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- Alterações climáticas, perceções e racionalidadesPublication . Viegas, Vanda; Azeiteiro, Ulisses; Dias, João Alveirinho; Alves, FátimaConsiderando que as Alterações Climáticas (AC) – uma das cinco áreas-guia da Estratégia 2020 da Comissão Europeia – são um problema global que requer respostas locais articuladas aos níveis macro, meso e micro; e que a sua compreensão implica a identificação das relações reciprocamente influentes entre a Natureza, a Sociedade e a Cultura; qualquer intervenção – seja no sentido da mitigação das AC, seja no sentido da adaptação às AC – envolve necessariamente essa mesma sociedade, em toda a complexidade das suas dimensões socioculturais e ambientais. Neste artigo, enquadrado pelas teorias compreensivas, refletimos brevemente sobre algumas das inter-relações entre os sistemas climáticos, ambientais e socioculturais e defendemos que as racionalidades leigas, por se enraizarem em tipos e fontes de saber plurais, são um dos pilares para melhor se compreender e lidar com o fenómeno das AC. Whereas Climate Change (CC) – one of the five prioritary areas of the Strategy 2020 of the European Commission – is a global challenge needing local responses, articulated at the macro, meso and micro levels; and while its understanding entails identifying mutually influential relationships between Nature, Society and Culture, any intervention – either to mitigate or adapt to CC – necessarily involves society itself, in the full complexity of its sociocultural and environmental dimensions. In a world in the midst of a major demographic transition, with a population expected to reach 9 billion by 2050, issues like sustainability, resource use, scarcity and sharing, have been interwoven in the international, regional and local arenas. This paper develops in the light of comprehensive theories. The methodological procedures are based upon desk research and all the work relies on the reflexive notion and today´s ubiquitous complexity. The spirit of this pivotal approach is the interest in knowledge, curiosity for different dimensions of knowledge and how it is (re)produced, articulated and reflected in the relationships of the individual human being, with itself, with other human beings, with other living creatures and with the environment. This papers argues that the lay rationalities, because they take root in various types and sources of knowledge, are one of the pillars to better understand and deal with the phenomenon of CC. Part one of this paper makes a brief reference to ethical implications, preceded by a succinct analysis of the key dynamics and processes, which are considered responsible for the variability and climate change in a diachronic perspective. Part two discusses some of the sustainability issues, with a brief introduction to the pathways and strategies for mitigating and adapting to CC, which have been outlined and lie ahead, linking the global dimension to the local dimension, governments to markets and to civil society. Finally, focusing on lay rationalities, a brief approach is sought regarding the issues of reflexivity, social capital and the ‘knowledge-power’ concept, keeping in mind that the study of the social reality, which is complex in nature, is always a (de)constructed exercise of dialectics between generalization and specialization.
- Assessing university student perceptions and comprehension of climate change (Portugal, Mexico and Mozambique)Publication . Morgado, Fernando; Nicolau, Paula Bacelar; Rendon von Osten, Jaime; Santos, Paulo; Nicolau, Leonor Bacelar; Farooq, Harith; Alves, Fátima; Soares, Amadeu M. V. M.; Azeiteiro, UlissesHigher education system has a critical role to play in educating environmentally aware and participant citizens about global climate change (CC). And, as shown by the 21st Conference of the Parties of the UN Convention on Climate Change – COP 21, held in Paris in December 2015, there is still a path to be followed regarding the role played by universities in the negotiations and in influencing decision-making on a matter of such global importance. The purpose of this first study conducted within Portuguese (Europe), Mexican (Spanish-speaking North America University) and Mozambican (Africa) universities is to investigate higher education system students’ perceptions on CC. Design/methodology/approach The data were collected through a questionnaire aiming at characterising students from the socio-demography, and from their perceptions, motivations, attitudes and knowledge relating to the topic of CC. Statistical analysis was used to compare and characterise the three national groups under study. Findings This study did not show significant perception differences among the analysed subsamples, although there was a tendency for Mexican students to express lesser belief that CC was happening, and for Mozambicans to show a greater belief in CC issues and motivation to mitigate its effects which may be related to the specifics contexts. The results show that relevant differences among nationalities mostly concerned the magnitude of choices (e.g. most respondents of each nationality expressed interest in CC issues, but the magnitude of this expression differed according to nationality). The principal component analysis (second and third components) clearly embodied nationality profiles (discussed in the context of different cultures, educational structures and CC impacts). Research limitations/implications Further research is warranted to understand the integration of CC into higher education curriculum to improve and target educational efforts to suit students’ needs. Practical implications How CC perceptions vary cross-nationally and how research studies that examine the integration of CC into higher education curriculum are areas for which more research is needed. Originality/value The results highlight the importance of socio-cultural dimensions of each country in relation to the understanding or perception of CC issues, namely, in what concerns aspects related with gender roles, age, active learning and citizenship. This study’s data evidenced that despite the surveyed students being familiarized with CC phenomena, this knowledge does not translate necessarily into concrete mitigation practices and behaviours.
- Cidadania ambiental e participação: o diálogo e articulação entre distintos saberes-poderesPublication . Alves, Fátima; Araújo, Maria José; Azeiteiro, UlissesNas últimas décadas, a biodiversidade tem estado no centro do debate da crise ecológica. Esta discussão mobiliza cientistas, políticos, sociedade civil e as populações do desenvolvimento social e ambiental, dando especial relevância aos aspetos estruturais veiculam e os espaços de emancipação e democracia participativa que requerem.
- Climate change and health: an analysis of causal relations on the spread of vector-borne diseases in BrazilPublication . Leal Filho, Walter; Bönecke, Juliane; Spielmann, Hannah; Azeiteiro, Ulisses; Alves, Fátima; Carvalho, Mauren Lopes de; Nagy, Gustavo J.The increases in greenhouse gas concentrations caused by anthropogenic activities such as industrial emissions, transport and burning of forests and other resources, recorded over the past decades, are known to have an impact on the global environment. In particular, this paper reviews the evidence that climate change has an impact on human health as a whole and on the spread of vector-borne diseases in particular. It offers an analysis of previous research on the connections between climate change and health, with a case study from Brazil, and lists some areas which may guide future policy-making.
- Crossing borders and linking plural knowledge : biodiversity conservation, ecosystem services and human well-beingPublication . Alves, Fátima; Leal Filho, Walter; Araújo, Maria José; Azeiteiro, UlissesThe challenges we face today in terms of local, regional and global environmental changes and pressures on biodiversity can only be addressed with a close coupling of approaches from natural and social sciences together with local knowledge. The authors emphasise that biodiversity research and intervention should integrate this new comprehensive perspective, bringing together biological sciences, social sciences and local knowledge. This approach should demystify the traditional dichotomies that still impose epistemological and moral reductionist borders between nature and culture,systematically hiding the heuristic value of the social and cultural dimension of biodiversity loss. In this context, biodiversity is a field dominated by multiple tensions between plural knowledge within science itself and local knowledge (less visible), which brings to the discussion conflicts that are inherent to science, technology, economics, sociology, politics and culture. This is a fundamental dimension to understand and respond to the challenges we are facing on biodiversity loss.
- Deploying artificial intelligence for climate change adaptationPublication . Leal Filho, Walter; Wall, T.; Rui Mucova, S. A.; Nagy, G.; Balogun, A. L.; Luetz, J. M.; Ng, A. W.; Kovaleva, M.; Safiul Azam, F. M.; Alves, Fátima; Guevara, Z.; Matandirotya, N. R.; Skouloudis, A.; Tzachor, A.; Malakar, K.; Gandhi, O.Artificial Intelligence (AI) is believed to have a significant potential use in tackling climate change. This paper explores the connections between AI and climate change research as a whole and its usefulness in climate change adaptation efforts in particular. Using a systematic review of the literature on applications of AI for climate change adaptation and a questionnaire survey of a multinational and interdisciplinary team of climate change researchers, this paper shows the various means via which AI can support research on climate change in diverse regions, and contribute to efforts towards climate change adaptation. The surveyed articles are classified under nine areas, e.g., Global/Earth Related; Water-related Issues and agriculture, 95% of which are related to adaptation. The areas that have attracted the most studies about AI applications are water-related management issues (38%). In terms of the survey results, the most robust agreements were noted concerning the capacity of digitisation and AI to strengthen governance practices and afford policy coherence in climate change. Evidence gathered in the study suggests that, provided that due care is taken, the use of AI can provide a welcome support to global efforts to better understand and handle the many challenges associated with a changing climate.
- Editorial: Shaping healthier cities. Ecosystem services and health for a responsive human-nature relationsPublication . Salata, Stefano; Vidal, Diogo Guedes; Alves, Fátima; Ribeiro, Ana Isabel; Artmann, MartinaShaping Healthier Cities -Ecosystem Services and Health for a Responsive Human-Nature Relations Cities have become the predominant living environments of human beings worldwide. In an era of social-ecological crisis intensified by climate change, loss of biodiversity, and socio-environmental injustice, the shaping of responsive cities is crucial for fostering healthy and regenerative urban societies and nature preservation beyond the instrumental value. The role of urban environmental spatial qualities should be rethought in light of the COVID-19 pandemic diffusion (Bolleter et al., 2022). However, the relationship between the daily environmental conditions of urban citizens and their health, as well as the interconnection between healthy nature as a basis for resilient cities are lacking an organic inclusion in the urban design, thus limiting the capacity for shaping cities in the context of planetary health (Pineo et al., 2021;WBGU, 2021). Although ecosystem services' relations with urban planning have been at the center of numerous publications aiming to find practical solutions for building sustainable cities, the systematic investigation of how ecosystem services affect human health is still an open subject. Furthermore, the well-being of citizens is a concept that goes beyond the instrumental values of nature, which are the This is a provisional file, not the final typeset article focus of the ecosystem service concept. In this regard, an integrative ecosystem services valuation 39 needs to consider relational and intrinsic values unfolding in responsive human-nature relations 40 striving for a good life for humans and non-humans in cities and beyond. Healthy urban human-41 nature relations call for a fundamental shift in attitudes and norms regarding how we deal with non-42 humans, considering that our health is inseparable from nature's health, a web of interdependencies 43 (Moore, 2015). This is also linked with biocultural diversity, which has gained attention since 44 recognizing the intangible cultural values of the natural environment as a key for promoting 45 intercultural dialogue among communities. In fact, there is a need to integrate and consider the 46 sociocultural specificities in each territory and the diversity of visions of human-nature relations in the new shaping of healthier cities for all, humans and non-humans.
- Education, capacity building and public awareness for including ecosystem services in coastal managementPublication . Azeiteiro, Ulisses; Widmer, Walter; Alves, Fátima; Santos, Paulo; Meira-Cartea, Pablo; Gröndahl, Fredrik; Leal Filho, Walter; Pardal, Miguel
- A framework for the implementation of the sustainable development goals in university programmesPublication . Leal Filho, Walter; Frankenberger, Fernanda; Salvia, Amanda Lange; Azeiteiro, Ulisses; Alves, Fátima; Castro, Paula; Will, Markus; Platje, Joost; Lovren, Violeta Orlovic; Brandli, Luciana; Price, Elizabeth; Doni, Federica; Mifsud, Mark; Ávila, Lucas VeigaThere is a perceived need to develop approaches, methods and tools that may help higher education institutions to systematically introduce the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into research and teaching as an intrinsic part of their programs. However, at present, there is a gap in the literature on the suitable means to do so. This paper addresses this gap by examining the many foci and commitments for and about the SDGs that are currently included in university programs. An overview of the SDGs’ focus at universities was presented using a survey to gather qualitative and quantitative data. . Based on current trends and gaps, this paper identifies the need for a framework which may be of assistance in facilitating the inclusion of the SDGs as a whole, and individually targets in particular in the programs of institutions of higher education. The scientific contribution of this paper value lies in the fact that this is one of the first papers to tackle the need for a framework which caters to a more systematic introduction of the SDGs in university programs. The basis for the framework approach, here introduced, includes institutional, thematic, structural and personal/individual aspects which need to be considered for proper implementation of the SDGs at the university level.
- A importância dos conhecimentos e dos modos de vida locais no desenvolvimento sustentável : estudo exploratório sobre o impacto da Reserva Natural das Ilhas Berlengas na comunidade piscatóriaPublication . Santos, António; Azeiteiro, Ulisses; Sousa, Fátima; Alves, FátimaNeste trabalho apresenta-se um estudo exploratório sobre o impacto da Reserva Natural das Ilhas Berlengas (RNB) nos modos de vida locais, em particular na comunidade piscatória, evidenciando as suas racionalidades leigas (percepções, práticas e representações). Procuramos conhecer as dimensões das interações culturais, sociais e económicas das populações locais com a reserva, parte fundamental da estratégia de conservação da biodiversidade e do desenvolvimento sustentável. Partindo de uma metodologia qualitativa, assente em entrevistas exploratórias em profundidade a informantes privilegiados da comunidade piscatória e a técnicos que tenham estado no processo de implementação e de gestão da reserva, procuramos os sentidos e os significados construídos na interação com a implementação do estatuto de reserva e a percepção dos seus impactos ambientais, sociais e culturais, com vista a construir e validar instrumentos que nos permitam amplificar este estudo inicial. Na construção dos guiões das entrevistas, previu-se uma análise comparativa entre o estado imediatamente anterior à consagração do estatuto da reserva e a situação presente. Embora partindo de uma amostra reduzida dos atores sociais em presença, os testemunhos recolhidos sobre a RNB nas suas diversas facetas e impactos, demonstraram formas de ver e pensar diferenciadas entre a população local e os técnicos. Os atuais ou antigos pescadores, identificaram a constituição da reserva como uma dificuldade suplementar para o exercício da atividade piscatória em Peniche e principalmente na área demarcada pela RNB, em comparação com a situação na época imediatamente anterior à sua formação. Por seu lado, todos os técnicos entrevistados consideraram a RNB um valor ambientalmente vulnerável mas de grande importância para o presente e para o futuro da região e do país. Este trabalho tenta responder à escassez de estudos sobre os desafios e ganhos em bem-estar para as populações locais comparativamente a uma longa investigação existente sobre os benefícios ecológicos das Reservas na preservação da biodiversidade e na gestão sustentável dos seus recursos naturais.