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A evolução tecnológica tem contribuído significativamente para mudanças
relevantes em quase todas as dimensões da nossa sociedade, nomeadamente na
educação e, consequentemente, na Educação a Distância (EaD). Associando as
potencialidades das tecnologias disponíveis, à necessidade dos estudantes e à
indispensabilidade das instituições automatizarem alguns processos passíveis de
serem automatizados, justifica-se a criação de um Tutor Virtual que execute
algumas funções que contribuam para as situações de aprendizagem dos
estudantes. Desta forma, a presente investigação teve como finalidade analisar a
integração de um Tutor Virtual em algumas Unidades Curriculares dos Cursos da
Universidade Aberta, nas áreas de Ciências Naturais, Ciências Computacionais e
Ciências Sociais, como complemento de Tutores Humanos. A integração de um
Tutor Virtual, baseado em Agentes Virtuais Encapsulados (AVE), nos ambientes de
Gestão de Sistemas de Aprendizagem (LMS), assentes na integração de interfaces
antropomórficas, cujas aparências e características são tão realistas e credíveis e
sem piorar o seu desempenho, faz com que este tipo de agentes sejam
interlocutores para complementar os tutores humanos em ambientes reais de
aprendizagem. A metodologia foi um estudo de caso e os instrumentos de recolha
de dados foram: documentação do projeto, inquéritos por questionário (aos alunos
participantes) e entrevistas semiestruturada (aos gestores/professores envolvidos
no projeto). Em relação aos resultados, é de referir que o uso dos agentes
encapsulados motivou e facilitou o processo de comunicação entre os estudantes
e o Tutor, para além disso, proporcionou um acesso mais rápido aos conteúdos das
The Technological evolution has significantly contributed to relevant changes in almost every dimension of our society, namely in education and, consequently, in Distance Education. Combining the potential of available technologies with the student’s needs and the indispensability of institutions to automate some processes that can be automated, the creation of a Virtual Tutor that performs some functions that contribute to students' learning situations. Thus, the present investigation aimed to analyze the impact of the introduction of Virtual Tutor in some Course Units of the Open University Courses, in the areas of Natural Sciences, Computational Sciences and Social Sciences, as a complement to Human Tutors. The integration of a Virtual Tutor, based on Encapsulated Virtual Agents, in Learning Systems Management (LMS) environments, supported with the integration of anthropomorphic interfaces, whose appearances and characteristics are so realistic and credible and without worsening their performance, makes this type of agents, interlocutors to complement human tutors in real learning environments. The methodology was a case study and the data collection instruments were: project documentation, questionnaire surveys (to the participating students) and semi-structured interviews (to the managers / teachers involved in the project). Regarding the results, it should be noted that the use of encapsulated agents motivated and facilitated the communication process between students and the Tutor, in addition, it provided faster access to the contents of the UC
The Technological evolution has significantly contributed to relevant changes in almost every dimension of our society, namely in education and, consequently, in Distance Education. Combining the potential of available technologies with the student’s needs and the indispensability of institutions to automate some processes that can be automated, the creation of a Virtual Tutor that performs some functions that contribute to students' learning situations. Thus, the present investigation aimed to analyze the impact of the introduction of Virtual Tutor in some Course Units of the Open University Courses, in the areas of Natural Sciences, Computational Sciences and Social Sciences, as a complement to Human Tutors. The integration of a Virtual Tutor, based on Encapsulated Virtual Agents, in Learning Systems Management (LMS) environments, supported with the integration of anthropomorphic interfaces, whose appearances and characteristics are so realistic and credible and without worsening their performance, makes this type of agents, interlocutors to complement human tutors in real learning environments. The methodology was a case study and the data collection instruments were: project documentation, questionnaire surveys (to the participating students) and semi-structured interviews (to the managers / teachers involved in the project). Regarding the results, it should be noted that the use of encapsulated agents motivated and facilitated the communication process between students and the Tutor, in addition, it provided faster access to the contents of the UC
Tutors Tutoria virtual Avatares Agentes virtuais encapsulados Embodied conversational agentes Educação a distância Virtual tutors Virtual encapsulated agents Embodied conversational agents Avatars Distance education
Guerreiro, Aníbal - A avaliação da integração de um tutor virtual em cursos a distância [Em linha]. Lisboa: [s.n.], 2021. 202 p.