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O questionário Communities That Care Youth Survey (CTCYS) avalia fatores de risco e de proteção, prevendo uma série de problemas de saúde comportamentais, incluindo uso de substâncias psicoativas, violência e delinquência em jovens e adolescentes. Em 2022, o CTCYS foi adaptado para Portugal, incorporando fatores de risco e proteção, associados ao uso de substâncias psicoativas, comportamento antissocial e problemas de saúde mental em quatro dimensões: comunidade, família, escola e indivíduo-pares. O presente estudo investigou as propriedades psicométricas e a aplicabilidade do CTCYS em Portugal. O processo de adaptação envolveu a tradução e o refinamento do US CTCYS complementado de discussões em grupos focais com alunos e especialistas. Realizou-se ainda um pré-teste num dos municípios da Região Autónoma dos Açores (RAA) no sentido de aferir a consistência interna do instrumento. Os resultados indicam que a estrutura do CTCYS adaptado a Portugal capta amplamente os principais fatores de risco e proteção considerados. A versão final foi aplicada a 1218 alunos a da RAA e foi realizada nova análise de confiabilidade e validade dos constructos visando a verificação da confiabilidade dos resultados da pesquisa. De modo geral, a os resultados mostraram-se promissores. Neste artigo apresentamos a análise dos resultados que identificam maiores efeitos para o consumo de substâncias psicoativas nos jovens da RAA. O uso dos resultados do CTCYS na identificação dos fatores de risco mais proeminentes para o consumo de substâncias em adolescentes, demonstra o potencial desta ferramenta para orientação de intervenções comunitárias de prevenção.
The Communities That Care Youth Survey (CTCYS) assesses risk and protective factors, predicting a range of behavioural health problems, including psychoactive substance use, violence and delinquency in young people and adolescents. In 2022, the CTCYS was adapted for Portugal, incorporating risk and protective factors associated with psychoactive substance use, antisocial behaviour and mental health problems in four dimensions: community, family, school and individual peers. This study investigated the psychometric properties and applicability of the CTCYS in Portugal. The adaptation process involved translating and refining the US CTCYS, complemented by focus group discussions with students and experts. A pre-test was also carried out in one of the municipalities in the Autonomous Region of the Azores (RAA) to gauge the instrument's internal consistency. The results indicate that the structure of the CTCYS adapted to Portugal broadly captures the main risk and protective factors considered. The final version was applied to 1218 AAR students and a new reliability and construct validity analysis was carried out to check the reliability of the research results. Overall, the results were promising. In this article we present an analysis of the results that identify greater effects for the consumption of psychoactive substances among young people in the AAR. The use of the CTCYS results to identify the most prominent risk factors for substance use in adolescents demonstrates the potential of this tool to guide community prevention interventions.
The Communities That Care Youth Survey (CTCYS) assesses risk and protective factors, predicting a range of behavioural health problems, including psychoactive substance use, violence and delinquency in young people and adolescents. In 2022, the CTCYS was adapted for Portugal, incorporating risk and protective factors associated with psychoactive substance use, antisocial behaviour and mental health problems in four dimensions: community, family, school and individual peers. This study investigated the psychometric properties and applicability of the CTCYS in Portugal. The adaptation process involved translating and refining the US CTCYS, complemented by focus group discussions with students and experts. A pre-test was also carried out in one of the municipalities in the Autonomous Region of the Azores (RAA) to gauge the instrument's internal consistency. The results indicate that the structure of the CTCYS adapted to Portugal broadly captures the main risk and protective factors considered. The final version was applied to 1218 AAR students and a new reliability and construct validity analysis was carried out to check the reliability of the research results. Overall, the results were promising. In this article we present an analysis of the results that identify greater effects for the consumption of psychoactive substances among young people in the AAR. The use of the CTCYS results to identify the most prominent risk factors for substance use in adolescents demonstrates the potential of this tool to guide community prevention interventions.
Communities That Care Youth Survey Fatores de risco e fatores de proteção Adaptação do inquérito por questionário Propriedades psicométricas Consumos de substâncias psicoativas Risk factors and protective factors Adaptation of the survey Psychometric properties Substance abuse
Henriques, S., Rabelo, R. P. (2024). Adaptação do Communities That Care Youth Survey para Portugal: um estudo piloto. Revista Foco, 17(12).