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  • An epidemiological approach to characterise the human exposure pathways in a contaminated estuarine environment
    Publication . Machado, Ausenda; Fernandes, Ana Paula; Paixão, Eleonora; Caeiro, Sandra; Dias, Carlos Matias
    This study's aim was to develop and implement an integrative epidemiologic cross-sectional study that allows identifying and characterising exposure pathways of populations living and working on the shores of a contaminated estuarine environment. Population residing in Carrasqueira, located on the Sado estuary with known contaminated areas was compared to another population on a noncontaminated estuary (Vila Nova de Mil Fontes - VNMF), considered a nonexposed population. Simple random samples of individuals were selected in each study population from the National Health Service Lists: 140 individuals were selected in Carrasqueira and 219 in VNMF. Participation rates were higher in the exposed group (62.5%, n=102 in Carrasqueira and 48.3%, n=100 individuals in VNMF). The same structured questionnaire was used in both populations, including questions on occupational activities, leisure activities, consumption of food (including fish and mollusks from the estuary) and use of water for human intake and agriculture. Results showed that a significantly higher proportion of Carrasqueira participants reported doing tasks in their job that promote direct (48.8% vs 1.2% in VNMF, p-value<0.001) or indirect (30% vs 11.9% in VNMF, p-value=0.004) contact with water from the estuary. Regarding seafood consumption, the exposed population of Carrasqueira had a higher frequency of consumption of cuttlefish (23.5% vs 9% in VNMF, p-value=0.007), sole (22.5% vs 4% in VNMF, p-value<0.001) and clams (18.6% vs 5.0 in VNMF, p-value=0.004). The comparative study design, with exposed and nonexposed populations living on the shores of two different estuaries allowed us to confirm the hypothesis of a higher risk of contamination from the contaminated estuarine environment. The study design and the selection of both populations were adequate for this type of epidemiologic study of potential routes of human contamination in a mixture of contaminated estuarine environment and can be used in other estuarine areas with similar environmental risk.
  • Epidemiological risk perceptions of people living close to open dumps in Nampula, Mozambique: a case study control
    Publication . Tocoloa, Alexandre; Martinho, Ana Paula; Fernandes, Ana Paula
    While the municipal solid waste management systems (MSW) dominated by the informal sector makes positive contributions to the environment, they are also characterised by inadequate service delivery, low waste recovery, operational inefficiencies and inadequate waste disposal. The presence, of municipal solid waste poses a threat to public health and the environment if not managed properly. Tocoloa, Martinho and Vaz-Fernandes focus on the detrimental impact of the MSW in Nampula city, in Mozambique, where populations live near open dumps with open burning. There chapter aims to analyze the perceptions about the effects on health and on the environment of these populations that live close to MSW dumps in the city of Nampula. Employing an epidemiological questionnaire to individuals residing in four different geographical areas, they find that the exposed populations may suffer some illnesses and injuries from living closer to the MSW but showed lack of awareness about it. The fact that waste collection is undifferentiated and the different types of MSW are all placed in these locations, it is expected that in addition to contamination by different vectors (mosquitoes, rats and domestic animals) that can cause different tropical diseases in these populations, other contaminants such as heavy metals and persistent organic compounds cannot be excluded. As uncontrolled waste burning is reported, these populations may also be exposed to dioxins and furans. These results point to the issues related to environmental justice and unequal exposure to the environmentally detrimental impact of a MSW dominated by the informal sector.
  • Environmental risk assessment in a contaminated estuary: an integrated weight of evidence approach as a decision support tool
    Publication . Caeiro, Sandra; Fernandes, Ana Paula; Martinho, Ana Paula; Costa, P. M.; Silva, M. J.; Lavinha, J.; Dias, Carlos Matias; Machado, A.; Castanheira, I.; Costa, Maria Helena
    Environmental risk assessment of complex ecosystems such as estuaries is a challenge, where innovative and integrated approaches are needed. The present work aimed at developing an innovative integrative methodology to evaluate in an impacted estuary (the Sado, in Portugal, was taken as case study), the adverse effects onto both ecosystem and human health. For the purpose, new standardized lines of evidence based on multiple quantitative data were integrated into a weight of evidence according to a best expert judgment approach. The best professional judgment for a weight of evidence approach in the present study was based on the following lines of evidence: i) human contamination pathways; ii) human health effects: chronic disease; iii) human health effects: reproductive health; iv) human health effects: health care; v) human exposure through consumption of local agriculture produce; vi) exposure to contaminated of water wells and agriculture soils; vii) contamination of the estuarine sedimentary environment (metal and organic contaminants); viii) effects on benthic organisms with commercial value; and ix) genotoxic potential of sediments. Each line of evidence was then ordinally ranked by levels of ecological or human health risk, according to a tabular decision matrix and expert judgment. Fifteen experts scored two fishing areas of the Sado estuary and a control estuarine area, in a scale of increasing environmental risk and management actions to be taken. The integrated assessment allowed concluding that the estuary should not be regarded as impacted by a specific toxicant, such as metals and organic compounds hitherto measured, but by the cumulative risk of a complex mixture of contaminants. The proven adverse effects on species with commercial value may be used to witness the environmental quality of the estuarine ecosystem. This method argues in favor of expert judgment and qualitative assessment as a decision support tool to the integrative management of estuaries. Namely it allows communicating environmental risk and proposing mitigation measures to local authorities and population under a holistic perspective as an alternative to narrow single line of evidence approaches, which is mandatory to understand cause and effect relationships in complex areas like estuaries.
  • Workshop: informação ao consumidor: novas regras de rotulagem de géneros alimentícios
    Publication . Moura, Ana Pinto de; Carrilho, Maria Teresa; Fernandes, Rui; Fernandes, Ana Paula; Caetano, Fernando J. P.; Silva, Helder Matta e; Guerreiro, Maria João
    No âmbito do curso de Mestrado em Ciências do Consumo Alimentar (MCCA)/DCeT decorreu o Wokshop intitulado: “Informação ao consumidor: novas regras de rotulagem de géneros alimentícios”, contando com a participação de um representante da Direção-Geral de Alimentação e Veterinária e da Direção Geral do Consumidor, estando a reportagem deste encontro emitida na UAbTV, bem como tendo passado enquanto notícia da UAb na Emissão UAb n.º 88 na RTP2.
  • Perceptions of populations and technicians in waste management in Nampula, Mozambique
    Publication . Tocoloa, Alexandre; Martinho, Ana Paula; Fernandes, Ana Paula
    Urban solid waste management systems (MSW) in developing countries are characterized by inadequate service delivery, low waste recovery, operational inefficiencies and inadequate waste disposal. The presence of urban solid waste poses a threat to public health and the environment if not managed properly. In Nampula city, in Mozambique, peri-urban popula-tions live near open dumps with open burning. The present study aims to analyze the implica-tions and perceptions about the effects on health and on the environment of these populations that lives close to MSW dumps in the city of Nampula. A mixed survey was used with data col-lection instruments: an epidemiological questionnaire and interview guides. The common ques-tions of these two tolls were analyzed and compare the perception of the population with the perception of health and environmental technicians of the municipality of Nampula.
  • Students’ perceptions of a food safety and quality e-learning course: a case study for a MSC in food consumption
    Publication . Fernandes, Ana Paula; Caeiro, Sandra
    Life long training and education in food safety is a crucial issue in particular for professionals working in the field. At the same time there is a need to evaluate the effectiveness of that training in particular when is given in e-learning. The purpose of this explorative work is to evaluate the Food Safety and Quality e-learning course within a Master program offered in the National Distance Learning University in Portugal. Following a case study methodology a mixed methods approached was used, based on an online questionnaire survey to students that enrolled the course, followed by a Focus Group Discussion to better discuss the weak points addressed by the students in the questionnaire. The questionnaire aimed to assess students perceptions about the course organization, recourses, assignments, acquired competences, change attitudes and behaviour and link with the professional activity Students who enrolled the course during 2016/17 and 2017/18 were surveyed in the fourth semester of the curricular year, in the period of development of the master thesis dissertation. In addition a quantitative analysis was conducted in the temporal distributions of messages published on the Moodle platform (learning analytics) to evaluate students’ interactions and engagement during the course. This study has shown that overall, students are very satisfied with the course, however they suggested improvements that are needed considering the pedagogical model used and their availability to learn as students with full time jobs, most related with the food science. This explorative research aimed to contribute to the improvement of food safety and quality training based also on recent tools and recommendations within e-learning in science education.
  • Sustainability campus working group. Annual report: 2021-2022
    Publication . Caeiro, Sandra; Fernandes, Ana Paula; Martinho, Ana Paula; Ferreira, Célia; Simão, João; Trindade, Jorge; Mapar, Mahsa; Nicolau, Paula; Pereira, Pedro; Martins, Rute; Teixeira, Teresa
  • Strengths and weaknesses of an e-learning program in environmental sciences at Universidade Aberta, Portugal
    Publication . Caeiro, Sandra; Martinho, Ana Paula; Fernandes, Ana Paula; Oliveira, Carla Padrel de; Nicolau, Paula Bacelar; Azeiteiro, Ulisses
    Earlier research studies have shown that e-learning higher education is a powerful system within teaching and education for sustainable development. In spite of the advantages of independency of time and place, compared to traditional face to face, some barriers are found showing the importance of evaluating the effectiveness of e-learning system. This paper aims to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the 1st cycle undergraduate program of environmental sciences at the Portuguese Distance Learning Education University (Universidade Aberta, Portugal). The methods included (i) data analysis relating to the candidate’s enrolment and students’ progression from the Academic Office registry of UAb; (ii) SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) of the undergraduate program (iii) inquiry by interview to student’s representatives of management councils and the university ombudsman to evaluate attitudes, barriers and motivators towards e-learning. Although higher levels of motivation, satisfaction and aptitude with e-learning of the 1st undergraduate program in environmental sciences at UAb were identified, weaknesses, namely the need to improve self-organization and time management. Recommendations to overcome the weakness found are given and new educational and teaching paths to achieve sustainability are discussed.