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À Wikipédia não será difícil atribuir um carácter ubíquo, se tivermos em conta que
sempre que se faz uma pesquisa num motor de busca os resultados apresentados
provêm em primeiro lugar desta enciclopédia online. E, se considerarmos a população
estudantil, constata-se que a Wikipédia é uma das principais fontes de pesquisa.
Cientes do potencial da Wikipédia em contextos educativos, temos vindo a caracterizála,
em estudos anteriores, enquanto recurso educacional aberto. Centrando-nos na
Wikipédia, indagámos sobre possibilidades de integração curricular no Ensino Superior
online, com a finalidade última de contribuir para o Programa Wikipédia na
Universidade em Portugal, o que até então não tinha sido feito. Metodologicamente, o
estudo assume um paradigma misto sendo o presente artigo um recorte do mesmo. Os
dados analisados neste texto foram recolhidos por um inquérito por questionário,
disponibilizado no início e no final da Unidade Curricular. Os resultados permitem-nos
concluir que no cômputo geral se reconhecem pontos coincidentes dos quais
poderemos inferir que existia, num primeiro momento, abertura por parte dos
estudantes para que a integração curricular da Wikipédia fosse bem acolhida. O
segundo momento veio consolidar esta posição, retratando o envolvimento dos
estudantes que integraram o estudo, ou seja, consolidou-se a sua perceção positiva.
Wikipedia can be said to have a ubiquitous character, namely taking into account that whenever we use an online search engine the results first presented come from it. And, if we consider the student population, it has been observed that Wikipedia is one of their main sources of research. Aware of the potential of Wikipedia in educational contexts, we have been characterizing it, in previous studies, as an open educational resource. Focusing on Wikipedia, we asked about possibilities of curricular integration in Online Higher Education, ultimately aiming at contributing to the Wikipedia University Program in Portugal, which had not been done before. Methodologically, the study assumes a qualitative and quantitative paradigm. The data analyzed in this text was collected by a survey made available at the beginning and at the end of the Course Unit. The results allow us to conclude that, in general, consensus was recognized, from which we can infer that there was, at first, an openness on the part of the students so that the curricular integration of Wikipedia would be welcomed. In the second moment, this was confirmed, by the involvement of the students who participated in the study, that is, their positive perception was reinforced.
Wikipedia can be said to have a ubiquitous character, namely taking into account that whenever we use an online search engine the results first presented come from it. And, if we consider the student population, it has been observed that Wikipedia is one of their main sources of research. Aware of the potential of Wikipedia in educational contexts, we have been characterizing it, in previous studies, as an open educational resource. Focusing on Wikipedia, we asked about possibilities of curricular integration in Online Higher Education, ultimately aiming at contributing to the Wikipedia University Program in Portugal, which had not been done before. Methodologically, the study assumes a qualitative and quantitative paradigm. The data analyzed in this text was collected by a survey made available at the beginning and at the end of the Course Unit. The results allow us to conclude that, in general, consensus was recognized, from which we can infer that there was, at first, an openness on the part of the students so that the curricular integration of Wikipedia would be welcomed. In the second moment, this was confirmed, by the involvement of the students who participated in the study, that is, their positive perception was reinforced.
Número especial "Aprendizagem Aberta e Escalável: A Emergência de um Novo Paradigma Educacional"
Wikipédia Recursos educacionais abertos Programa Wikipédia na Universidade Ensino superior online Portugal Wikipedia Open educational resource Wikipedia University Program Online higher education
Pestana, Filomena; Cardoso, Teresa - A wikipédia no ensino superior online: que perceções? "RE@D – Revista de Educação a Distância e eLearning" [Em linha]. ISSN 2182-4967. Vol. 1, nº 1 (2018), p. 72-90
Universidade Aberta. Laboratório de Educação a Distância e Elearning (LE@D)