Browsing by Author "Martins, Marta"
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- Alfabetização baseada na ciência: manual do curso ABCPublication . Nadalim, Carlos Francisco de Paula; Alçada, Isabel; Goucha, Tomás; Martins, Marta; Alves, Diana; Pollo, Tatiana; Lopes, João A.; Costa, Ana; Aguiar, Cecília; Mata, Lourdes; Cadime, Irene; Silva, Ana Cristina; Treiman, Rebecca; Gomes, Inês; Vale, Ana Paula; Fernandes, Sandra; Sousa, Otília de; Pereira, Teresa Costa; Martins, Margarida Alves; Alves, Rui A.; Silva, Mariana; Joshi, Malatesha; Carreker, Suzanne; Moats, Louisa C.; Soares, Ana Paula; Lousada, Marisa; Ramalho, Margarida; Araújo, Susana; Moura, Octávio; Alves, Rui A; Leite, IsabelO presente manual faz parte do projeto ABC – Alfabetização Baseada na Ciência, fruto de um Acordo de Cooperação Internacional celebrado entre a Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), a Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto (FPCEUP), o Instituto Politécnico do Porto (IPP) e a Universidade Aberta de Portugal (UAb). Essa importante parceria tem o objetivo de contribuir para a formação continuada dos profissionais da educação brasileiros que atuam na área de alfabetização, somando-se aos vários esforços que têm sido envidados pelo Ministério da Educação (MEC) para elevar a qualidade dos processos de alfabetização no Brasil e, consequentemente, os seus resultados. A formação de professores tem sido um dos pilares da Política Nacional de Alfabetização (PNA), instituída pelo MEC por meio do Decreto 9.765/19, a qual destaca entre seus princípios a fundamentação de programas e ações em evidências provenientes das ciências cognitivas, bem como a adoção de referenciais de políticas públicas exitosas, nacionais e estrangeiras, baseadas em evidências científicas.
- Assessment of the genotoxic potential of contaminated estuarine sediments in fish peripheral blood: laboratory versus in situ studiesPublication . Costa, Pedro M.; Neuparth, Teresa S.; Caeiro, Sandra; Lobo, Jorge; Martins, Marta; Ferreira, Ana M.; Caetano, Miguel; Vale, Carlos; DelValls, T. Ángel; Costa, Maria HelenaJuvenile Senegalese soles (Solea senegalensis) were exposed to estuarine sediments through 28-day laboratory and in situ (field) bioassays. The sediments, collected from three distinct sites (a reference plus two contaminated) of the Sado Estuary (W Portugal) were characterized for total organic matter, redox potential, fine fraction and for the levels of metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and organochlorines, namely polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and dichloro diphenyl tricholoethane plus its main metabolites (DDTs). Genotoxicity was determined in whole peripheral blood by the single-cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE or ‘‘comet’’) assay and by scoring erythrocytic nuclear abnormalities (ENA). Analysis was complemented with the determination of lipid peroxidation in blood plasma by the thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) protocol and cell type sorting. The results showed that exposure to contaminated sediments induced DNA fragmentation and clastogenesis. Still, laboratory exposure to the most contaminated sediment revealed a possible antagonistic effect between metallic and organic contaminants that might have been enhanced by increased bioavailability. The laboratory assay caused a more pronounced increase in ENA whereas a very significant increase in DNA fragmentation was observed in field-tested fish exposed to the reference sediment, which is likely linked to increased lipid peroxidation that probably occurred due to impaired access to food. Influence of natural pathogens was ruled out by unaltered leukocyte counts. The statistical integration of data correlated lipid peroxidation with biological variables such as fish length and weight, whereas the genotoxicity biomarkers were more correlated to sediment contamination. It was demonstrated that laboratory and field bioassays for the risk assessment of sediment contamination may yield different genotoxicity profiles although both provided results that are in overall accordance with sediment contamination levels. While field assays may provide more ecologically relevant data, the multiple environmental variables may produce sufficient background noise to mask the true effects of contamination.
- Biochemical endpoints on juvenile Solea senegalensis exposedPublication . Costa, Pedro M.; Caeiro, Sandra; Diniz, Mário S.; Lobo, Jorge; Martins, Marta; Ferreira, Ana M.; Caetano, Miguel; Vale, Carlos; DelValls, T. Ángel; Costa, Maria HelenaJuvenile Solea senegalensis were exposed to fresh sediments from three stations of the Sado estuary (Portugal) in 28-day laboratory assays. Sediments revealed distinct levels of total organic matter, fine fraction, redox potential, trace elements (arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, nickel, lead and zinc) and organic contaminants (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls and a pesticide: dichloro diphenyl trichloroethane). Organisms were surveyed for contaminant bioaccumulation and induction of two hepatic biochemical biomarkers: metallothionein (MT) and cytochrome P450 (CYP1A), as potential indicators of exposure to metallic and organic contaminants, respectively. Using an integrative approach it was established that, although bioaccumulation is in general accordance with sediment contamination, lethality and biomarker responses are not linearly dependent of the cumulative concentrations of sediment contaminants but rather of their bioavailability and synergistic effects in organisms. It is concluded that metals and organic contaminants modulate both MT and CYP1A induction and it is suggested that reactive oxygen species may be the link between responses and effects of toxicity.
- A description of chloride cell and kidney tubule alterations in the flatfish Solea senegalensis exposed to moderately contaminated sediments from the Sado estuary (Portugal)Publication . Costa, Pedro M.; Caeiro, Sandra; Diniz, Mário S.; Lobo, Jorge; Martins, Marta; Ferreira, Ana M.; Caetano, Miguel; Vale, Carlos; DelValls, T. Ángel; Costa, Maria HelenaThe effects of sediment-bound contaminants on kidney and gill chloride cells were surveyed in juvenile Solea senegalensis exposed to fresh sediments collected from three distinct sites of the Sado Estuary (Portugal) in a 28-day laboratorial assay. Sediments were analyzed for metallic contaminants, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and organochlorines as well as for total organic matter, redox potential and fine fraction. The potential for causing adverse biological effects of each surveyed sediment was assessed by comparison of contaminant levels to available guidelines for coastal sediments, namely the Threshold Effects Level (TEL) and the Probable Effects Level (PEL). The Sediment Quality Guideline Quotient indices (SQGQ) were calculated to compare the overall contamination levels of the three stations. A qualitative approach was employed to analyze the histo/cytopathological traits in gill chloride cells and body kidney of fish exposed to each tested sediment for 0, 14 and 28 days. The results showed that sediment contamination can be considered low to moderate and that the least contaminated sediment (from a reference site, with the lowest SQGQ) caused lesser changes in the surveyed organs. However, the most contaminated sediment (by both metallic and organic xenobiotics, with highest SQGQ) was neither responsible for the highest mortality nor for the most pronounced lesions. Exposure to the sediment presenting an intermediate SQGQ, essentially contaminated by organic compounds, caused the highest mortality (48%) and the most severe damage to kidneys, up to full renal necrosis. Chloride cell alterations were similar in fish exposed to the two most contaminated sediments and consisted of a pronounced cellular hypertrophy, likely involving fluid retention and loss of mitochondria. It can be concluded that sediment contamination considered to be low or moderate may be responsible for severe injury to cells and parenchyma involved in the maintenance of osmotic balance, contributing for the high mortality levels observed. The results suggest that sediment-bound organic contaminants such as PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) and PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) may be very toxic to the analyzed organs, especially the kidney, even when present in lowrisk concentrations.
- Evaluation of the potential of the common cockle (cerastoderma edule l.) for the ecological risk assessment of estuarine sediments: Bioaccumulation and biomarkersPublication . Lobo, Jorge; Costa, Pedro M.; Caeiro, Sandra; Martins, Marta; Ferreira, Ana M.; Caetano, Miguel; Cesário, Rute; Vale, Carlos; Costa, Maria HelenaCommon cockles (Cerastoderma edule, L. 1758, Bivalvia: Cardiidae) were subjected to a laboratory assay with sediments collected from distinct sites of the Sado Estuary (Portugal). Cockles were obtained from a mariculture site of the Sado Estuary and exposed through 28-day, semi-static, assays to sediments collected from three sites of the estuary. Sediments from these sites revealed different physico-chemical properties and levels of metals and organic contaminants, ranging from unimpacted (the reference site) to moderately impacted, when compared to available sediment quality guidelines. Cockles were surveyed for bioaccumulation of trace elements (Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cd and Pb) and organic contaminants (PAHs, PCBs and DDTs). Two sets of potential biomarkers were employed to assess toxicity: whole-body metallothionein (MT) induction and digestive gland histopathology. The bioaccumulation factor and the biota-to-soil accumulation factor were estimated as ecological indices of exposure to metals and organic compounds. From the results it is inferred that C. edule responds to sediment-bound contamination and might, therefore, be suitable for biomonitoring. The species was found capable to regulate and eliminate both types of contaminants. Still, the sediment contamination levels do not account for all the variation in bioaccumulation and MT levels, which may result from the moderate metal concentrations found in sediments, the species’ intrinsic resistance to pollution and from yet unexplained xenobiotic interaction effects.
- Hepatic proteome changes in solea senegalensis exposed to contaminated estuarine sediments: a laboratory and in situ surveyPublication . Costa, Pedro M.; Chicano-Gálvez, Eduardo; Caeiro, Sandra; Lobo, Jorge; Martins, Marta; Ferreira, Ana M.; Caetano, Miguel; Vale, Carlos; Alhama-Carmona, José; Lopez-Barea, Juan; DelValls, T. Ángel; Costa, Maria HelenaAssessing toxicity of contaminated estuarine sediments poses a challenge to ecotoxicologists due to the complex geochemical nature of sediments and to the combination of multiple classes of toxicants. Juvenile Senegalese soles were exposed for 14 days in the laboratory and in situ (field) to sediments from three sites (a reference plus two contaminated) of a Portuguese estuary. Sediment characterization confirmed the combination of metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and organochlorines in the two contaminated sediments. Changes in liver cytosolic protein regulation patterns were determined by a combination of two-dimensional electrophoresis with de novo sequencing by tandem mass spectrometry. From the forty-one cytosolic proteins found to be deregulated, nineteen were able to be identified, taking part in multiple cellular processes such as anti-oxidative defence, energy production, proteolysis and contaminant catabolism (especially oxidoreductase enzymes). Besides a clear distinction between animals exposed to the reference and contaminated sediments, differences were also observed between laboratory- and in situ-tested fish. Soles exposed in the laboratory to the contaminated sediments failed to induce, or even markedly down-regulated, many proteins, with the exception of a peroxiredoxin (an anti-oxidant enzyme) and a few others, when compared to reference fish. In situ exposure to the contaminated sediments revealed significant up-regulation of basal metabolism-related enzymes, comparatively to the reference condition. Down-regulation of basal metabolism enzymes, related to energy production and gene transcription, in fish exposed in the laboratory to the contaminated sediments, may be linked to sedimentbound contaminants and likely compromised the organisms’ ability to deploy adequate responses against insult.
- Histological biomarkers in liver and gills of juvenile Solea senegalensis exposedPublication . Costa, Pedro M.; Diniz, Mário S.; Caeiro, Sandra; Lobo, Jorge; Martins, Marta; Ferreira, Ana M.; Caetano, Miguel; Vale, Carlos; DelValls, T. Ángel; Costa, Maria HelenaYoung juvenile Solea senegalensis were exposed to three sediments with distinct contamination profiles collected from a Portuguese estuary subjected to anthropogenic sources of contamination (the Sado estuary, western Portugal). Sedimentswere surveyed formetals (cadmium, chromium, copper, nickel, lead and zinc), ametalloid (arsenic) and organic contaminants (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls and a pesticide, dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane plus itsmetabolites), aswell as total organic matter, redox potential and particle fine fraction. The fish were exposed to freshly collected sediments in a 28-day laboratorial assay and collected for histological analyses at days 0 (T0), 14 (T14) and 28 (T28). Individual weighted histopathological indices were obtained, based on presence/absence data of eight and nine liver and gill pathologies, respectively, and on their biological significance. Although livers sustained more severe lesions, the sediments essentially contaminated by organic substances caused more damage to both organs than the sediments contaminated by both metallic and organic contaminants, suggesting a possible synergistic effect. Correlation analyses showed that some alterations are linked, forming distinctive histopathological patterns that are in accordance with the severity of lesions and sediment characteristics. The presence of large eosinophilic bodies in liver and degeneration of mucous cells in gills (a first-time described alteration)were some of the most noticeable alterations observed and were related to sediment organic contaminants. Body size has been found to be negatively correlated with histopathological damage in livers following longer term exposures. It is concluded that histopathological indices provide reliable and discriminatory data even when biomonitoring as complex media as natural sediments. It is also concluded that the effects of contamination may result not only from toxicant concentrations but also from their interactions, relative potency and sediment characteristics that ultimately determine bioavailability.
- May sediment contamination be xenoestrogenic to benthic fish? : a case study with Solea senegalensisPublication . Gonçalves, Cátia; Martins, Marta; Diniz, Mário; Costa, Maria Helena; Caeiro, Sandra; Costa, Pedro M.Within an environmental risk assessment framework of a moderately contaminated estuary (the Sado, SW Portugal), the present work intended to detect endocrine disruption in a flatfish, Solea senegalensis Kaup, 1858, and its potential relationship to organic toxicants. Animals were collected from two distinct areas in the estuary (industrial and rural) and from an external reference area. Hepatic vitellogenin (VTG) levels, cytochrome P450 (CYP1A) induction, ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) activity plus gonad histology were analysed. Males and females were sexually immature and showed no significant evidence of degenerative pathologies. However, hepatic VTG concentrations in males from the industrial area were higher than Reference, even reaching levels comparable to females, indicating low but measurable oestrogenic effects caused by the complex contaminant mixture in estuarine sediments. These in- dividuals also presented elevated CYP1A induction and EROD activity, which is consistent with contamination by organic toxicants such as PAHs and other aryl hydrocarbon receptor (Ahr) -mediated toxicants.
- Transcriptomic analyses in a benthic fish exposed to contaminated estuarine sediments through laboratory and in situ bioassaysPublication . Costa, Pedro M.; Miguel, Célia; Caeiro, Sandra; Lobo, Jorge; Martins, Marta; Ferreira, Ana M.; Caetano, MiguelThe transcription of contaminant responserelated genes was investigated in juvenile Senegalese soles exposed to sediments from three distinct sites (a reference plus two contaminated) of a Portuguese estuary (the Sado, W Portugal) through simultaneous 28-day laboratory and in situ bioassays. Transcription of cytochrome P450 1A (CYP1A), metallothionein 1 (MT1), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), catalase (CAT), caspase 3 (CASP3) and 90 kDa heat-shock protein alpha (HSP90AA) was surveyed in the liver by real-time PCR. CASP3 transcription analysis was complemented by surveying apoptosis through the TUNEL reaction. After 14 days of exposure, relative transcription was either reduced or decreased in fish exposed to the contaminated sediments, revealing a disturbance stress phase during which animals failed to respond to insult. After 28 days of exposure all genes’ transcription responded to contamination but laboratory and in situ assays depicted distinct patterns of regulation. Although sediments revealed a combination of organic and inorganic toxicants, transcription of the CYP1A gene was consistently correlated to organic contaminants. Metallothionein regulation was found correlated to metallic and organic xenobiotic contamination in the laboratory and in situ, respectively. The transcription of oxidative stress-related genes can be a good indicator of general stress but caution is mandatory when interpreting the results since regulation may be influenced by multiple factors. As for MT1, HSP90 up-regulation has potential to be a good indicator for total contamination, as well as the CASP3 gene, even though hepatocyte apoptosis depicted values inconsistent with sediment contamination, showing that programmed cell death did not directly depend on caspase transcription alone.