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Face aos novos desafios que se colocam à educação na atualidade, o recurso ao mobile learning, e mais especificamente às tecnologias móveis, e a análise do seu impacto a nível motivacional e psicossocial em estudantes do ensino fundamental e médio, tem vindo a granjear progressivo interesse pela comunidade científica. A presente investigação tem como objetivo verificar se, através da utilização do iPad e da plataforma iTunes U, os estudantes se apropriam de conceitos estruturais para a construção do conhecimento histórico. Recorrendo a um estudo de caso, a investigação centrou-se num grupo de 47 estudantes do ensino fundamental - 9.o ano de escolaridade -, com idades compreendidas entre os 14 e os 16 anos, tendo como contexto um ecossistema tecnológico para a criação de uma história digital relativa ao período revolucionário português de 1974/76. De referir que o programa principal utilizado para a realização da atividade foi o Book Creator, que permite a importação para a aplicação iBooks em formato de livro. Os resultados obtidos revelam que o uso destas tecnologias móveis e seus aplicativos podem ter efeitos muito positivos, não só a nível motivacional, mas também, e sobretudo, no que diz respeito à aquisição e construção do conhecimento histórico, a nível do domínio de conceitos estruturais, como o de significância e evidência.
Due to the new challenges that education faces nowadays, resorting to mobile learning and particularly to mobile technologies, as well as to the analysis of its impact on both motivational and psychosocial levels of non-higher education students, has been gaining progressive interest among the scientific community. The present investigation has as its main objective to verify if, through the usage of the iPad and the iTunes U platform, students appropriate structural concepts for the construction of historical knowledge. Through the development of a case study, the investigation focused on a group of 47 9th grade students, aged between 14 and 16 years, who worked with a technological ecosystem to create a digital story related to the Portuguese Revolutionary period of 1974/76. The main app used for this activity was Book Creator, which allows the work to be uploaded to the iBooks app, turning it into an interactive book. The results obtained show that using this type of mobile technologies and its apps can have very positive effects, not only at a motivational level, but also, and specially, to what concerns acquiring and building historical knowledge through the appropriation of structural concepts like historical significance and evidence.
Due to the new challenges that education faces nowadays, resorting to mobile learning and particularly to mobile technologies, as well as to the analysis of its impact on both motivational and psychosocial levels of non-higher education students, has been gaining progressive interest among the scientific community. The present investigation has as its main objective to verify if, through the usage of the iPad and the iTunes U platform, students appropriate structural concepts for the construction of historical knowledge. Through the development of a case study, the investigation focused on a group of 47 9th grade students, aged between 14 and 16 years, who worked with a technological ecosystem to create a digital story related to the Portuguese Revolutionary period of 1974/76. The main app used for this activity was Book Creator, which allows the work to be uploaded to the iBooks app, turning it into an interactive book. The results obtained show that using this type of mobile technologies and its apps can have very positive effects, not only at a motivational level, but also, and specially, to what concerns acquiring and building historical knowledge through the appropriation of structural concepts like historical significance and evidence.
Tecnologias móveis Ensino de história Complexidade Mobile technologies History teaching Complexity
DIAS-TRINDADE, Sara, & MOREIRA, J. António (2017). Tecnologias Móveis e a Recriação Digital na Construção do Conhecimento Histórico. Revista Eletrônica de Educação, vol. 11, n.º 2, 637-652