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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar os resultados de pesquisa realizada no contexto de um curso técnico de nível médio ofertado à distância, em uma Instituição de Educação Profissional brasileira, cujo objetivo foi o de verificar os modelos e
estratégias avaliativas adotados em cursos de formação profissional técnica a distância e o
quanto estas estratégias possibilitam uma experiência de avaliação transparente,
consistente, autêntica e sustentável. Para tanto, optou-se por uma metodologia de pesquisa
qualitativa, com recurso a um estudo de caso, tendo sido acompanhada a execução de uma
turma do curso Técnico em Administração. Foram utilizados como instrumentos para
recolha de dados: entrevistas com professores e coordenador pedagógico do curso,
observação não-participante e análise de documentos. O referencial teórico no qual está
assente essa pesquisa diz respeito à cultura da avaliação de competências e à edumetria,
em especial nas dimensões e critérios estabelecidos pelo Modelo PrACT, desenvolvido no
âmbito de uma perspetiva de avaliação alternativa digital. Neste trabalho, considerando a
complexidade e extensão dos dados recolhidos, optou-se por focar na apresentação e
discussão dos resultados de uma das dimensões do Modelo PrACT – a Autenticidade, dada
a sua relevância para a educação profissional.
This paper aims to present research findings of a study carried out in the context of an online Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) course, medium level, in a Professional Education Institution in Brazil. The main objective of the study was to verify the models and the assessment strategies adopted in online TVET and the extension of these strategies regarding a transparent evaluation experience, consistent, legitimate and sustainable. For this purpose, a qualitative research methodology was adopted, a case study approach, considering a class of a “Business Management Technical course”. Data collection tools, such as interviews with teachers and pedagogical coordinators of the referred course, non-participant observation and document analysis were applied. The theoretical framework is anchored in a culture of competence-based evaluation and training, in particular the dimensions and criteria established by the PrACT Model, designed and developed within a perspective of an alternative, digital assessment system. In this study, the researchers chose to focus on the presentation and discussion of the results of one specific dimension of the PrACT Model, the Authenticity, considering the large extension of the collected data and relevance of this dimension for the professional education.
This paper aims to present research findings of a study carried out in the context of an online Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) course, medium level, in a Professional Education Institution in Brazil. The main objective of the study was to verify the models and the assessment strategies adopted in online TVET and the extension of these strategies regarding a transparent evaluation experience, consistent, legitimate and sustainable. For this purpose, a qualitative research methodology was adopted, a case study approach, considering a class of a “Business Management Technical course”. Data collection tools, such as interviews with teachers and pedagogical coordinators of the referred course, non-participant observation and document analysis were applied. The theoretical framework is anchored in a culture of competence-based evaluation and training, in particular the dimensions and criteria established by the PrACT Model, designed and developed within a perspective of an alternative, digital assessment system. In this study, the researchers chose to focus on the presentation and discussion of the results of one specific dimension of the PrACT Model, the Authenticity, considering the large extension of the collected data and relevance of this dimension for the professional education.
Elearning Avaliação alternativa digital Modelo PrACT Avaliação de competências Educação profissional e-Learning Alternative digital assessment PrACT model Competence-based assessment Professional education
Souza, E. B., Amante, L. (2019). Avaliação Alternativa Digital: o Modelo PrACT aplicado à Educação Profissional, In A. J. Osório, M. J. Gomes, A. J. Valente, (Atas da XI Conferência Internacional de Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação na Educação – Challenges 2019, pp. 1097-1112. Braga: Universidade do Minho
Universidade do Minho. Centro de Competência