repository’s functionalities to improve learning and teaching experiences. We intend to use this architecture on a repository focused on ocean literacy learning objects. This paper presents some steps toward this goal by enhancing, when needed, the repository to adapt itself.
- Regular sports services: dataset of demographic, frequency and service level agreementPublication . Pinheiro, Paulo; Cavique, LuísThis article describes a dataset of different services acquired by users during the period in which they are active in a sports facility as well as their behavior in terms of frequency of the sport facility itself and the type of classes they prefer to attend. Each observation in the dataset corresponds to one user, including the features of subscriptions and frequency. Data were collected between June 1st 2014 and October 31st 2019 from a database of an ERP solution operating in a sports facility in Lisbon, Portugal. From this database, it was possi- ble to perform operations of extraction, transformation and loading into the dataset. The dataset with real data can be useful for research in ar- eas such as customer retention, machine learning, marketing, actionable knowledge and others. Although we present real data from users of a sports facil- ity, in order to comply the GDPR legislation, the attributes that could identify the users were removed making the data anonymized.
- Recensão crítica: O Livro do Porquê, a nova ciência da causa e efeitoPublication . Cavique, LuísA mais recente obra de Judea Pearl e Dana Mackenzie, 'The Book of Why', no seu subtítulo promete desenvolver uma nova ciência para a causa e efeito. Judea Pearl é o autor das conhecidas redes bayesianas, ferramenta fundamental em Inteligência Artificial (IA), e galardoado com a maior distinção em ciências da computação, o Prémio Turing da 'Association for Computing Machinery' (ACM).
- Editorial 15Publication . Cavique, LuísOs artigos estão organizados por ordem de chegada. O primeiro artigo, trata o assunto das cripto-moedas e em particular do Bitcoin. O segundo artigo, de um doutorando desta universidade, apresenta um algoritmo de escalonamento de aplicações móveis sensíveis ao contexto. O terceiro artigo, de um doutorado por esta universidade apresenta modelo aplicado ao governo eletrónico. O quarto artigo, são apresentados modelos que relacionam a curiosidade científica, a teoria da informação e a utilidade do conhecimento. O quinto artigo, que apresenta um chatbot para apoio ao estudante nesta universidade. Finalmente para fechar este número, apresenta-se a recensão crítica de uma recente obra que trata da nova ciência da causa e efeito.
- Improving information system design: using UML and axiomatic designPublication . Cavique, Luís; Cavique, Mariana; Mendes, Armando; Cavique, MiguelA unified view of the Information System (IS) design is essential for dealing with complexity. However, the literature proposes many denominations, depending on the layer, methodology, framework, or tool. This multitude of approaches does not allow a holistic view of the system. Besides, in Information Systems, the search for good practices in design is still a relevant issue. A subset of essential Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams is chosen to create a broad view of the IS. CRUD matrix is one of the preferred approaches to articulate the sub-systems of applications and data. Axiomatic Design (AD) provides rules for the im provement of the IS design. This work presents a method to create object-oriented elements based on the CRUD matrix aligned with the business strategy. An integrated student-based case study on logistics is provided. In the discussion, a new IS architect role is proposed supported by the CRUD/AD method.
- Data pre-processing and data generation in the student flow case studyPublication . Cavique, Luís; Pombinho, Paulo; Tallón Ballesteros, Antonio J.; Correia, LuísEducation covers a range of sectors from kindergarten to higher education. In the education system, each grade has three possible outcomes: dropout, retention and pass to the next grade. In this work, we study the data from the Department of Statistics of Education and Science (DGEEC) of the Education Ministry. DGEEC maintains those outcomes for each school year, therefore, this study seeks a longitudinal view based on student flow. The document reports the data pre-processing, a stochastic model based on the pre-processed data and a data generation process that uses the previous model.
- Errors of identifiers in anonymous databases: impact on data qualityPublication . Pombinho, Paulo; Cavique, Luís; Correia, LuísData quality is essential for a correct understanding of the concepts they represent. Data mining is especially relevant when data with inferior quality is used in algorithms that depend on correct data to create accurate models and predictions. In this work, we introduce the issue of errors of identifiers in an anonymous database. The work proposes a quality evaluation approach that considers individual attributes and a contextual analysis that allows additional quality evaluations. The proposed quality analysis model is a robust means of minimizing anonymization costs.
- Influência de fatores socioeconómicos no sistema de ensino portuguêsPublication . Pombinho, Paulo; Cavique, Luís; Correia, LuísO presente artigo estuda a influência dos fatores socioeconómicos dos diferentes municípios no sucesso educacional dos estudantes. Para verificar a existência de fatores relevantes para o percurso académico dos estudantes, foram obtidos datasets com descritores socioeconómicos por município, médias das notas dos exames nacionais e as taxas de sucesso dos alunos. Estes datasets foram submetidos a uma técnica de K-nearest neighbours para permitir encontrar valores de atributos em municípios com valores em falta. Foram, de seguida, aplicados algoritmos de classificação, através de árvores de decisão e regressão, que permitiram analisar quais os atributos socioeconómicos que tinham, potencialmente, maior relação com o sucesso escolar. O trabalho efetuado permite identificar alguns fatores como alvos de potenciais estudos futuros sem, no entanto, se verificar correlações fortes com nenhum atributo socioeconómico.
- Dataset for corruption risk assessment in a public administrationPublication . Vasconcelos, Marcelo Oliveira; Cavique, LuísThis data article describes a dataset of corruption approach and possible variables related, and this dataset was created by integrating eight different systems of Brazilian federal government and Federal District. We present real data from civil servants and militaries to comply with GDPR legislation, the attributes that could identify a person were removed, making the data anonymized.
- Tesouraria previsional: uma abordagem com o Power BIPublication . Mota, Luís; Cavique, LuísA tesouraria previsional é crucial para controlar fluxos de caixa e manter a liquidez da empresa, permitindo planear necessidades futuras e enfrentar desafios, como as flutuações sazonais. O projeto desenvolvido em Power BI envolve definir fontes de dados, realizar ETL, criar um modelo de dados e gerar relatórios de tesouraria. O separador Menu permite iniciar a navegação e o Weekly Cashflow mostra as projeções de fluxo de caixa semanal. A utilização de KPIs fornece métricas objetivas para monitorar o desempenho financeiro, como fluxo de caixa e liquidez, ajudando a identificar exceções e a orientar decisões de forma eficiente. Para a análise de exceções a funcionalidade Drill-through do Power BI permite análises pormenorizadas.