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- Unit 5.2: A framework for digital assessment (Lecture Notes)Publication . Amante, Lúcia; Souza, Elizabeth; Teixeira, António; Paz, João; Pinto, Maria do Carmo TeixeiraThis topic will present a framework for digital assessment and has the following objectives: Objective 1: To characterize the new culture of assessment, differentiating it from the traditional assessment culture Objective 2: To identify the main dimensions and parameters of the PrACT framework for digital assessment Objective 3: Analyze the concept of regulated learning and its relationship with Peer and SelfAssessment in Higher Education Objective 4: To distinguish digital tools, instruments and means of assessment Objective 5: To design a Digital Assessment Plan
- Transforming the culture and innovating the practices of digital assessment: how MOOCs can scale up the impactPublication . Teixeira, António; Amante, Lúcia; Souza, Elizabeth; Pinto, Maria do Carmo Teixeira; Paz, JoãoThe emerging new learning scenarios made possible by the rapid dissemination of adaptive digital technologies are deeply changing higher education processes. They provide educators and learners with new opportunities for transforming their educational practices. encouraging learning innovation and challenging traditional teaching methods. This transformation is particularly significant in how learning achievement is measured, assessed, and certified. The use of learning analytics and adaptive digital technologies not only contribute to consolidate an assessment for learning approach as call for it. In the face of this challenge, educators must speedily adapt their practices to ensure that they are effectively using digital tools to support this new assessment culture. In the framework of the Erasmus+ project PROF-XXI, a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) entitled "The 21st Century Teacher: Learning to Teach with Digital Technologies" was designed and delivered to facilitate teachers’ access to good practices in this field. The MOOC included four modules covering various aspects of digital education and was designed taking as a reference the competences defined in the DigCompEdu framework. It was delivered on an Open edX instance. A total of 5,660 participants, mainly from Latin America, took this course in two cohorts, with 681 participants completing it. In this paper we describe the experience of designing a learning module specifically dedicated to digital assessment innovation for this MOOC, The aim was to inspire educational change and promote a more sustainable approach to assessment for learning based on the PrACT framework. The main results of this experience are presented and discussed, as well as lessons learnt
- Evaluación digital de aprendizajesPublication . Amante, Lúcia; Souza, Elizabeth; Pinto, Maria do Carmo TeixeiraLos contextos de aprendizaje se han diversificado y ampliado, los recursos digitales se multiplican día a día, aprendemos de múltiples maneras y en múltiples lugares, pero también hay que cambiar la pedagogía, porque sin este cambio la innovación tecnológica servirá de poco. Y, cambiar la pedagogía significa también cambiar la forma de ver la evaluación, tradicionalmente muy vinculada a su función de control y medición y muy poco a su papel formativo. Podemos cambiar la forma de enseñar, cambiar el papel meramente transmisor del profesor, apostando por un profesor que sea "arquitecto" de contextos de aprendizaje, un profesor que conduza a los alumnos en estos contextos, estimulando un proceso de aprendizaje significativo en el que participen activamente. Pero también debemos cambiar la forma de evaluar. De nada sirve utilizar una pedagogía innovadora si al final nos encerramos en formas de evaluación tradicionales, desconectadas de la realidad, que evalúan conocimientos vacíos de significado y de su aplicación. Creemos que cambiar la perspectiva sobre la evaluación es, en gran medida, la clave para el cambio pedagógico más amplio que tenemos que hacer. Necesitamos una pedagogía que esté a la altura de los retos del siglo XXI y en la que enseñar, más que transmitir, sea llevar a los alumnos a aprender. Para ello, es fundamental una nueva Cultura de la Evaluación, que le presentamos en este módulo.