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Work-in-progress: the role of immersion when designing characters for adapting textual narratives into comic strips for online higher education: trials prototyping characters
Publication . Bonfim, Cristiane; Lacet, Demetrius; Morgado, Leonel; Pedrosa, Daniela
A critical factor in immersive educational narratives is identification by students with the characters. In this
work-in-progress analyzes the process of rendering characters from textual narratives into visual form by non-artists (i.e., instructors). We tried to match archetypes with their visual representation through the platforms: Pixton, Powtoon (both 2D) and The Sims4 (3D). The limitations of characterization can impact students' narrative immersion. As future work we intend to test with the target group and observe the improvements needed to increase identification and sense of immersion in the narrative.
Ensaios de transposição de narrativas textuais para plataformas digitais 2d e 3d aplicadas ao ensino superior a distância
Publication . Bonfim, Cristiane; Lacet, Demetrius; Morgado, Leonel; Pedrosa, Daniela; Cardoso, Ana Paula; Tavares, Dina; Santos, Filipe; Pinto, Hélia; Dias, Isabel Simões; Fonseca, Marta; Duarte, Nicole; Morouço, Pedro; Tadeu, Pedro; Matos, Rui; Milhano, Sandrina
As narrativas textuais têm sido utilizadas de diversas formas na educação. Analisámos as narrativas empregues num caso de abordagem didática baseada em aprendizagem situada, autorregulação e corregulação das aprendizagens, e avaliação formativa, designada e-SimProgramming,
numa unidade curricular (UC) de Engenharia Informática do ensino superior português a distância. Visou-se neste trabalho verificar quais as adaptações necessárias para a transposição destas
narrativas para os formatos 2D (em BD, Banda Desenhada) e 3D, com a expetativa de impulsionar
uma maior imersividade dos estudantes nas narrativas. A UC é desenvolvida em seis tópicos sequenciais com conteúdos e atividades acedidas pelos estudantes de forma assíncrona na
platafor-ma Moodle. Neste contexto, a UC utiliza atualmente narrativas em formato textual,
desenvolvidas utilizando a técnica OC2RD2, com o objetivo de provocar o sentimento de “imersão
na história”. A metodologia aplicada neste ensaio de transposição foi a DSR Design Science
Research, com vista a identificar métodos eficazes para essa transposição. Foram realizados
dois ensaios na fase de Design do Artefato da DSR, de cocriação interdisciplinar, para a
transposição das narrativas tex-tuais de um dos tópicos da UC. As ferramentas utilizadas nestes
ensaios de transposição foram a Magic Board Theater (3D) e a Banda Desenhada Player (2D),
descritas em trabalho anterior. Os ensaios de transposição foram realizados a partir da
adaptação dos elementos (personagens e ce-nários) pré-existentes nas ferramentas, ou seja,
descontextualizados dos idealizados para a UC. Na análise comparativa entre as plataformas 2D e
3D, constatou-se que a plataforma de visualização de BD atende melhor aos requisitos da UC em
seu contexto de oferta a distância, tendo em consi-deração fatores como: visualização sem
tempo pré-definido; acesso sem necessidade de grande largura de banda de Internet; conexão
com ficheiros externos dentro do contexto dos diálogos (in-clusivamente ficheiros multimédia);
responsividade e fácil integração com a plataforma Moodle e permite imprimir ou exportar as
narrativas para formato externo. Pelos resultados preliminares é possível afirmar que a
transposição dos elementos de narrativas textuais para BD é uma opção viável e a ser
considerada para o uso de narrativas no Ensino Superior a Distância em Cursos de Informática
na transição do nível básico para o avançado.
Inven!RA Architecture for sustainable deployment of immersive learning environments
Publication . Morgado, Leonel; Coelho, António; Beck, Dennis; Gütl, Christian; Cassola, Fernando; Baptista, Ricardo; Van Zeller, Maria; Pedrosa, Daniela; Cruzeiro, Tiago; Cota, Duarte; Grilo, Ricardo; Schlemmer, Eliane
The objective of this work was to support the sustainable deployment of immersive learning
environments, which face varied obstacles, including the lack of support infrastructures for active
learning pedagogies. Sustainability from the perspective of the integration of these environments in
educational practice entails situational awareness, workload, and the informed assessment ability of
participants, which must be supported for such activities to be employed in a widespread manner.
We have approached this wicked problem using the Design Science Research paradigm and produced
the Inven!RA software architecture. This novel result constitutes a solution for developing software
platforms to enable the sustainable deployment of immersive learning environments. The Inven!RA
architecture is presented alongside four demonstration scenarios employed in its evaluation, providing a means for the situational awareness of immersive learning activities in support of pedagogic
decision making.
Viewing puzzles as two-faced: theoretical and practical implications for Puzzle-based Learning
Publication . Fontes, Mario Madureira; Morgado, Leonel; Pestana, Pedro Duarte; Pedrosa, Daniela; Cravino, José
The Puzzle-based Learning approach has been applied to several fields of knowledge. In education
research papers, the instructional usage of puzzles is considered to improve learners’ motivation
and engagement and help them to develop critical skills but difficulties concerning learners’
interaction with puzzles have also been pointed out. Our paper investigates the dynamics of the
concept of a puzzle and its interface to provide a better understanding of its form and functions,
and help learners interact with puzzles. We consider Puzzle-based Learning tenets as well as their
educational impacts on both critical thinking and learner engagement and provide an original
proposal concerning the understanding of puzzles. Our proposal centered on the dynamics of
puzzles bears conceptual and educational facets. Conceptually, puzzle dynamics is viewed as
composed of two elements: a mechanism, the Puzzle Trigger, and a process, the Puzzle-Solving.
From an educational point of view, the rationale for integrating Puzzle Triggers in Puzzle-based
Learning is meant to help learners interact with puzzles and consequently become motivated and
engaged in the Puzzle-Solving process. This way, learners’ critical thinking skills are reinforced
and focused on finding solutions to challenges. We illustrate the implementation of Puzzle
Triggers and Puzzle-Solving by considering two instructional activities in a Software Development undergraduate course of an online learning Informatics Engineering Program.
Anonymizing student team data of online collaborative learning in slack
Publication . Fontes, Mario Madureira; Pedrosa, Daniela; Morgado, Leonel; Cravino, José
Research data on the activities of student teams
in online learning environments are relevant for evaluating instructional methods, strategies, tools, and materials. For research data sharing and publication purposes, these personal data must
be anonymized or pseudonymized as recommended by data protection and privacy policies. This paper addresses issues related to anonymizing and pseudonymizing student data on the Slack teamwork platform, one often employed in educational and business settings. Issues are discussed from two perspectives: data
extraction and data transformation. Difficulties and challenges concerning data extraction and transformation are described.
The complexities of these two processes are considered, and a starting point for developing more efficient methods is put forward.
Organizational Units
Funding agency
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Funding programme
Funding Award Number