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  • FAZENDinho: um suplemento editorial de Sustentabilidade nas escolas dos Açores
    Publication . Mendes, Rita S. D. R; Nicolau, Paula Bacelar; Azeiteiro, Ulisses
    O FAZENDinho é o suplemento para crianças da publicação mensal Fazendo que sai às ruas dos Açores desde 2008. Ambos são gratuitos, comunitários, não lucrativos e politicamente independentes. A missão do FAZENDinho é proporcionar momentos de diversão, sensibilização, cultura e aprendizagem lúdica e criativa, na exploração de temáticas, maioritariamente, relacionadas com o património natural e cultural dos Açores, sob uma lente de Sustentabilidade. No papel da Educação Formal da Região Autónoma dos Açores estão definidas intenções de Sustentabilidade e de Açorianidade. No entanto, muitas vezes, estas são atropeladas pela força da exigência dos conteúdos programáticos, que não deixa aos professores disponibilidade para preparar materiais mais ajustados às temáticas regionais. Durante a exploração orientada do FAZENDinho, na disciplina de Desenvolvimento Pessoal e Social em turmas do segundo ciclo do ensino básico, no ano letivo 2015-2016, fez-se uma avaliação da sua aplicabilidade, dos pontos positivos e a melhorar, através da aplicação de questionários aos alunos e entrevistas aos professores envolvidos. Com a análise dos resultados deste estudo, aspira-se a inovação em termos de conteúdos e respetivas formas de exploração do FAZENDinho, bem como a partilha de saberes e materiais entre a educação formal e não formal, com vista a um melhor desenvolvimento da Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável dos jovens açorianos.
  • Climate change policies and agendas: facing implementation challenges and guiding responses
    Publication . Alves, Fátima; Leal Filho, Walter; Casaleiro, Paula; Nagy, Gustavo J.; Diaz, Harry; Al-Amin, Abul Quasem; Farooq, Harith; Guerra, José Baltazar Salgueirinho Osório de Andrade; Margot, Hurlbert; Klavins, Maris; Saroar, Mustafa; Lorencova, Eliska Krkoska; Suresh, Jain; Soares, Amadeu; Morgado, Fernando; O’Hare, Paul; Wolf, Franziska; Azeiteiro, Ulisses
    Climate policies are essential to mitigate climate change and to develop successful adaptation processes. However, there is a paucity of international studies that analyse the status of climate change policies. This paper reports on research undertaken in a sample of 13 highly diverse countries, in regards to their geography, socioeconomic development, vulnerability elements, adaptation, and climate-risks. The results draw attention to the global spread and standardisation of climate change policies, namely through the adoption of comprehensive National Adaptation Plans/Strategies (NAPs/NASs) that include mitigation measures and evaluation mechanisms. Although NAPs tend to take into account different non-governmental stakeholders, they are still mainly state-centred (i.e. their steering and implementation are the responsibility of each country´s Ministry of the Environment) in most of the 13 countries in which this study was carried out. The results show that NAPs’ objectives mainly reflect more a global agenda and pay less attention to national/regional vulnerabilities and contexts. In fact, despite different socioeconomic levels of development, diverse climate-risks, and dissimilar vulnerability and readiness status among countries, the examined NAPs tend to focus on the same critical sectors and objectives. Notwithstanding their similarities, our results highlight two different logics of adaptation reflected on the NAPs: one focused on economic risks and opportunities, characteristic of developed countries; and others focused on natural resources and conservation, characteristic of developing countries.
  • Attitudes, barriers and motivators as factors for sustainability of higher education e-Learning programmes at Universidade Aberta, Portugal
    Publication . Nicolau, Paula Bacelar; Caeiro, Sandra; Martinho, Ana Paula; Azeiteiro, Ulisses
    In higher education distance learning institutions, where studies are carried on through a variety of distance learning regimes, from the correspondence and earlier forms of distance education to fully online e-learning programmes, and where planners and administrators seize the effective adoption and deployment of technology-enabled education, student attitude and motivation assume considerable significance. Attitudinal pre-dispositions, institutional and allied barriers (including appropriate policy initiatives), besides the scientific and pedagogical quality of degree programmes are assumed to play a crucial role in sustainability of higher education systems. This article reports the findings of a study conducted at Universidade Aberta, Portugal—the Portuguese Distance Learning Education University—to examine student attitudes towards e-learning and to identify barriers and motivators of e-learning adoption, which are key factors for decreasing dropout rates of a 2nd cycle degree e-learning programme, analysed as a case study.
  • Guest editorial
    Publication . Azeiteiro, Ulisses; Alves, Fátima; Moura, Ana Pinto de; Pardal, Miguel Â.
    Editorial do volume especial: Azeiteiro, U. A., Alves, F., Moura, A. P., & Pardal, M. (2012), Special issue: Marine environment quality Guest editorial. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 23(4), 325-327. [Fator de Impacto SJR em 2012: 0.186; Quartil Q3 Miscellaneous]
  • Sociocultural and educational factors in the sustainability of coastal zones : the prestige oil spill in Galicia, ten years later
    Publication . Carvalho, Sara; Alves, Fátima; Azeiteiro, Ulisses; Meira-Cartea, Pablo; Pardal, Miguel
    Purpose - Environmental threats of immediate risk in areas such as coastal zones (CZ) have aroused new trends of citizenship and participatory democracy. This article intends to analyse elements within those trends, such as environmental culture; socio-political context; dynamics of social associative movement and integration of local knowledge. It also aims to contribute to an overview of the opportunities and barriers found in considering sociocultural and educational challenges in CZ. Design/methodology/approach - In this analysis, case studies of integrated coastal management occurring worldwide were selected and reviewed, considering several nuances of socio-economic and political contexts of CZ. Experiences of public response to coastal catastrophes such the Prestige oil spill in Spain, are also described. Findings – Whether implementing sustainable coastal management through either balanced systems (between large and small-scale strategies) or through largely bottom-up approaches, participation is detected as one of the main factors for a successul integrated approach. Principles such as participatory governance and social justice should be adopted in initial phases of sustainable management processes and preferably involve all of the implied actors of CZ. Originality/value - The literature reviewed provides specific highlights on factors that have empirically contributed to participatory sustainability of CZ, integrating three dimensions of citizenship: education, society’s dynamics and culture.
  • Universities speak up regarding the implementation of sustainable development challenges: the case of Portugal
    Publication . Farinha, Carla; Caeiro, Sandra; Azeiteiro, Ulisses
    Purpose – This study aims to expand knowledge and provide further insights on how education for sustainable development (ESD) has been integrated into programmes at higher education institutions (HEIs) in Portugal. Design/methodology/approach – A questionnaire survey was given to key actors in charge of sustainability implementation at each Portuguese public university. Semi-structured interviews were also conducted with 13 of the survey respondents and the data were analysed. Findings – Results showed that Portuguese public universities have their own strategies and policies on ESD, leading them to introduce initiatives arising from their proactiveness rather than governmental edicts. Some universities implemented ESD planning and beneficial “green” practices such as waste separation and recycling and ways to reduce energy consumption that can be a result of the improvement after the United Nations Decade 2005-2014. However, these actions seem to have been taken in isolation and not holistically integrated. Universities face many barriers including lack of funding, not properly trained people and inept government policies. They also must overcome challenges in implementing ESD. Research limitations/implications – This research into the implementation of ESD has a national scope; the findings should be interpreted only in a Portuguese university context despite the high number of interviewees. Practical implications – The study has increased knowledge, provided further insights on how ESD has been integrated at HEIs and provided examples of integrated practices at Portuguese universities. A Sustainability4U platform was proposed for enhancing awareness of the need for increasing sustainable development. Originality/value – This study contributes to defining a country’s profile and how to implement sustainability in HEIs. The importance of obtaining information from key actors in sustainability at Portuguese public universities was highlighted.
  • A sensory and nutritional comparison of mussels (Mytilus sp.) produced in NW Iberia and in the Armona offshore production area (Algarve, Portugal)
    Publication . Oliveira, Ana Rita; Sykes, António V.; Hachero-Cruzado, Ismael; Azeiteiro, Ulisses; Esteves, Eduardo
    A biometric, nutritional and sensory analysis of raw and cooked mussels comparing Mytilus sp. from the north-west coast of Portugal and Spain (Minho and Galicia, respectively) and the new offshore production site of Armona (Algarve, south Portugal) was carried out. In addition, multiple factorial analysis was performed to explore potential relationships between sensory attributes and nutritional content properties between the different mussels. Results showed that, at similar times of sale, biometrics of mussels from Armona and Vigo were similar and bigger than the remaining. Nonetheless, despite some similarities in proximate composition, mussels presented differences in lipid classes, fatty acid content and free amino acids profiles. These differences were not fully reflected in the sensory assessment by the panel, which were able to distinguish different production sites in raw specimens but displayed problems in discrimination these in cooked mussels. Some nutritional components were related to specific sensory sensations.
  • A literacia ambiental dos alunos finalistas do ensino secundário : o caso da Escola Secundária da Moita
    Publication . Gomes, Gracinda F. B.; Santos, Paulo Talhadas dos; Azeiteiro, Ulisses
    O presente trabalho pretendeu dar continuidade ao levantamento e monitorização da Literacia Ambiental (LA), dos alunos finalistas do Ensino Secundário, iniciada em várias outras Escolas Secundárias de Áreas Geográficas e realidades Socioeconómicas distintas da que foi alvo este estudo, a Escola Secundária da Moita. Para o seu desenvolvimento, recorreu-se a uma metodologia de inquérito por recurso ao questionário escrito, já devidamente testado e ajustado nas escolas onde foi anteriormente aplicado. Na situação em estudo, o questionário foi aplicado aos alunos do 12º ano do curso Cientifico Humanístico, de Ciências e Tecnologias, num total de 72 alunos. Demonstrou-se que estes alunos apresentam, globalmente, um nível Suficiente de Literacia Ambiental. O Conhecimento Informal apresenta desempenhos inferiores ao Conhecimento Escolástico, o que é reflexo do meio em que a escola se insere, dos modos de vida dos seus habitantes e da importância que estes atribuem à cultura e, particularmente, ao Ambiente. É ao nível das Atitudes pró-ambientais que o desempenho destes alunos apresenta melhores resultados, o que demonstra um bom nível de receptividade e envolvimento nas problemáticas ambientais.
  • Education for sustainable development through policies and strategies in the public portuguese higher education institutions
    Publication . Farinha, Carla; Azeiteiro, Ulisses; Caeiro, Sandra
    Many European countries, particularly in Northern Europe, have conducted integrated studies on Sustainable Development in Higher Education. In Portugal, no attempt has been made to evaluate in detail how Public Higher Education Institutions (HEI) are incorporating Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) at policy and strategy level and how it was implemented within Ministry of Education and Science. This study aimed to determine how sustainability was integrated into policies and strategies of 14 HEI in Portugal within the framework and goals of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD) 2005- 2014. Based on grounded theory strategy, multi case studies and documental content analysis a deductive approach was undertaken. Pre-selected key terms based on literature search were used for the content analysis. Documentary research on polices, plans and programs from the Governmental Great Planning Options as Governmental Constitutional Plans and the Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science was performed through the analysis of the possible forms of implementation of DESD, and their consequent impacts on strategies of the public Institutions taking part of the Portuguese Council of Rectors. Given that 2014 was the final year of DESD 2005-2014 and 2005 was the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) assessment year, the approach of sustainability in public policies and strategies in the Portuguese HEI is on schedule. Notwithstanding some international drivers and a few practical examples at University level, preliminary results showed that ESD is still in its early stages of development and that there is a lack of national integrated strategies or policies. There is an absolute need for a change in the paradigm of Portuguese HEI and several barriers to overcome, both through learning and application of best practices from other European and worldwide countries.
  • Implementing climate change research at universities: barriers, potential and actions
    Publication . Leal Filho, Walter; Morgan, Edward A.; Godoy, Eric S.; Azeiteiro, Ulisses; Nicolau, Paula Bacelar; Veiga Ávila, Lucas; Mac-Lean, Claudia; Hugék, Jean
    Many universities around the world have been active centres of climate change research. However, there are a number of barriers to climate change research, stemming both from the nature of there search and the structure of institutions.This paper offers an overview of the barriers which hinder the handling of matters related to climate change at institutions of higher education (IHEs), and reports on an empirical study to investigate these barriers using a global survey of higher education institutions. It concludes by proposing some steps which could be followed with a view to making climate change more present and effective in university research and teaching. These include changing approaches to research, outreach and teaching to better support action on climate change.