Browsing by Author "Carvalho, Isabel Cristina"
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- 4AP: empreendedorismo na indústria cultural e criativaPublication . Bidarra, José; Veiga, Pedro Alves da; Carvalho, Isabel Cristina
- ARTPRENEUR: uma proposta diferenciadora para a introdução ao empreendedorismo no ensino das artesPublication . Carvalho, Isabel Cristina; Veiga, Pedro Alves da; Bidarra, JoséEste trabalho apresenta o processo de conceção e desenvolvimento de um currículo inovador, baseado numa metodologia de lógica de Dinâmica de Sistemas e ferramentas digitais, instigador de competências empreendedoras e resilientes do aluno. Este currículo foi desenvolvido no âmbito do projeto “4ArtPreneur – Innovative Thinking Competences for Creative Art Entrepreneurship” e promove a educação de competências para o empreendedorismo artístico e cultural. São abordadas temáticas relativas aos diferentes tipos de artes e meios de comunicação, ao valor da arte, à propriedade intelectual e direitos de autor, às estratégias de comunicação, marketing e financiamento mais apropriados aos diferentes negócios culturais e artísticos.
- ComPassos com histórias : narrativas digitais de CaminhaPublication . Carvalho, Isabel Cristina; Bidarra, José; Figueiredo, MauroComPassos com histórias explora o contributo da média-arte locativa para o registo da identidade e das vivências de uma comunidade através da exploração do espaço urbano da Vila de Caminha, geolocalizando narrativas digitais de memórias urbanas e, incitando à (re)descoberta desse espaço, num exercício de deriva pelas memórias dos seus habitantes. O acesso a essas memórias é facilitado por duas vias, num plano digital através de um eBook interativo e num plano físico, real, através de uma aplicação, com tecnologia de Realidade Aumentada, que permite a visualização em formato de pequenos vídeos in loco.
- A deriva na análise do espaço urbano, na perspetiva da média-arte locativaPublication . Carvalho, Isabel Cristina; Bidarra, José; Figueiredo, MauroEste artigo reflete sobre a deriva urbana, em contexto pedagógico, realizada na Vila de Caminha, como prática artística e enquanto exercício de experimentação, leitura e análise daquele espaço. Através de tecnologia móvel, nomeadamente smartphones e tablets, aborda-se a média-arte locativa como instigadora da experimentação de espaços urbanos. Explora-se a deriva como exercício de apreensão urbana e processo de procura e levantamento de narrativas locativas. Com base numa investigação teórica e na análise de resultados empíricos obtidos com tecnologias de realidade aumentada atualmente existentes, reflete-se ainda acerca do papel da média-arte locativa na vivência de espaços urbanos e no seu contributo na preservação de memórias e identidades locais, pela descoberta e partilha de narrativas georreferenciadas, contextualizando-as e imbuindo-as no próprio espaço físico.
- Digital narratives & urban artivist networks: a theoretical-methodological approachPublication . Carvalho, Isabel Cristina; Viegas, Sílvia LeiriaThis article explores the disciplinary and thematic convergences of digital media art, urban life and social activism (in the digital plan), merging into a cohesive exploration of digital narratives and their role in supporting and boosting urban artivist networks. In fact, digital tools provide unique opportunities to broaden the scope and impact of socially-engaged art, primarily through artivist practices, while highlighting and emphasising inspiring existences and positions concerning urban rights and building citizenship. As such, in this exploratory essay, we seek to stress the importance of building counter-narratives from the grassroots based on ways of life, habits, customs and everyday experiences historically overlooked by dominant systems while at the same time building theoretical-methodological framework to deconstruct urban strategies and practices and support different forms of self-representation. We will use two complementary dimensions to build our approach: (1) collecting, interpreting and processing data and (2) giving visibility to the referred alternative narratives. Regarding urban processes and physical spaces, these dimensions follow Lefebvre’s structural thinking on the production of social space and the right to the city, pointing out activist methodologies, e.g. those following principles of social justice, human rights, inclusion and equity, among others giving voice and space to the vulnerable individuals and communities.
- Exploring the role of digital assistants and chatbots as learning companions in open and distance learningPublication . Morgado, Lina; Oliveira, Teresa; Afonso, Ana Paula; Carvalho, Isabel Cristina; Ferret, NathalieDigital assistants, virtual tutors or chatbots are new digital tools that significantly enhanced their support for teaching activities, especially in the case of distance learning. Technological advancements have made it possible for these devices to be integrated into various platforms, particularly LMSs or aggregated into virtual settings. In distance learning, student support is a crucial variable as this type of teaching is entirely mediated by technology. Based on the ODL literature, students often encounter difficulties due to a lack of comprehension of tasks, emotional factors and interaction with their teachers and tutors [1], [2]. This article reports on our experiences integrating digital assistants - Virtual tutors and Chatbots- in academic, professional development contexts of teacher training (TUTORIA VIRTUAL project - the virtual tutor as a mediating artefact for Higher education online learning) and scientific support for ODL students in a graduation course (IDEAS Project - An Innovative Digital Education and Skills Approach). The digital assistant (the Virtual Tutor) is a representation of a human teacher or tutor. It autonomously interprets each teaching-learning situation and intervenes with the student according to a specific tutoring plan. The plan includes instructions from the teacher/human tutor and is tailored to the field of knowledge and the student's profile. The Virtual Tutor was developed by a Portuguese consortium of researchers to analyse the pedagogical impact of integrating anthropomorphic interfaces with emotional characteristics, also known as Encapsulated Virtual Agents (ECA) or 'avatars', in online learning environments (OL) based on learning management systems (LMS) for online university teaching. The main idea is to explore how ECAs can be modelled, adapted, and used as virtual tutors in LMS to provide individual online support and follow-up to each student [3]. This presentation describes the implementation of this approach in a large ODL class for a degree in education. The course follows the institution's virtual pedagogical model and a specific scenario was designed for this intervention. Based on the analysis of student discourse and to improve and monitor the impact of the Virtual Tutor as a 'learning companion' [4], it was found that students perceive a lack of proximity, involvement (voice, gaze, affection), dialogue, and guidance in the implementation. The feedback points out that the design of "avatars" could be more intuitive and efficient.
- Exploring the role of digital assistants and chatbots as learning companions in open and distance learningPublication . Morgado, Lina; Oliveira, Teresa; Afonso, Ana Paula; Carvalho, Isabel Cristina; Ferret, NathalieOs assistentes digitais, tutores virtuais ou chatbots melhoraram significativamente o seu apoio às actividades de ensino, especialmente no caso do ensino à distância. Os avanços tecnológicos permitiram a integração destes dispositivos em várias plataformas, nomeadamente nos LMS. No ensino à distância, o apoio ao estudante é crucial, uma vez que este tipo de ensino é inteiramente mediado pela tecnologia. De acordo com a literatura, os estudantes encontram frequentemente dificuldades devido à falta de compreensão das tarefas e a factores emocionais relacionados com os seus professores e tutores (Oliveira & Morgado, 2020). Esta comunicação relata as nossas experiências de integração de assistentes digitais (tutores virtuais e chatbots) em contextos académicos, de desenvolvimento profissional e de apoio científico a estudantes de e-learning em EAD e formação de professores.
- FeelOpo: an interactive installation to explore the “beat of Oporto”Publication . Carvalho, Isabel Cristina; Bidarra, José; Porto, CarlaFeelOpo is an interactive art installation that allows contact with fragments of the immaterial heritage of the Oporto City in the North of Portugal. Through location-based storytelling of the living city, this interactive installation allows visitors to explore, at different levels, several typical characteristics of this city, addressing aspects of cultural identity based on contrasting images and videos. The visitors feel and explore visual stories of the live city, through a process of appropriation and articulation of these narratives, generating an expansion of this intangible heritage.
- FeelOpo: feel(ing) the beat of OportoPublication . Carvalho, Isabel Cristina; Porto, Carla; Bidarra, JoséThis digital art installation has as main goal to introduce an interface through which the image of the city of Oporto (in Northern Portugal) is designed and activated by the presence of one or more people standing in the exhibition space. It brings up the metaphor of the city as a living organism allowing visitors to explore, at different levels, several features very typical of this city. A diversity of possible routes is embedded in the outfit and activated as visitors move across the exhibition space, revealing experiences by means of projected videos related to the cultural specificity of the city. In this way, as the human body interacts with the space and the screen, uncovering stories, memories, expressions, sounds, colours, textures, new designs and emotions are presented in the form of videos that narrate life fragments of Oporto and its people. Being supported by a mix of audio-visual records, FeelOpo intends to build "the beat of Oporto" through striking visual narratives.
- FLeD garden: a playful design experiencPublication . Morgado, Lina; Afonso, Ana Paula; Carvalho, Isabel CristinaThis report describe the design FLeD Playful Experience - the FLeD Garden: Unveiling the Flipped Classroom, with the steps and the badges.
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