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As medidas educativas políticas que desde 1992 orientam a formação contínua de professores do ensino não superior foram sujeitas a variações que se refletiram nas suas dinâmicas e em particular nas dos Centros de Formação de Associação de Escolas, os quais surgiram naquele ano como uma inovação organizacional, mas que também têm sido sujeitos a alterações, encontrando-se a aguardar desde a publicação do atual Regime Jurídico da Formação Contínua de Professores (11 de fevereiro de 2014) do enquadramento legal que regulamente a sua ação.
O presente estudo, de âmbito nacional, teve como objetivo saber quais são as perceções dos Diretores dos Centros de Formação de Associação de Escolas acerca das políticas e dinâmicas destas estruturas organizativas e do próprio sistema de Formação Contínua de Professores. Para isso, começámos por definir um quadro teórico que analisou as perspetivas teóricas da formação contínua de professores, as perspetivas organizacionais dos Centros de Formação de Associação de Escolas e a evolução diacrónica no que concerne às políticas delineadas e às dinâmicas desenvolvidas. Deste modo, a informação pertinente analisada permitiu-nos desenvolver o estudo empírico aplicando uma triangulação de técnicas de recolha e tratamento de dados, designadamente: entrevistas semiestruturadas a quatro Diretores de Centros de Formação de Associação de Escolas de diferentes regiões e cuja análise de conteúdo foi importante para a elaboração do questionário aplicado a uma amostra de 64 Diretores dos Centros de Formação de Associação de Escolas, cerca de 70 % do universo destas entidades a nível nacional. A recolha de dados das entrevistas e a análise estatística do questionário possibilitou-nos atingir os objetivos da investigação e retirar sinteticamente as seguintes principais conclusões: os Diretores dos Centros de Formação de Associação de Escolas percecionam positivamente a sua ação de proximidade a nível local e negativamente o apoio e os incentivos da administração educativa.
Since 1992, the educational policy rules that guide the continuous training of non-university teachers have not suffered any variations that affect their dynamics and in particular in the School Association Training Centres, which appeared that year as an organisational innovation, but have also been subject to change, and are waiting since the publication of the current “Legal Regime of Continuous Training Teachers” (11th February 2014) for the legal framework. The objective of this nationwide study is to know which are the views of the School Association Training Centres Directors about the policies and dynamics of these organisational structures and of the Continuous Teacher’s Training system. For this purpose first we defined a theoretical framework which analysed the theoretical perspectives of Continuous teacher’s Training system, the organisational perspectives of the School Association Training Centres and the diachronic evolution that concerns the policies and developed dynamics. Thus, the analysed information allowed us to develop the empirical study applying a triangulation of techniques to collect and process data, which are: semi-structured interviews to four School Association Training Centres Directors in different regions and whose content´s analyzation was important to prepare the survey of a sample of 64 School Association Training Centres Directors, which accounts for approximately 70% of these entities at a national level. The data gathered from interviews and the statistical analysis of the survey enabled us to achieve the research objective and summarises the following main conclusions: the Directors of the School Association Training Centres react positively to the actions of local proximity and negatively to the support and incentives of educational administrations.
Since 1992, the educational policy rules that guide the continuous training of non-university teachers have not suffered any variations that affect their dynamics and in particular in the School Association Training Centres, which appeared that year as an organisational innovation, but have also been subject to change, and are waiting since the publication of the current “Legal Regime of Continuous Training Teachers” (11th February 2014) for the legal framework. The objective of this nationwide study is to know which are the views of the School Association Training Centres Directors about the policies and dynamics of these organisational structures and of the Continuous Teacher’s Training system. For this purpose first we defined a theoretical framework which analysed the theoretical perspectives of Continuous teacher’s Training system, the organisational perspectives of the School Association Training Centres and the diachronic evolution that concerns the policies and developed dynamics. Thus, the analysed information allowed us to develop the empirical study applying a triangulation of techniques to collect and process data, which are: semi-structured interviews to four School Association Training Centres Directors in different regions and whose content´s analyzation was important to prepare the survey of a sample of 64 School Association Training Centres Directors, which accounts for approximately 70% of these entities at a national level. The data gathered from interviews and the statistical analysis of the survey enabled us to achieve the research objective and summarises the following main conclusions: the Directors of the School Association Training Centres react positively to the actions of local proximity and negatively to the support and incentives of educational administrations.
Tese de Doutoramento em Educação na especialidade de Liderança Educacional apresentada à Universidade Aberta
Educação Liderança Política da educação Formação contínua Formação de professores Centros de formação Perceção Escola Diretores Administração do ensino Legislação da educação Continuous training teachers School Association Training Centres Legal regime of continuous training teachers Policy and dynamics of continuous training Policy and Dynamics of School Association Training Centres
Cardoso, Jorge Manuel Ralha - Políticas e dinâmicas da formação contínua e dos Centros de Formação de Associação de Escolas [Em linha] : as perceções dos seus diretores. [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2015. 2 vol.