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As transformações digitais têm provocado alterações na Educação, mas ainda não disseminadas. A compreensão da natureza, limites e potencialidades dessas transformações, exige um repensar das epistemologias e das teorias de aprendizagem. Propomos um quadro de interpretação dessas alterações, que encara o ensinar e o aprender enquanto percursos que se coengendram num habitar e co-habitar cada vez mais atópico, em contextos híbridos e multimodais. Por meio desse quadro, é possível compreender a transformação digital na Educação enquanto deslocamento disruptivo num espaço-tempo de interações ecossistêmicas de inovação. Este quadro de interpretação nasce do cruzamento das contribuições de Di Felice sobre os movimentos epistemológico do processo de digitalização que nos leva a uma nova condição habitativa, pós-urbana e atópica, originando epistemologias reticulares; e da perspectiva dos ecossistemas educacionais como sistemas vivos e cognitivos de Capra, Latour e Di Felice, onde se conectam diferentes ecologias, para além das humanas.
Digital transformations have caused changes in education, but not yet disseminated. Understanding the nature, limits, and potentialities of these transformations requires a rethinking of epistemologies and learning theories. We propose a framework for interpreting these changes, which views teaching and learning as paths that are co-engendered in an increasingly atopic dwelling and co-dwelling, in hybrid and multimodal contexts. Through the framework, it is possible to understand the digital transformation in education as disruptive displacement in space-time of ecosystem interactions of innovation. This framework of interpretation arises from the intersection of Di Felice's contributions on the epistemological movements of the digitization process that leads us to a new inhabiting condition, post-urban and atopic, originating reticular epistemologies; and from the perspective of educational ecosystems as Capra, Latour, and Di Felice´s living and cognitive systems, where different ecologies connect in addition to human ones.
Digital transformations have caused changes in education, but not yet disseminated. Understanding the nature, limits, and potentialities of these transformations requires a rethinking of epistemologies and learning theories. We propose a framework for interpreting these changes, which views teaching and learning as paths that are co-engendered in an increasingly atopic dwelling and co-dwelling, in hybrid and multimodal contexts. Through the framework, it is possible to understand the digital transformation in education as disruptive displacement in space-time of ecosystem interactions of innovation. This framework of interpretation arises from the intersection of Di Felice's contributions on the epistemological movements of the digitization process that leads us to a new inhabiting condition, post-urban and atopic, originating reticular epistemologies; and from the perspective of educational ecosystems as Capra, Latour, and Di Felice´s living and cognitive systems, where different ecologies connect in addition to human ones.
Educação Transformação digital Hibridismo Multimodalidade Ecossistemas Inovação Education Digital transformation Hybridism Multimodality Ecosystems Inovation