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Social engagement and motivation in a MOOC on school libraries

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This paper explores two editions of a MOOC delivered at Universidade Aberta’s “AULAbERTA” (Open Class) platform. This platform offers different kinds of open learning paths and concerning specifically the MOOC learning path it is relevant to understand if the pedagogical model and the strategy achieve the desired results: (i) to improve education and enlarge the access to knowledge; (ii) to deliver high quality open and online education in Portuguese. The methodology used was based on a cross analysis of learner activity statistics against certain characteristics of the participants’ profile like profession and motivations. Four categories of participants were identified and some aspects of their behaviours and engagement in the MOOC were examined, providing some insights concerning the level of participation and interaction. These elements can help us to understand some differences in the learning experiences connected with internal and external motivations and also how participants appreciate the online experience and course design.


Atas da Conferência "ICERI2019", realizada em Sevilha, de 11-13 de novembro de 2019.


MOOC Motivation Social engagement Universidade Aberta School libraries


Research Projects

Organizational Units

Journal Issue