Computação Gráfica | Comunicações em congressos, conferências e seminários / Communications in congresses, conferences and seminars
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- Eq A Sketch 360, a Serious Toy for Drawing Equirectangular Spherical PerspectivesPublication . Araújo, AntónioEq a Sketch 360 is a simple program for raster sketching VR panoramas in equirectangular spherical perspective. It is built as a serious toy, to develop sketching intuition regarding equirectangular drawing as proper perspective drawing, with its specific constructions of vanishing points, geodesics, line projections, antipodes, and grids. It is useful as a teaching aid and as a production tool for preliminary perspective sketches to be further rendered with other digital or traditional tools. It is naturally adapted for the input variables adequate for observational sketches. In this paper we survey the operation and purposes of the program. We also show how it calculates the equirectangular geodesic through two given points, which enables one of its main drawing features.
- An algorithm and architecture to support cooperative multimedia editingPublication . Santos, Adelino; Marcos, AdéritoGroupware systems have been made possible by developing algorithms and architectures which support collaborative tasks. The main rules of these algorithms are to maintain a global coherence state of the cooperative system and to control the information flow amongst the co-users. By architecture the authors mean the way the cooperative system is organized in order to enable the cooperative algorithm to work. The distribution of the physical processes and files over the different machines where the co-authors are located, as well as the way the communication is enabled, is discussed
- Effective algorithm for building and solving linear systemsPublication . Serna, Sebastian Pena; Silva, João; Stork, André; Marcos, AdéritoSeveral mesh-based techniques in computer graphics such as shape deformation, mesh editing, animation and simulation, build and solve linear systems. The most common method to build a linear system consists in traversing the topology (connectivity) of the mesh, producing in general a representation of the set of equations in form of a sparse matrix. Similarly, the solution of the system is achieved, by means of iterating over the set of equations in the default sequence of the vertices (unknowns). This paper presents a new algorithm, which optimizes the build of the linear system and its storage, and which allows the iteration over the set of equations in any arbitrary order. Additionally, our algorithm enables rapid modifications to the linear system, avoiding a complete rebuild.
- Global terrorism database vizualization: um projecto de arte digital suportado por visualização de informaçãoPublication . Moura, João Martinho; Sousa, Jorge; Branco, Pedro; Marcos, AdéritoEsta comunicação apresenta uma aplicação de visualização da informação, o Global Terrorism Database Visualization (GTDV) abordando a questão do terrorismo. O projecto GTDV recorre a técnicas e processos de visualização da informação, dando ênfase á estética, além da funcionalidade, exibindo dados de eventos terroristas ocorridos entre 1970 e 2004, compilados a partir do Global Terrorism Database, da Universidade de Maryland, E.U.A.. É descrita a interface do GTDV, sendo realizada uma análise crítica e especificadas as técnicas estruturais e de visualização utilizadas. O projecto GTDV visa contribuir para a emergência de um conhecimento aprofundado sobre a problemática do terrorismo
- Desenvolvimento de um operador de tone mapping para dispositivos com ecrã pequenoPublication . Urbano, Carlos; Magalhães, Luís; Moura, João Paulo; Bessa, Maximino; Marcos, AdéritoDada a forte divulgação e crescente adesão à criação e utilização de imagens HDR (High Dynamic Range), quer de fotografias do mundo real quer imagens geradas por computador através de software específico, tornase necessário permitir a sua adequada visualização nos dispositivos de visualização convencionais, incluindo os pequenos e limitados, mas amplamente difundidos, dispositivos com ecrã pequeno (DEP) como os Personal Digital Assistants (PDA). Apesar do considerável esforço na melhoria destes dispositivos, as suas limitações continuam a ser notórias, salientando-se o reduzido tamanho, resolução e gama de cores disponíveis. Conforme demonstrámos em experiências anteriores, este tipo de dispositivos necessitam de um operador de mapeamento de tons (Tone Mapping Operator - TMO) adequado que maximize a percepção de imagens HDR. Neste artigo expomos o estado actual do desenvolvimento deste novo TMO para DEP.
- Sistema flexível de realidade aumentada de baixo custo com base em projecção estereoscópicaPublication . Silva, Fernando; Rodrigues, Nuno; Marcos, Adérito; Ferreira, Manuel JoãoA Realidade Aumentada usa a renderização de modelos de objectos para complementar informação numa cena física. Para conseguir este objectivo (atingir esta meta), esses modelos necessitam de ser referenciados aos objectos físicos que é suposto serem aumentados. Esta referenciação requer uma calibração dos dispositivos usados para a projecção das imagens aumentadas, assim como dos dispositivos usados para adquirir a informação 3D da cena física. No caso de o aumento de realidade incluir nova geometria, as imagens aumentadas deverão ser projectadas e visualizadas em estéreo, de modo que a cena composta resultante faça sentido. Usualmente, bons exemplos de realidade aumentada são muito caros e as soluções implementadas são rígidas. Neste artigo descrevemos uma arquitectura e a sua implementação como um sistema flexível e de baixo custo, para criação e projecção de realidade aumentada. Na secção final apontamos alguns desenvolvimentos futuros para este sistema, requerendo mais experimentação.
- Games and simulations in distance learning: the AIDLET ModelPublication . Bidarra, José; Rothschild, Meagan; Squire, KurtThis chapter discusses the selection and potential use of electronic games and simulations in distance learning supported by an operational model called AIDLET. After analyzing the different approaches to the use of games and simulations in education, and discussing their benefits and shortcomings, a framework was developed to facilitate the selection, repurposing, design and implementation of games and simulations, with focus on the practical aspects of the processes used in Open and Distance Learning (ODL). Whereas traditional learning is based on knowledge memorization and the comple- tion of carefully graded assignments, today, games, simulations and virtual environments turn out to be safe platforms for trial and error experimentation, i.e. learning by doing/playing. New instructional models may require that rich interactive processes of communication are supported, that assignments are structured as game-like projects, and that a culture of interaction, collaboration, and enablement drives learning and personal development. In this context, the AIDLET model was set out and verified against a taxonomy representing the main categories and genres of games to meet the requirements of distance education teachers, instructional designers and decision-makers.
- Engaging virtual agentsPublication . Iurgel, Ido A.; Marcos, AdéritoEmbodied virtual assistants normally don’t engage the user emotionally. They fulfil their functions, e.g. as shopping assistants or virtual teachers, factually and emotionless. This way, they do not explore the full potential of the presence of an embodied character. In real life, the personality of the teacher or salesperson, their ability to involve and even to entertain is essential for their success. But how much of these “soft factors” can be translated into behaviour of virtual agents? Which kinds of virtual personalities are appropriate for which group, and in which context? We call virtual agents with engaging “soft skills” Engaging Virtual Agents. This paper presents a software platform employed for experimenting with soft skills and for creating different personalities of virtual agents. The focus of this platform is on authoring principles that facilitate the cooperation of content creators and computer scientists. We also present “Julie”, an example that was shortly concluded as part of a research project commissioned by SAP AG. Julie is a virtual sales assistant that employs actively emotional expressions and narrative techniques, in order to provide additional motivation for the customer to visit and to remain at the virtual shop.
- Bounding information and media frontiers: short papers [de] SIACG 2002 - 1st Ibero-American Symposium in Computer GraphicsPublication . Santos, Próspero dos; Jorge, Joaquim; Marcos, AdéritoThis is the book of short papers of the 1st Ibero-American Symposium in Computer Graphics (SIACG) which was the first in a series of similar events organised every year, alternating between Europe and South America. Its mission is to foster transatlantic co-operation through the exchange of scholars, ideas, information and participation in joint projects between Computer Graphics communities in the Iberian Peninsula and Latin America.
- Actas do 2º Workshop de Sistemas de Informação Multimédia, Cooperativos e Distribuídos (CoopMedia 2003)Publication . Marcos, Adérito; Antunes, Pedro; Guimarães, NunoLivro de atas do 2º Workshop de Sistemas de Informação Multimédia, Cooperativos e Distribuídos (CoopMedia 2003), evento que decorreu a 8 de outubro de 2003 no campus do ISEP, Porto, Portugal.
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