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Vivemos um novo paradigma social, onde a informação circula intensamente através de redes mediadas pela tecnologia. A nossa participação nestas redes determina o acesso ao conhecimento e à reconfiguração de processos relacionais, o que traz grandes desafios, mas também oportunidades de aprender e evoluir, para melhor respondermos às nossas necessidades pessoais ou profissionais. Assim, utilizar as redes sociais digitais, como o Fa-cebook, confere-nos poder no acesso ao conhecimento e integra-nos numa cultura partici-patória online. Neste contexto, é essencial considerar novos caminhos para as aprendiza-gens, diferentes e inovadores, que respondam às necessidades mais imediatas dos indiví-duos, nomeadamente a sua empregabilidade.
O projeto REviver na Rede materializa-se numa plataforma online de apoio à utilização do Facebook para promover a socialização, a integração social e a empregabilidade de desem-pregados e reforçar as novas formas de procura ativa de emprego. A sua missão é disponi-bilizar orientações para os desempregados utilizarem o Facebook de forma a construírem uma presença online vantajosa, melhorando a sua empregabilidade.
Procurámos enquadrar o projeto, de âmbito educacional e social, numa estratégia de su-peração do desemprego que, muitas vezes, origina um distanciamento dos indivíduos face às suas redes de sociabilidade, podendo assumir contornos de isolamento e exclusão social, o que dificulta a procura ativa de emprego e o grau de empregabilidade.
Dos resultados obtidos, destacamos a forte envolvência do público-alvo com o projeto, o facto de muitos terem conseguido um emprego na sequência das interações realizadas, a alteração de algumas práticas na utilização das redes sociais e os muitos testemunhos, so-bre a pertinência dos conteúdos disponibilizados.
Concluímos que o Facebook é uma ferramenta válida para a integração, socialização e pro-cura ativa de emprego, ajudando a melhorar a empregabilidade. Mas também constatámos que são necessários novos conteúdos e metodologias educacionais que promovam dife-rentes tipos de aprendizagens ao longo da vida, sobretudo, através dos novos meios de difusão, como são as redes sociais digitais.
We witness a new social paradigm, where information flows intensely through networks mediated by technology. Our participation in these networks determines the access to knowledge and the reconfig-uration of relational processes. This represents great challenges, but also opportunities to learn and evolve, to better respond to our personal and professional needs. Thus, using digital social networks, as Facebook, gives us power to access knowledge and to be on an online participatory culture. In this context, it is essential to consider new and innovative ways of learning that respond to the utmost immediate needs of the individuals, namely their employability. The project “REviver na Rede” includes an online platform to support the use of Facebook to promote socialization, social integration and employability of the unemployed, and to strengthen new ways of active job search. Its mission is to provide guidance to unemployed users on Facebook in order to build an advantageous online presence, improving their em-ployability. We have tried to frame the project, on its educational and social dimension, on a strategy of overcoming unemployment, which often distances individuals from their networks of sociability, and can assume forms of isolation and social exclusion that hamper active job search and employability. From the results obtained, we highlight a strong involvement of the target public in the project, and the fact that some have obtained a job following the interactions carried out, as well as the many testimonies about the relevance of the contents made available. We conclude that Facebook is an effective tool for integration, socialization and pro-active employment search, helping to improve employability. However, we also consider that new content and educational methodologies are in need to promote different types of lifelong learning, especially through new means of diffusion, such as digital social networks.
We witness a new social paradigm, where information flows intensely through networks mediated by technology. Our participation in these networks determines the access to knowledge and the reconfig-uration of relational processes. This represents great challenges, but also opportunities to learn and evolve, to better respond to our personal and professional needs. Thus, using digital social networks, as Facebook, gives us power to access knowledge and to be on an online participatory culture. In this context, it is essential to consider new and innovative ways of learning that respond to the utmost immediate needs of the individuals, namely their employability. The project “REviver na Rede” includes an online platform to support the use of Facebook to promote socialization, social integration and employability of the unemployed, and to strengthen new ways of active job search. Its mission is to provide guidance to unemployed users on Facebook in order to build an advantageous online presence, improving their em-ployability. We have tried to frame the project, on its educational and social dimension, on a strategy of overcoming unemployment, which often distances individuals from their networks of sociability, and can assume forms of isolation and social exclusion that hamper active job search and employability. From the results obtained, we highlight a strong involvement of the target public in the project, and the fact that some have obtained a job following the interactions carried out, as well as the many testimonies about the relevance of the contents made available. We conclude that Facebook is an effective tool for integration, socialization and pro-active employment search, helping to improve employability. However, we also consider that new content and educational methodologies are in need to promote different types of lifelong learning, especially through new means of diffusion, such as digital social networks.
Redes sociais Facebook Educação aberta Inclusão digital Socialização Desempregados Empregabilidade Reviver na Rede (projetos) Digital social networks Unemployed Employability Online socialization
Pinto, João - Formação aberta e online, redes sociais e inclusão digital [Em linha] : o projeto Reviver na Rede. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2017. 154 p.