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A biblioteca escolar constitui um espaço pedagógico que tem vindo a assumir uma
importância crescente no trabalho que a escola desenvolve, no contexto português.
Em especial na área da leitura e do desenvolvimento de competências de literacia
da informação e mediática, o papel da biblioteca nas escolas é relevante e vários
estudos nacionais e internacionais têm comprovado esse facto.
Mas como é que alguns dos mais diretos intervenientes no trabalho das bibliotecas
percepcionam a sua influência nas aprendizagens? Neste trabalho analisou-se as
percepções de alunos e professores em relação ao papel da Biblioteca Escolar nas
aprendizagens, em particular na área da leitura. Os dados analisados foram
recolhidos no âmbito da aplicação do modelo de avaliação da biblioteca, pela Rede
de Bibliotecas Escolares, em ciclos e anos distintos: 2015, 2017 e 2019. Foram
examinadas e confrontadas, através de uma estatística descritiva, as respostas
dadas por alunos e por professores de escolas do distrito de Setúbal. Em relação
aos alunos, verificou-se que são os do 1.º ciclo que revelam uma perspetiva mais
positiva sobre o papel da biblioteca escolar nas suas aprendizagens, em especial
na área da leitura.
No parâmetro relacionado com a leitura, os professores de outros níveis de ensino
têm uma perspectiva mais positiva que a dos alunos. Ao observar o papel da
biblioteca escolar no desenvolvimento das competências para os média percebe-se
o mesmo resultado.
Concluiu-se também que ao longo dos 3 ciclos de avaliação analisados não se
verificaram alterações significativas na forma como alunos e professores avaliam o
contributo da biblioteca escolar para o sucesso das aprendizagens.
The school library constitutes a pedagogical space that has been assuming a growing importance in the work that the school develops, in the Portuguese context. Especially in the area of reading and the development of information and media literacy skills, the role of the library in schools is relevant and several national and international studies have proven this fact. But how some of the key players understand the influence of the school libraries in the learning process? In this dissertation, we analyze the perception of students and teachers in relation to the role of libraries in learning, with a special focus on reading. The analyzed data were collected in the scope of the application of the library evaluation model, by the School Libraries Network, in different cycles and years: 2015, 2017 and 2019. The answers given by students and teachers from Setubal district were examined and confronted using descriptive statistics. Among the students we found that in the first cycle (6 to 9 years old) there is a more positive perspective on the role of school library in their learning, especially in the area of reading. Regarding the reading experience in the second cycle, third cycle and high school, the teachers declared a more positive perspective than the students. The result was the same in the question about the role of the school libraries in the development of media literacy. It was also concluded that over the 3 assessment cycles analysed there were no significant changes in the way students and teachers assess the contribution of the school library to successful learning.
The school library constitutes a pedagogical space that has been assuming a growing importance in the work that the school develops, in the Portuguese context. Especially in the area of reading and the development of information and media literacy skills, the role of the library in schools is relevant and several national and international studies have proven this fact. But how some of the key players understand the influence of the school libraries in the learning process? In this dissertation, we analyze the perception of students and teachers in relation to the role of libraries in learning, with a special focus on reading. The analyzed data were collected in the scope of the application of the library evaluation model, by the School Libraries Network, in different cycles and years: 2015, 2017 and 2019. The answers given by students and teachers from Setubal district were examined and confronted using descriptive statistics. Among the students we found that in the first cycle (6 to 9 years old) there is a more positive perspective on the role of school library in their learning, especially in the area of reading. Regarding the reading experience in the second cycle, third cycle and high school, the teachers declared a more positive perspective than the students. The result was the same in the question about the role of the school libraries in the development of media literacy. It was also concluded that over the 3 assessment cycles analysed there were no significant changes in the way students and teachers assess the contribution of the school library to successful learning.
Biblioteca escolar Modelo de avaliação das bibliotecas escolares Aprendizagem Alunos Setúbal School library School library evaluation model Students learning
Nascimento, Allan Gabbay do - As bibliotecas escolares na região de Setúbal [Em linha]: percepções de alunos e professores sobre o seu papel na aprendizagem. Lisboa: [s.n.], 2023. 115 p.