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- Attitudes, barriers and motivators as factors for sustainability of higher education e-Learning programmes at Universidade Aberta, PortugalPublication . Nicolau, Paula Bacelar; Caeiro, Sandra; Martinho, Ana Paula; Azeiteiro, UlissesIn higher education distance learning institutions, where studies are carried on through a variety of distance learning regimes, from the correspondence and earlier forms of distance education to fully online e-learning programmes, and where planners and administrators seize the effective adoption and deployment of technology-enabled education, student attitude and motivation assume considerable significance. Attitudinal pre-dispositions, institutional and allied barriers (including appropriate policy initiatives), besides the scientific and pedagogical quality of degree programmes are assumed to play a crucial role in sustainability of higher education systems. This article reports the findings of a study conducted at Universidade Aberta, Portugal—the Portuguese Distance Learning Education University—to examine student attitudes towards e-learning and to identify barriers and motivators of e-learning adoption, which are key factors for decreasing dropout rates of a 2nd cycle degree e-learning programme, analysed as a case study.
- Waste prevention and education in five european countriesPublication . Matthes, K.; Schelstraete, G.; Sturm, B.; Janela, J.; Bours, M.; Gutschi, A.; Martinho, Ana PaulaThis research assessed the different goals of the EU Waste Framework Directive (2008) concerning waste prevention in five countries of the EU. The countries under research are the home countries of the EVS group members: Austria, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands and Portugal. The research about the status quo of waste prevention revealed that waste preven-tion has not reached yet. All the countries have high recycling rates and low dumping rate, ex-cept Portugal. Although decoupling trends start to appear and the countries are climbing up the waste hierarchy, waste prevention is still a mountain too far. The EVS group also checked if education was included in the waste prevention programmes and education plays a very im-portant role. The group looked for good examples of waste prevention and analyzed them with SWOT. The examples are a success in the home countries and can be implemented in other EU or even worldwide countries.
- Cidadania ambiental ativa de jovens na prevenção de resíduos: um estudo de caso em cursos profissionaisPublication . Rosário, Patrícia; Martinho, Ana Paula; Ramos, Maria do Rosário; Portela, Célia; Bagagem, TeresaO presente estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver um projeto de cidadania ambiental para que os jovens de cursos profissionais se tornem mais responsáveis no consumo e na prevenção de resíduos e sejam também agentes de mudança. Em todas estas atividades, os jovens estudantes foram participativos e sensíveis a todos as questões abordadas. Foi aplicado um conjunto de instrumentos participativos, que os tornou mais ativos e mais sensíveis para as questões de consumo e de prevenção de resíduos. Para além da aplicação de inquéritos por questionário e a realização de um debate, foi também aplicada a realização de um workshop participativo, onde os estudantes elaborarem um plano de ação com um conjunto de medidas de prevenção de resíduos para os locais onde costumam frequentar e ajustadas à sua futura vida profissional. Foi feita uma abordagem predominantemente qualitativa, com a aplicação de questionários e com a utilização da técnica de observador participante. Os dados recolhidos nos questionários serviram para fazer uma análise quantitativa com a aplicação de testes estatísticos, a fim de traçar o perfil destes alunos e explorar relações relativamente às dimensões Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Comportamentos. Este projeto recorreu a diferentes formas de avaliação que contribuíram para se realizar uma avaliação cuidada e aprofundada do projeto. Este trabalho apresenta um aspeto inovador por ter sido desenvolvido em cursos profissionais, não se tendo encontrado outros trabalhos desenvolvidos neste público-alvo. Assim, entende-se que a aplicação do projeto em outras escolas com cursos profissionais pode ajudar a sensibilizar estes jovens que estão muito próximo de entrarem no mercado do trabalho para as questões da prevenção de resíduos e da sustentabilidade.
- Integrating sustainable approaches in distance learning universities: the experience of Universidade AbertaPublication . Mapar, Mahsa; Nicolau, Paula Bacelar; Ferreira, Célia; Martins, Rute; Martinho, Ana Paula; Pereira, Pedro; Simão, João; Teixeira, Teresa; Trindade, Jorge; Fernandes, Paula Vaz; Caeiro, SandraOne of the key components in practicing sustainability and developing a sustainable Higher Education Institution (HEI) is the role played by the institution community including students and its staff, both administrative and academics according to a whole-campus approach. However, there is still a lack of how to integrate sustainability-related approaches into the HEIs, by involving the whole community of the HEI, in particular in distance-learning institutions. Recognizing this lack, Universidade Aberta (UAb), the Portuguese Distance Learning University, has recently integrated sustainability approaches into the University actions by establishing the “UAb Sustainable Campus Group” in 2021. In line with Agenda 2030, the Group promotes the sustainability approaches at UAb in 5 core elements of sustainability actions at HEIs: i) planning and administration, ii) operation and innovation, iii) academia and research, iv) assessment and reporting, and v) involvement with the community. This paper aims to reveal the recent sustainability initiatives (2021-2023) carried out by the Group and enlighten how a distance-learning University's actions, programs, and approaches have been integrated into the core elements of sustainability actions at HEIs. Several steps were implemented to address sustainability initiatives at UAb based on the proposed framework, considering: 1) “planning and administration”, by the formal commitment to sustainability that arose in the UAb Strategic Plan (2019-2023) to enforce sustainability initiatives centered on people and social commitment; 2) “operation”, by UAb contribution to the resource efficiency programs; 3) “academia and research”, by designing a micro-credential module entitled “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”, that were piloted in the academic year 2022-2023 and were evaluated the students’ knowledge improvement on SDGs and sustainability and their perceptions on the effectiveness of the training through pre- and postquestionnaires; 4) “assessment and reporting”, through self-assessment and reporting tools, among them, Time Higher Education Impact Ranking, which ranked the UAb sustainability initiatives towards SDGs 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, and 17. Also, with the collaboration of the administrative staff, the UAb Ecological Footprint (EF) was self-assessed through the University Ecological Footprint Calculator, which allows HEIs to calculate their consumption of natural resources and ecosystem services within the direct and indirect responsibilities of the administration, by bearing in mind the specific feature of distance learning. The results for “planning and administration” showed the UAb commitment to sustainable campus by the signatory of several associations, e.g., RCS-Portugal, AASHE - Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education, and Lisbon Green Commitment to implement a set of measures to reduce the environmental impacts by 2030. In the “operation” element, the results revealed the UAb contribution to the Resource Efficiency Program in Public Administration - ECO.AP 2030 to reduce the consumption of resources and respective Greenhouse Gas emissions facilities, as well as the Energy Saving Plan (2022-2023). The results of the “academia and research” element based on the SDGs course showed the students’ knowledge improvement of both Sustainability and SDGs and a high level of satisfaction with the training, mainly appreciating the “diversified learning resources”. The results of the “assessment and reporting” based on THE displayed the UAb improvement on SDGs 4 and 5. The results of the EF calculator disclosed that “staff labour” was the main driver of the UAb Footprint in direct responsibility, whereas “energy consumption at home” was the main indirect contributor to the UAb Footprint, which showed the effect of distance learning on the results. Future work of the Group includes offering the SDGs micro-credential, targeting also public and private organizations, and later as a formal curricular unit in various degrees, thus enhancing the “involving the community” element. Also, based on the results of the assessment tools, the major drivers of unsustainability at UAb will be identified to assist the necessary improvement to reduce the environmental impact of UAb, thus reinforcing its commitment to building a more sustainable community. The framework for the implementation of sustainability in UAb can be adapted and tested in other HEI to produce robust knowledge and action in this context.
- Comparação entre modelos pedagógicos de dois cursos de licenciatura na modalidade a distância em ciências aplicadas em Portugal e no BrasilPublication . Ishida, Márcia; Martinho, Ana Paula; Amante, Lúcia; Pereira, Pedro; Caeiro, SandraA Universidade Aberta de Portugal, fundada em 1988, é a única instituição pública de ensino superior a distância no país, oferecendo cursos para qualquer parte do mundo. Tornou-se referência no domínio avançado do e-learning e da aprendizagem online através do desenvolvimento do seu Modelo Pedagógico Virtual. No Brasil, a partir da implantação do Sistema Universidade Aberta, a educação a distância vem sendo implementada sistematicamente nas Instituições de Ensino Superior Públicas, como uma das políticas governamentais de inclusão social e acesso ao ensino superior público de qualidade. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo comparar dois modelos pedagógicos de cursos de licenciatura oferecidos na modalidade a distância na área das ciências aplicadas: Ciências do Ambiente da Universidade Aberta de Portugal e Ciências Biológicas da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, integrante do Sistema Universidade Aberta do Brasil. As diferenças são realçadas e é efetuada uma análise SWOT a cada curso (Forças, Fraquezas, Oportunidades e Condicionantes), tendo em conta que são cursos na área das ciências e normalmente associados a componentes presenciais práticas. Concluiu-se que a troca de experiências entre universidades que adotam o sistema de aprendizagem e-learning e a parceria com instituição de prestígio como a Universidade Aberta de Portugal que possui tradição nessa modalidade de ensino possibilitam o aperfeiçoamento do Projeto Político Pedagógico dos cursos superiores no Brasil e contribuem para a democratização do acesso ao ensino superior de qualidade no Brasil e em Portugal.
- Legal frameworksPublication . Caeiro, Sandra; Martinho, Ana Paula; Morgado, Lina; Pereira, Alda
- Epidemiological risk perceptions of people living close to open dumps in Nampula, Mozambique: a case study controlPublication . Tocoloa, Alexandre; Martinho, Ana Paula; Fernandes, Ana PaulaWhile the municipal solid waste management systems (MSW) dominated by the informal sector makes positive contributions to the environment, they are also characterised by inadequate service delivery, low waste recovery, operational inefficiencies and inadequate waste disposal. The presence, of municipal solid waste poses a threat to public health and the environment if not managed properly. Tocoloa, Martinho and Vaz-Fernandes focus on the detrimental impact of the MSW in Nampula city, in Mozambique, where populations live near open dumps with open burning. There chapter aims to analyze the perceptions about the effects on health and on the environment of these populations that live close to MSW dumps in the city of Nampula. Employing an epidemiological questionnaire to individuals residing in four different geographical areas, they find that the exposed populations may suffer some illnesses and injuries from living closer to the MSW but showed lack of awareness about it. The fact that waste collection is undifferentiated and the different types of MSW are all placed in these locations, it is expected that in addition to contamination by different vectors (mosquitoes, rats and domestic animals) that can cause different tropical diseases in these populations, other contaminants such as heavy metals and persistent organic compounds cannot be excluded. As uncontrolled waste burning is reported, these populations may also be exposed to dioxins and furans. These results point to the issues related to environmental justice and unequal exposure to the environmentally detrimental impact of a MSW dominated by the informal sector.
- The role of the regulator to promote the sustainability of water supply in PortugalPublication . Almeida, Octávio; Jacquinet, Marc; Martinho, Ana PaulaWater is considered one of the most important natural resources and according to its scarcity and cost, it necessary to implement a sustainable management of its use. One of the reasons for the unsustainable management of the sector in Portugal is the failure of the national Strategic Plan 2006-2013. It is no surprise that, either in relation to coverage ratios, or with respect to the quality of the water supplied, Portugal is meeting the goals set out by the government. The of sustainability of the sector is another one, it’s related to the way the sector is organized and managed. Regarding the reorganization of the sector with a concentration of operators (ending micro operators without technical and financial dimension), the vertical systems (from catchment to home delivery), the desired concentration ranges (in water supply and wastewater treatment), the use of partnerships between the State and the municipalities and a uniform tariff, nothing has been done and none of these aspects of the government objectives have been implemented. It is therefore necessary to create or strengthen the institutions that promote the protection of water resources. Among these institutions the Regulatory Authority and Waste Water Services (ERSAR) plays a central role, with a wide range of functions from defending the quality of the water services, its fair distribution, the sustainability of water resources, the respect of legal mechanisms, the training and information of and on the sector, to the financial and taxes instruments. As Gerlach and Franceys (2010:1229) refer: "the new regulators face the tremendous challenge of stimulating and supporting water service providers to improve their poor performance record, which affects the disproportionately lower income population" and "[...] regulators are required to balance politically potentially sensitive and conflicting efficiency and welfare objectives." The objective of this study is to deepen the knowledge of the framework and role of ERSAR powers, allowing make sustainable management of water supply systems in Portugal, after the high investments made in the sector in the last 20 years. These results will be obtained based on bibliographic research, application of a survey to different entities with competences in water services in European Union (Benchmarking) and application of a Interview to key actors (municipalities) in Setúbal District, in Portugal.
- NETCU: analising e-Learning neworked curricula in Europe: the importance of legal and quality assurance aspectsPublication . Martinho, Ana Paula; Caeiro, Sandra; Morgado, Lina; Pereira, Alda; Truyen, Fred; Ubachs, George; Leuven, K. U.
- Environmental risk assessment in a contaminated estuary: an integrated weight of evidence approach as a decision support toolPublication . Caeiro, Sandra; Fernandes, Ana Paula; Martinho, Ana Paula; Costa, P. M.; Silva, M. J.; Lavinha, J.; Dias, Carlos Matias; Machado, A.; Castanheira, I.; Costa, Maria HelenaEnvironmental risk assessment of complex ecosystems such as estuaries is a challenge, where innovative and integrated approaches are needed. The present work aimed at developing an innovative integrative methodology to evaluate in an impacted estuary (the Sado, in Portugal, was taken as case study), the adverse effects onto both ecosystem and human health. For the purpose, new standardized lines of evidence based on multiple quantitative data were integrated into a weight of evidence according to a best expert judgment approach. The best professional judgment for a weight of evidence approach in the present study was based on the following lines of evidence: i) human contamination pathways; ii) human health effects: chronic disease; iii) human health effects: reproductive health; iv) human health effects: health care; v) human exposure through consumption of local agriculture produce; vi) exposure to contaminated of water wells and agriculture soils; vii) contamination of the estuarine sedimentary environment (metal and organic contaminants); viii) effects on benthic organisms with commercial value; and ix) genotoxic potential of sediments. Each line of evidence was then ordinally ranked by levels of ecological or human health risk, according to a tabular decision matrix and expert judgment. Fifteen experts scored two fishing areas of the Sado estuary and a control estuarine area, in a scale of increasing environmental risk and management actions to be taken. The integrated assessment allowed concluding that the estuary should not be regarded as impacted by a specific toxicant, such as metals and organic compounds hitherto measured, but by the cumulative risk of a complex mixture of contaminants. The proven adverse effects on species with commercial value may be used to witness the environmental quality of the estuarine ecosystem. This method argues in favor of expert judgment and qualitative assessment as a decision support tool to the integrative management of estuaries. Namely it allows communicating environmental risk and proposing mitigation measures to local authorities and population under a holistic perspective as an alternative to narrow single line of evidence approaches, which is mandatory to understand cause and effect relationships in complex areas like estuaries.