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- Agrarian migrant workers in times of Covid-19 pandemic: the cases of Spain and PortugalPublication . Jacquinet, Marc; Bussotti, LucaThe research addresses the impact of the pandemic on rural migrant workers in two Southern European countries that are at the center of a restructured supply chains of fresh vegetables: Portugal and Spain, where a new political economy of agriculture emerged in the last decades. These two well-known countries for wine produce also olive, olive oils, almonds, tomatoes, oranges, grapes, and other fruits and vegetables. Traditionally, the workers were still in the 1990s mostly coming from local places. Now, immigrants from Sub-Saharan and Northern Africa and from Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Asia are a large part of the agrarian labor force. The vulnerability, discrimination, and difficulties of livelihood of these migrants workers are common currency and, despite contradictory economic incentives, the pandemic has made matters worst, especially for women and individuals not speaking the local languages. After describing the historical evolution and differences of the agrarian sectors of the two countries for fresh fruits and vegetables, we discuss the impact of the pandemic with a focus on gender. Whereas the situation before the pandemic was precarious and slowly improving on some counts, namely the increase of worker organization, the current process is one of recess. The paper identifies questions neglected by the literature on the pandemic in rural areas, in particular the vulnerability of immigrant workers to hunger, austerity, gender divide and discrimination, health risks, heavy constrained work, deportation, joblessness, and the lack of policies to ease social and economic ills beyond the focus on temporary normalization and repression.
- Artificial intelligence, big data, platform capitalism and public policy: an evolutionary perspectivePublication . Jacquinet, MarcThe present paper aims to discuss the change in political economy when considering the new context and complexity of social, environmental and economic issues today, and more recently all the debates around artificial intelligence, big data and platform capitalism. First, it is important that the reflection be situated in the new and latest phase of transformation of the capitalist system, either globally or locally. Second, the convergence between artificial intelligence, big data, computer science and platforms is not fortuitous and there is more than buzzwords, but new real economic processes emerging. Third, the evolutionary perspective adopted here is based on complexity theory and the recent developments in the study of innovation, technological change and institutions, from a rather heterodox view mixed with economic history. Fourth, the historical dimension of change and the need to adopt a long view of historical processes, namely because of uncertainty, ignorance and constraints on economic agents. Finally, the problem of framing political issues and measures is tackled and is related to the level of complexity of what is at stake with the digital transformation of capitalist economies and different types of democratic societies.
- Business intelligence and of transformational leadershipPublication . Nobre, Ângela Lacerda; Duarte, Rogério; Jacquinet, Marc; Pimentel, Fernando; Silva, MariaThe evolution of the twenty-first century has witnessed the raise of management sciences and the sophistication of its tools and methodologies. A critical part of such evolution has been the development of computing science technologies. Under this setting, Quality Management Systems have developed as a fundamental bridge between information systems and the strategic and operational sides of both businesses and of public institutions. The strategic power of information management has been configured as the field of Business Intelligence, which captures the dynamic circuits of business process modelling and of the decision-making flows.
- Convivialismo como quadro normativo de uma nova economia política (nos campus)Publication . Jacquinet, MarcA ideia de convivialismo não é nova, mas ganhou na última década novo folego com a publicação do primeiro manifesto convivialista em 2012 e o segundo manifesto em 2020. O objetivo desta comunicação é debater a relevância do convivialismo como enquadramento normativo das atividades sustentáveis e a promoção de comunidades sustentáveis em campus universitários ou politécnicos assim como na sociedade, nomeadamente em organizações da sociedade civil e associações de cidadãos. A apresentação visa descrever as dimensões de uma comunidade convivial para depois discutir alguns estudos de caso e apresentar algumas aplicações possíveis no domínio do ensino superior ou de agrupamentos ou associações sustentáveis.
- Emerging boundaries of human rights, conviviality, and social science of globalization: critiques in search of new dynamicsPublication . Jacquinet, Marc; Bussotti, Luca; Nhaueleque, LauraThe panel deals with three interrelated issues – even if their commonness does not seem that obvious – of the current transformations of global societies and social sciences across very diverse geographical areas around the globe: human rights, conviviality (Caillé) and the issue of the “global” in social sciences. Each subject is contested. Each has reached a “frontier” and the debate turns around the question of regress or new ways of expansion. So, the question is what are the dynamics of new phenomena that try to cross the frontier.
- A gestão do conhecimento e a renovação das economias capitalistas num Mundo globalizado: uma análise crítica dos discursos e das realidades europeiasPublication . Jacquinet, MarcTanto na literatura especializada nas ciências de gestão e administração como em obras e revistas de divulgação, o conceito de gestão do conhecimento tem vindo a adquirir um lugar de destaque impar e consistente. Embora haja sinais de superficialidade, não se trata apenas de uma moda, mas sim de uma premência do discurso e do espelho de uma realidade em profunda transformação. Há um claro paralelo entre o processo de globalização e o desenvolvimento da economia do conhecimento, e é neste quadro que temos que estudar o discurso e as práticas (sociais) da gestão quando se referem ao conhecimento. Depois de descrever na primeira secção as grandes transformações económicas e sociais relativas à globalização, numa perspectiva socioeconómica, passaremos, numa segunda parte, à definição dos conceitos de conhecimento, economia do conhecimento, globalização, governance e gestão do conhecimento, dando relevo às ligações entre os conceitos. Numa terceira parte, na base da sociologia económica e das organizações estabelecemos o quadro de análise dos discursos e das realidades organizacionais. Na quarta parte, procedemos a uma análise mais elaborada da emergência do factor “conhecimento” na economia e, sobretudo, nas organizações. Na parte final, enunciamos várias conclusões, uma das mais importantes é a de uma transformação concomitante dos discursos e das realidades, mas de um modo caracterizado pela diversidade e pelas desigualdades de velocidades de transformação ou adaptação
- HEI in the context of global citizenshipPublication . Jacquinet, Marc; Nobre, Ângela Lacerda; Duarte, Rogério; Silva, Maria Luisa; Pimentel, FernandoThe last decades have seen an expansion of the application of Quality Systems in the service sectors and in the public service sectors, including in Higher Education Institutions (HEI). Taking into account the fact that educational institutions are the incubators of future societies, it is critical to understand the role played by Quality Systems in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of such sector. HEI replicate or else reject and innovate the basic settings of each society. HEI both repeat and strengthen the social norms, the social conventions and the belief systems of each society or else they renovate and create new operational modes of existence. Global change happens as a result of the cumulative effect of such partial changes.
- Novas dimensões do risco, incertezas emergentes nos usos de big data e inteligência artificialPublication . Jacquinet, Marc; Bussotti, Luca; Cavique, LuísDepois de uma evolução constante, e mais recentemente, em apenas uma década, o uso da informação nas ciências, nas empresas e na sociedade se tem modificado profundamente. O objetivo desta comunicação é discutir as transformações do risco, com as novas zonas de sombra nos processos decisórios em relação à utilização massiva de dados e de ferramentas de inteligência artificia. Destas transformações, resultam em novas combinações no vida cotidiana e nas tomadas de decisões, nomeadamente em empresas e nos sistemas políticos e nos processos eleitorais.
- The idea of regional policy: Fundamental issuesPublication . Jacquinet, MarcThis paper deals with two types of economic policies: innovation and regional policies. It focuses on the current problems of regional policy in the European context.