19 results
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- Sustainable online and digital assessment practices in higher education: the case of an english university during the COVID19 pandemicPublication . Casanova, Diogo; Huet, IsabelIn this paper, we discuss the approach taken to online and digital assessment by an English university during the Covid19 pandemic. We explore this case because of the institutional investment in changing its assessment approach during the pandemic. This approach is explored against a sustainability model for learning technologies adoption, specifically looking at level 1 - financial support; level 2 - instructional and technical support; level 3 - institutional ownership; level 4 - institutional impact; and level 5 - stakeholders’ ownership. This will hopefully help academics and institutions to both reflect on past experiences and think forward about the sustainability of their online and digital assessment strategies. We argue in this paper that higher education should be looking at the electronic management of the assessment process in a more sustainable way. This paper concludes by recommending institutions to embrace the efforts made during the pandemic and rethink how online and digital assessments can be managed over time to encourage authentic learning.
- Exploring the professional development of doctoral supervisors through workplace learning: a literature reviewPublication . Huet, Isabel; Casanova, DiogoThe professional development of doctoral supervisors is a relatively new area of academic development that is still non-existent in many higher education institutions worldwide. This is particularly relevant to explore as several other studies indicate that the quality of doctoral supervision has a direct impact on the doctoral student progression and attrition rates and on the quality of the student experience. The purpose of this literature review is to explore what has been written about the professional development of doctoral supervisors, with a focus on understanding how learning takes place in the workplace. Through a systematic literature review approach, 20 manuscripts in the social sciences were identified as providing an in-depth exploration of the topic under study. The analysis of these manuscripts was situated within the theories of adult and workplace learning. Professional development occurred in different shapes and forms and is shaped by institutional and national academic cultures. There was a common understanding that learning occurred more often through self-reflection and dialogue, in both formal and informal learning spaces, and that there is a need for focusing more on the pedagogy of the doctorate. The article ends by suggesting a set of institutional recommendations for promoting the professional development of supervisors.
- Testemunho de uma supervisora de doutoramento a distânciaPublication . Huet, IsabelEntrevista a uma supervisora de doutoramento a distância da Universidade de Liverpool, Reino Unido - Professora Doutora Lucilla Crosta para partilhar a sua experiência de supervisão de doutoramentos a distância.
- Building a community of practice for engaging pharmacy students to learn in a collaborative research environmentPublication . ElShaer, Amr; Calabrese, Gianpiero; Casanova, Diogo; Huet, IsabelConventional research project supervision is not always compatible with current challenges facing higher education, such as students’ diverse backgrounds, increasing demands, and multidisciplinary research interests. Additionally, research students may experience isolation at different stages of research. To help students coping with these challenges, approaches such as progress reports, departmental presentations, and co-supervision have been introduced. Community of practices (CoP) are alternative approaches that if successfully adopted may improve the students’ learning experience. These communities were developed as knowledge-based social structures between groups of people sharing goals and interests. Considering the importance of CoPs as a strategy to engage students and researchers to work collaboratively; this study aims to investigate the impact of a formal CoP on the students’ learning experience at different levels of study.
- Quais são as nossas práticas e abordagens de supervisão?Publication . Huet, IsabelRefletir sobre as práticas e abordagens de supervisão a distância com o objetivo de melhorar a prática de supervisão/orientação de estudantes de mestrado ou doutoramento.
- The experience of co-designing a learning space with teachers and studentsPublication . Casanova, Diogo; Huet, Isabel; Garcia, FabianeThis paper presents the findings of an empirical research study investigating the perspectives of students and teachers on learning spaces in higher education and their participation in the design process of such spaces. The study employed a participatory design method, using workshops to involve teachers and students in redesigning a prototype learning space named the ‘Cube’. This approach allowed the researchers to actively engage users in reflective thinking on the learning spaces and their role in learning and to co-create new learning spaces through the use of their experiences and ideas. The findings are organised into 10 design themes, highlighting key considerations for the design of meaningful and effective learning spaces. The study concludes that involving teachers and students in the design process can significantly improve the learning and teaching experiences by fostering an active sense of agency and ownership over the learning spaces.
- The professional development of doctoral supervisors through an international lensPublication . Casanova, Diogo; Huet, Isabel; Garcia, FabianneThis chapter aims to explore the different nuances that exist in the professional development of doctoral supervisors worldwide by reflecting on the data collected through a literature review. The discussion is also informed by the personal experiences of the authors as international doctoral supervisors and upon experiences drawn from delivering training for doctoral supervisors in the UK and Portugal. The authors introduce the concept and relevance of professional development in higher education, present the methodology of the study and explore what has been written in the literature about the professional development of doctoral supervisors. Lastly, the authors discuss the case of Brazil in more detail and present the next steps of this research. This conceptual chapter, which emerges from the literature review and autobiographical writing, sheds light on the future of professional development by reinforcing a conversational enquiry approach where learning occurs in the workplace and in communities of practice and where learning emerges as instrumental, dialogic, and self-reflective.
- Como posso ajudar os meus estudantes a gerir o desenvolvimento das suas competências enquanto jovens investigadores?Publication . Huet, IsabelRecurso multimédia que sistematiza a importância do desenvolvimento de competências dos jovens investigadores.
- Role of technology in the design of learning environmentsPublication . Casanova, Diogo; Huet, Isabel; Garcia, Fabiane; Pessoa, TeresaThe design of learning environments is being increasingly investigated, largely as a result of higher-education providers being challenged by both societal and technological devel- opments. These providers are becoming more aware that the quality of learning environ- ments affects students’ approaches to learning and satisfaction. This paper presents an alternative to more-traditional methods for designing learning environments that is driven by input of their main stakeholders: students and teachers. By using this method, we were able to explore stakeholders’ insights into learning spaces design and how learning tech- nologies can be integrated in such spaces. Qualitative research was conducted with the aim of guiding the redesign of technology-enhanced learning environments. For this particular research, we used ‘sandpits’, which are creative and design-thinking workshops, in which participants are encouraged to redesign provocative concepts of a large and a small tech- nology-enhanced learning environment. Thirteen ‘sandpits’ were delivered involving 32 teachers and 25 students. Through these design-thinking workshops, students and teachers reflected on and discussed the role of technology in face-to-face learning and teaching and proposed new design solutions for technology-enhanced learning environments.
- Online collaborative learning using Microsoft Teams in higher education amid COVID-19Publication . Tan, Chekfoung; Casanova, Diogo; Huet, Isabel; Alhammad, MunaDue to the Covid-19 pandemic, most universities needed to move to online teaching and learning, in some cases with very limited knowledge or experience in running online programmes. Engaging students online has become an imminent challenge that universities and academics are still trying to address. This paper reports on the findings from the experience of making the transition from an established collaborative learning activity delivered in a face-to-face environment to online collaborative learning supported by Microsoft Teams. Supported by an action research methodology, the paper evaluates this experience by comparing the outcomes of students' learning in the previous face-to-face and the online activities and the suitability of Microsoft Teams as a learning environment for collaborative learning for a postgraduate project management module. This research contributes to the growing knowledge of technology-enhanced learning by shedding light on how Microsoft Teams can support active and online collaborative learning in Higher Education.