Browsing by Author "Castro, Paula"
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- Biodiversity and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD): tendencies and perspectivesPublication . Leal Filho, Walter; Castro, Paula; Nicolau, Paula Bacelar; Azul, Anabela Marisa; Azeiteiro, UlissesThis introductory paper outlines some of the areas where research and action is needed, so as to allow a more systematic development of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in the Biodiversity Conservation context. Apart from presenting the concepts of ecosystem services and biodiversity, this chapter indicates the main initiatives needed to be developed to incorporate ESD in the curricula as a multiple-perspective approach. Additionally, it is discussed how biodiversity conservation through education action fit within the actual premises and programmes of sustainability as the Convention on Biological Diversity and the 2010 Biodiversity Target or under the scope of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011–2020. Tendencies and perspectives on Education for Biodiversity Conservation in the coming decades is also a subject of debate in the present chapter.
- Cartografia social do território da Malcata: relatório territorializadoPublication . Alves, Fátima; Borges, Júlia; Castro, Paula; Gallo, Edmundo; Paula, Anabela; Vidal, Diogo GuedesO relatório "Cartografia Social do Território da Malcata" apresenta os resultados de um projeto colaborativo entre a Universidade de Coimbra e o Observatório Territórios Sustentáveis e Saudáveis da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), que resultaram de um trabalho participativo assente numa metodologia de cartografia social implementada na região da Serra da Malcata. O objetivo principal foi mapear as percepções sobre as características biofísicas e sócio-culturais e económicas dos territórios em foco, identificar os desafios e as potencialidades desses territórios a partir da perspectiva das comunidades locais, de modo a apoiar a transição ecológica e o desenvolvimento sustentável. As dinâmicas envolveram localidades como Vilar Maior, Sabugal e Malcata, identificando questões como despovoamento, insegurança hídrica e oportunidades no turismo de base comunitária. O estudo conclui com a proposta de estratégias de governança participativa e valorização dos patrimónios locais como ferramentas essenciais para revitalização e sustentabilidade territorial.
- A framework for the implementation of the sustainable development goals in university programmesPublication . Leal Filho, Walter; Frankenberger, Fernanda; Salvia, Amanda Lange; Azeiteiro, Ulisses; Alves, Fátima; Castro, Paula; Will, Markus; Platje, Joost; Lovren, Violeta Orlovic; Brandli, Luciana; Price, Elizabeth; Doni, Federica; Mifsud, Mark; Ávila, Lucas VeigaThere is a perceived need to develop approaches, methods and tools that may help higher education institutions to systematically introduce the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into research and teaching as an intrinsic part of their programs. However, at present, there is a gap in the literature on the suitable means to do so. This paper addresses this gap by examining the many foci and commitments for and about the SDGs that are currently included in university programs. An overview of the SDGs’ focus at universities was presented using a survey to gather qualitative and quantitative data. . Based on current trends and gaps, this paper identifies the need for a framework which may be of assistance in facilitating the inclusion of the SDGs as a whole, and individually targets in particular in the programs of institutions of higher education. The scientific contribution of this paper value lies in the fact that this is one of the first papers to tackle the need for a framework which caters to a more systematic introduction of the SDGs in university programs. The basis for the framework approach, here introduced, includes institutional, thematic, structural and personal/individual aspects which need to be considered for proper implementation of the SDGs at the university level.
- Implementing innovation on environmental sustainability at universities around the worldPublication . Leal Filho, Walter; Emblen-Perry, Kay; Molthan-Hill, Petra; Mifsud, Mark; Verhoef, Leendert; Azeiteiro, Ulisses; Nicolau, Paula Bacelar; Sousa, Luiza Olim de; Castro, Paula; Beynaghi, Ali; Boddy, Jennifer; Salvia, Amanda Lange; Frankenberger, Fernanda; Price, ElizabethInnovation is known to be an important and influential factor in fostering sustainable development. Yet, there is a paucity of literature on the extent to which universities are successfully implementing innovation in this field. This paper addresses this gap, by examining the role of innovation in the field of environmental sustainability in universities, and by reporting on the results of an international study, in which examples of successful experiences and good practice were identified. The paper outlines the lessons learned from such examples, with the aim of motivating other universities to engage in this rapidly‐growing field.
- Small-scale artisanal fisheries and its networks: the case of Arte Xávega in PortugalPublication . Alves, Fátima; Casaleiro, Paula; Valentim, Cristina Sá; Castro, Paula; Pardal, MiguelThis paper examines the management process of the Arte Xávega related to the implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) and the Portuguese artisanal fishing regulation. This study looks at a formal normativity and seeks to discern how it is achieved. The methodology is based on the analysis of European and national legal documents collected until 2017 and mobilises a reticular approach, which directs our gaze at the complex interactions guided by contingency and heterogeneity. It is argued that the local governance of the Arte Xávega is a highly wide-ranging and diverse process and simultaneously a local and global one through which diverse types of appropriations and translations occur. Throughout this interconnected process between different actors and scales as they seek to implement policies, the different actors’ interests are re-represented and re-ordered in the national legislation and norms. Considering this perspective, governance of artisanal fishing is highly contested and unpredictable, shaped by tensions, negotiations, and entangled networks crossing national and transnational scales and perceptions.
- Viver do mar: caracterização socioeconómica das comunidades piscatórias de arte xávega em PortugalPublication . Alves, Fátima; Casaleiro, Paula; Valentim, Cristina Sá; Neto, Jorge; Castro, Paula; Pardal, Miguel ÂngeloEste artigo visa caracterizar a pesca com arte xávega do ponto de vista socioeconómico. A arte xávega é um método artesanal de pesca praticado em Portugal desde o século XV, tendo conseguido sobreviver até aos dias de hoje. A pesquisa foi feita com recurso a um inquérito por questionário aplicado em 2018 a comunidades piscatórias da arte xávega, em praias das regiões norte, centro e sul de Portugal continental. A partir destes dados, identificam-se perfis sociodemográficos e económicos de pescadores para compreender as diferentes lógicas de relações que estas comunidades mantêm com esta pesca e com o mar, em particular os seus recursos marinhos. Constata-se que as práticas com a arte xávega traduzem configurações sociais, económicas, ambientais e culturais diversificadas e plurais, e mobilizam uma comunidade mais ampla e heterogénea do que aquela que lhe é comummente associada, refletindo diferentes lógicas de relação entre pescadores e ambiente.